War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens Chapter 4695: But I don’t know if his surname is Duan?


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In the blink of an eye, the other two people who forced Duan Niantian and the two to hide left, but their words were clearly transmitted to the ears of Duan Niantian and the two of them, making the two of them couldn’t help but look at each other in silence. After a long while, I finally thought about it

The person next to Tian opened his mouth to break the silent atmosphere.

“Niantian, I remember that you said… Including you, all the lives in the Creation Lifepan world were exiled to the world of gods and earth decades ago. How could someone be promoted to Hedao so quickly? ‘?”

The young man next to Duan Niantian asked out of curiosity: “You seem to have said… that the most powerful being in the creation world is a strong man comparable to the ‘Eighth Level of the Dao’, and there is only one ?”

Duan Niantian told his friend about the world of creation, that is, the world of ten thousand worlds, and even the places outside the world.

However, he did not tell the other party about his family situation, nor did he tell the other party that the person recognized as the strongest in the creation world, the one who had entered the eighth level, was none other than Duan Niantian’s father, Duan Lingtian!


Duan Niantian nodded. As far as he knew, in all the worlds, and even the places outside the world, before the creation world changed and the lives in it wandered into the world of gods and earth, his father was indeed the only one who entered the eighth level of the Tao, that is, the ‘Zhi’ Strong eighth level’.

Although his master, Feng Qingyang, entered the seventh level before his father, he was still at the seventh level before they fled to the world of gods.

“Is it the father?”

Duan Niantian’s eyes lit up when he thought of this, and he was extremely excited!

In his opinion, if a strong person from the creation life chart world to the divine earth world has the best chance to enter the ‘Hedao Realm’ in a short time, he is probably his father, followed by It was his master Feng Qingyang.

At this time, the young man next to Duan Niantian continued to speculate: “Niantian, could there be a powerful person you don’t know about hidden in the world of creation and life chart?”

“Otherwise, if someone who entered the eighth level of the Tao a few decades ago was exiled to the world of gods and earth, in such a short period of time, even the most genius monster would have no chance of stepping into the ‘Hedao’!”

“It is possible to be promoted to the ninth level.”

“It is not an easy thing to achieve harmony. There are only dozens of powerful people in the world of gods and earth, but there are hundreds of people who have entered the ninth level of the realm!”

In the world of gods and earth, monks who enter Taoism can be said to travel everywhere.

Even among the most powerful monks who have entered the ninth level, there are still hundreds of people who have not yet reached the point of dying.

For example, Jianglan Divine Kingdom and Kuhai Temple, although there are only three people on the ninth floor of the Dao on the surface, in fact, the ‘ninth floor of the Dao’ who walked out of these two places and still survives in the world. But there are still many. The reason why they did not stay in Jianglan Divine Kingdom and Kuhai Temple was because the powerful Taoists in these two places could not help them in understanding the ‘Ten Thousand Daos’, because the Tao they mastered Get along with those two

The strong do not overlap.

In this case, they often go out, or travel to find the Tao on their own, or invest in some Hedao forces that are helpful to their understanding of the ten thousand ways.

“In other words, it takes ten people to enter the ninth level of the Tao before they can barely reach one Hedao!”

“The remaining ninth level of Dao, none of them could enter the realm of Hedao before being wiped out by time!”

Hearing what the young man said, Duan Niantian couldn’t help but become suspicious.

Is he really not his father and master?

But if it weren’t for them, in all the realms and beyond, could there be a third existence more powerful than them?

He couldn’t figure it out.

However, now, he couldn’t help but feel curious, wanting to know who the powerful man in the Hedao realm was…

“It seems that now I have a chance to take a gamble!”

“Perhaps…this is my only chance to leave here!”

Duan Niantian’s eyes flashed. He was confined to this isolated island and was not allowed to leave. Even the powerful Taoists who were stationed on the island did not dare to offend the Chongshan League member named Guo because of him. Deputy leader.

After all, he is the one named by the other party to be trapped here until he dies of old age.

“Yue Qiang, let’s go back first.”

Duan Niantian greeted his companion and returned to his post. Then when the other party began to monitor the mining slaves at work, he walked towards the location of the two strong men who had just come over. They were two powerful Taoists, but they were only on the first level. They were considered figures in the Chongshan League. One of them was the ‘chief person’ of this isolated island, and the other one was responsible for taking people back and forth to receive the mineral deposits excavated here.


“Master Xue Ping, Master Sheng’an, there is a supervisor named Duan Niantian who wants to see you if there is something urgent.”

Soon, someone came to report to the only two Dao realms on the isolated island.

Duan Niantian is not qualified to meet them directly.

“Duan Niantian?”

Sheng An frowned, “This name sounds familiar…”

Xue Ping on the side smiled and said: “It’s normal for you to feel familiar, because that kid was sent here by Miss Guo decades ago. She bluntly said that he would be trapped here until he died of old age, making him worse off. Die!”

“It’s him! I remembered.”

Sheng An suddenly realized that he had heard about this incident back then, and at the same time he could not understand the choice made by the guy named ‘Duan Niantian’.

Obviously, I can get married to Miss Guo, climb up the high branch of Vice-leader Guo of their powerful alliance, and live on top of others from now on…

But he rejected Miss Guo and could only spend the rest of his life on this isolated island.

“But why did he come to us?”

Sheng An was a little confused.

“Wouldn’t you know if you let him come over?”

Xue Ping smiled.

Soon, the two met Duan Niantian. Xue Ping glanced at each other lightly, “Duan Niantian, I heard that you have something urgent to come to us? Tell me, what is it?”

Hearing the inquiry, Duan Niantian glanced at the other people nearby.

Seeing this, Xue Ping narrowed his eyes slightly. It seemed that Duan Niantian didn’t want anyone else besides himself and Sheng An to hear what he said next. This also made him even more curious, and he repeatedly ordered others around him to retreat. Down.

Soon, only Duan Niantian, Xue Ping and Sheng An were left at the scene.

“Can we talk now?”

Sheng An also looked at Duan Niantian with interest, wondering what the other party wanted to say to them.

“Two adults, before I say anything, I want to ask you two… I heard that a second powerful Hedao man appeared in Jianglan Divine Kingdom recently, but I don’t know if his surname is Duan?”

Duan Niantian took a deep breath and asked while holding his breath, fearing that the other party would say ‘no’.

After all, this is his only chance to escape from here!

Originally, he was thinking of escaping on his own after he was promoted to Taoism… But that would undoubtedly take a long time! Now that he had the chance to leave, he naturally didn’t want to wait any longer.


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