Superstar Aspirations English

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In his last life, he was a superstar that dominated the entertainment circle. In this life, he is a rebellious second generation wastrel.

Confronting the aunt and uncle who wants to seize the family property and getting rid of those slag friends who only know how to eat and drink…

Rong Xu: To not speak out means to perish in the silence!

From starting out as a third-rate celebrity, he had to rely on his own efforts to rise to the top of the entertainment circle, aspiring to once again sit on the throne!

Their first meeting —

Rong Xu: Hello, I’m Rong Xu. This would be our first time meeting, I would appreciate your guidance.

Qin Cheng: !!! (…Aahhh, He’s so cute! I really want to sleep with him!)

Superstar Aspirations Table of Contents

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