Strongest Martial God English

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When Ye Zhong woke up, he found that everything had changed. Not only was his Spiritual Power gone, his beautiful Master disappeared too.

He himself had become the tr*sh of the noble Ye Clan, a cripple who couldn’t cultivate. Furthermore, he was being coerced into changing his wedding agreement. Countless people were also after his pitiful life.

If he wanted to change his own fate and go against the Heavens, he had to become stronger, strong to the point that he could cover the sky with one hand, and become the Strongest Martial God!

Strongest Martial God Table of Contents

Everything here is translated by machine and edited with glossaries from members

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Latest retranslation at:
2022-08-01 08:20:29
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Top Glossator (Tiāndì Lù) : lit. Heavenly Emperor Road
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