Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 1930: Good luck


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During the chat, Gu Sheng kept investigating the Shura Order.

After a long time, he finally said: “Your experience this time is indeed a bit strange. I have asked many people and they have never had anything similar happen to them.”

“So there is something wrong with the Shura Field?” Ablo looked stern.

“No.” Gu Sheng shook his head, “The Shura Field is the treasure of the starry sky. It has been operating like this since the Tian Shura clan was exterminated. I have never heard of any problems before. It makes no sense for you to be like this. Trouble.”

“What if we are so unlucky?” Ablo looked like he wanted to argue with him.

Lu Ye suddenly remembered the fate dice. When he entered the Netherland Realm to experience the scene, the fate dice had a “bad word” on it. Could it be related to this?

And he still hasn’t figured out why something that he had tied so firmly suddenly fell off.

The exploration is fruitless and the outcome is doomed.

Although it is difficult for Lu Ye and Ablo to accept it, this hard-working experience does only have a few basic rewards, so they can only accept their fate.

Everyone goes back to his home.

After an experience, there is no way to enter other experience scenes in a short period of time. This time will probably take a few days. Lu Ye has nothing to do and is focusing on his own practice.

He was not in a hurry to find Ablo to inquire about Sanhua. There was only a long time to come. We were all familiar with each other now, but we didn’t have much friendship, so it was not easy to inquire rashly.

He planned to find an opportunity to mention this matter to Abloh again in the future. He had a vague feeling that Abloh’s purpose of coming to the Shura field to experience was the same as his own, which was to improve the quality of the source of the law. It is necessary to polish the source of the law to perfection, and then condense the flower of Qi of your own.

He originally planned to practice hard, but the result was not satisfactory.

Yu Yaoruo came over and chatted with him for a while. The girl seemed to have something to do, but she didn’t say anything in detail, so Lu Ye didn’t ask.

After Jade Yaoruo left, Apollo and Gu Sheng inquired about the location of Lu Ye Cave Mansion and visited together.

Lu Ye originally intended to make friends with Abloh, so naturally he would not refuse.

I thought they had something important to do, but unexpectedly they just came to drink with me, leaving Lu Ye quite speechless.

After a banquet that lasted for several days, the three of them sat together and talked loudly, which made Lu Ye gain a lot of knowledge. After all, both Ablo and Gu Sheng came from very good realms. Moreover, the two of them have been polishing the Yueyao Realm for much longer than him, so their experience and experience are naturally incomparable to his.

After a few days, Apollo and Gu Sheng left drunkenly. Lu Ye took a short rest, left the cave, and immediately rose into the sky.

He had to earn more Shura Seals as soon as possible to exchange them for treasures that could improve the quality of the source of magic, so naturally he didn’t want to waste time.

The figure was taller, and at a certain moment, an invisible film suddenly broke through, and immediately the surrounding area became dark.

He concentrated and waited quietly.



After a full stick of incense, Lu Ye suddenly wanted to curse.

Here we go again!

Same situation as last time!

Since he came to this Shura field, including this time, he has entered three training scenes. The first time was normal. After a little darkness, he got information about many training scenes, and then entered In the training scene, something obviously didn’t go right the second time.

The situation this third time was exactly the same as the second time.

I am extremely upset, what on earth is going on? I encountered something that no one else had ever encountered twice in succession. Was it because my flying posture was wrong when I entered the training scene?

Having experienced the last time, Lu Ye knew that this darkness would not last long and would dissipate soon, and then he would appear in the training scene.

So although I was depressed, I still pressed my temper and waited.

However, what surprised him was that the wait was somewhat interminable. A full half day passed without any trace of the darkness surrounding him dissipating, let alone entering the training scene.

He frowned and began to try to walk in the darkness, trying to find a way to leave, but no matter which direction he flew, he was still wrapped in darkness.

If it was just bad luck once, what about the second time?

Lu Ye was almost certain that something was wrong with the Shura Field, and it wasn’t just him who was unlucky.

But Gu Sheng was right. The Shura Field is the most precious treasure in the starry sky. It has been running since the Tian Shura clan was exterminated. Why should there be problems when it comes to his own place?

Is there anything about yourself that is different from others?

While he was meditating like this, Lu Ye suddenly noticed a light coming from a certain direction. He quickly turned his head and looked over there, but the light had disappeared…

After experiencing the initial irritability, he gradually calmed down.

Even if something went wrong in the Shura field, it would not be enough to trap him here, so he was sure that he would definitely get out. It was just a matter of time.

Although he was in absolute darkness, Lu Ye could still clearly judge the passage of time.

After two full days, a light suddenly appeared in front of him. The light was weak, just like a candle, but it still made Lu Ye feel relieved after being trapped for a long time.

What I thought was indeed correct.

Turning his head to look at the candle-like light, it seemed to be spiritual. It was slowly turning in circles in front of Lu Ye. It was a small circle at first and then became larger. Each circle expanded a little further. Wherever it flowed, Leaves a bright mark.

Not long after, an oval

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