The Entirety Of Hell Knows That Satan Has A Lover English

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Having grown tired of the sights in Hell, Satan went to the mortal realm one day and encountered a silver-haired beauty taking a stroll.

The beauty’s appearance was stunning, with a slender figure and an otherworldly aura that caused the Devil’s long-dormant heart to stir.

Love at first sight, and infatuation at second sight.

After successfully winning the other party over, the Devil suddenly realized that this silver-haired beauty who called himself “Yahweh” seemed… somewhat familiar?

Wait a minute, isn’t this the God who cast him into Hell?

Deskripsi Novel The Entirety Of Hell Knows That Satan Has A Lover

Associated Names
- 全地狱都知道魔王有情人

The Entirety Of Hell Knows That Satan Has A Lover Table of Contents

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