Gourmet Food Supplier Chapter 2213: First completed


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After separating the meat, Yuanzhou began to prepare his first dish.

At this time, this Bresse chicken has completed its first transformation, and even the skin of the chicken wings is not damaged at all. Although Yuanzhou has not yet broken through the left-handed swordsmanship, he is pure swordsmanship. who?

Strictly speaking, Yuan Zhou really didn’t want to amaze the audience with his knife skills.

First of all, Juman Li, who has been fighting against Yuanzhou, feels that he must be presbyopia or overuse his eyes.

Just now he had been staring at Yuan Zhou, and he didn’t need to explain why he was staring at it, and then he was dazzled by Yuan Zhou’s one-handed swordsmanship, not to mention his favorite Podlaco, just Not even himself can compare, which is not in line with French science.

Alexandra, Adelaide, and Abby are also skeptical about life. Yuanzhou doesn’t know it. When I swiped it by chance, I thought it was very beautiful, so I couldn’t help staring at it.

This is the home court of Europe after all. Yuanzhou is registered with the top chefs, but ordinary people don’t know him, so most of the audience don’t pay attention to Yuanzhou unless they come here on purpose. This is also related to Europe’s dislike of Chinese cuisine. .

Although there are huge screens on the left and right sides of the arena, as long as the camera scans it, it will be placed on the screen, but Yuan Zhou’s lens is not many.

Of course, the audience sitting next to Zhou Shijie and the others was different. They had good eyes and could see very clearly, and they were immediately followed by fans.

“How did the Chinese chef use the knife just now, it feels like two black shadows, how come it was cut, I didn’t see it?” A beautiful woman with brown curly hair rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

“You didn’t see it, and I didn’t even see it. It seems that the Chinese Kung Fu movie I watched was too fast.” The weak man next to the beautiful woman even exaggeratedly grew his mouth.

“At least in terms of knives, no one can compare to the chef just now. Chef Huaxia has already won.” The brown-haired beauty couldn’t help but said.

Chu Xiao’s eyes and ears naturally heard the commotion here, but his attention was always on Yuan Zhou.

The others didn’t understand French very well, so naturally they didn’t make a sound. In addition, Yuan Zhou’s performance was excellent at the moment, so he didn’t have time to pay attention to others.

This competition is divided into appetizers, main dishes and desserts, but it is not a dish that will be presented when one is done, but will be presented after all of them are done.

After Yuanzhou finished the first dish, he immediately started to prepare the second dish. At this time, the gap gradually widened. Although it was not obvious, it was because most of the eyes did not focus on Yuanzhou. on the state.

Originally, Yuanzhou could be said to be the last one to start, and he did everything by himself, but he was the fastest.

There are only two or three chefs who have already prepared the first appetizer. This is the reason why the appetizers prepared by several chefs are salads so quickly. The appetizers are hot dishes and they have just been cooked.

When Yuanzhou’s second main dish is ready, the gap will be even bigger. At this time, Yuanzhou is the fastest.

Only the last dessert is left. Desserts can actually be said to be appetizers. You don’t have to be rigid about whether the taste must be sweet or salty. There is a lot of room for freedom.

The only constant, of course, is that the ingredients used must be Brass chicken, which is the rule of the competition.


The oil splashed out in the pan. Yuanzhou saw that the pan was starting to smoke, so he put the small round cakes into the pan, and then went through the oil first.

As time passed, Yuan Zhou had become accustomed to cooking in the restaurant by himself, so it was very fast and it was ready in no time.

There is a bell next to each cooktop, as long as the chef is ready to ring the bell.

“Jingle bell, jingle bell”

Just as many audience members were immersed in the superb cooking skills of the chefs and smelled a warm aroma, they were disturbed by a harsh bell.

After searching for the bottom line for a while, he saw Yuanzhou standing straight on the edge of the stove, with plates of delicious food in front of him. It was obviously ready.

Many people still remember that Yuanzhou was slow and leisurely just now. How could it be possible to do it so quickly? It’s unbelievable. , you can see the progress of the other chefs next to you.

There are not a few people whispering in private, only a small number of viewers who have been paying attention to Yuanzhou, staring at the stove with bright eyes, looking like they want to grab some to eat.

As for the direction of the jury’s seat, August and the others were already sitting upright, and the knives, forks, and specially prepared chopsticks had already been set up, just waiting for the charge.

“I’m so sorry for Chef August’s thought.” Podlaco couldn’t help but glared at Yuan Zhou before focusing his attention on his main dish.

Obviously, he also thought that Yuanzhou wanted to compete for the first place, and he was suspected of wanting to be in the limelight.

After waiting for a while, Jack, who is very professional, can be considered to react, and he came over with the microphone. He never expected Yuanzhou to do it so quickly, that is, an hour has passed. Point, this speed is too fast.

In his expectation, it would take almost two hours for someone to do it at the earliest. This is a routine, and Jack knows it, but today someone broke the routine.

“Chef Yuan is already ready?” Jack looked at the exquisite dishes and couldn’t believe what he saw.

“This is too delicate, even more exquisite than French food. It looks like Chinese food, and it’s very fragrant.” Jack muttered in his heart, not delaying the use of his nose.

“It’s done.” Yuan Zhou nodded.

“Then ask Chef Yuan to tell me the name of his dish.” Jack said according to the procedure.

If it weren’t for the standard procedure, I would probably go wrong with Jack’s act of wanting to stuff his eyes into the dishes.

“The white jade is flawless, the phoenix is ​​flying, and the inner world is heaven and earth.” Yuan Zhou said concisely, in Chinese.

Jack returned with his ears, and there was an interpreter in the backstage, so he could sign up his name, but this time the backstage didn’t report his name for a long time.

Fortunately, as an experienced host, Jack reacted instantly and reported the names of these dishes in Chinese: “The specific Chinese meaning will be announced later.”

Actually, according to Yuanzhou’s habit, it is directly called chickpea flower~IndoMTL.com~ and braised chicken and shortbread, but Cheng Zhaomei just came up to say that this is a competition, and the dish must have a nice name.

Yuan Zhou is right when he hears it. As a future chef, he must have a high level of compulsion, otherwise it will not be good if it damages the style. In addition, when Europe is famous, the name must be domineering, so he directly changed the name, completely Didn’t realize it was difficult to translate.

About a few minutes later, Jack received a backstage translation, roughly: perfect jade, flying phoenix, heaven and earth in the heart.

Although the name Jack is a little confused, it smells very good, but unfortunately he can’t eat it. For the first time, he feels that being a host is a hard job.

Jack felt that Yuan Zhou was not very fond of talking. Although he looked very comfortable in front of the camera, it was true that he was not good at words, so he thoughtfully beckoned the waiter and began to walk towards the judges’ table. Food delivered.


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