Star Odyssey English

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994.1K Views 15 Reader(s) 5301 Chapters 17 Ch/Week
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Join Lu Yin on an epic journey across the Universe, pursuing the truth and tragedy of his past. This is a world of science fantasy where the older generations step back and allow the young to take charge of affairs. Heart-wrenching separations, terrifying situations, all with comic relief that will leave you coming back for more. This is a world where the other characters actually matter, and are revisited frequently as their own lives unfold. Dotting Lu Yin’s path are monumental feats of kingdom-building and treacherous political situations where he must tread carefully if he wants to get to the truth of his history.

Star Odyssey Table of Contents

Everything here is translated by machine and edited with glossaries from members

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34.5K Monthly | 8.5K Weekly | 664 Daily
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0 times
Latest retranslation at:
2024-03-19 17:08:04
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Top Glossator Treading the Stars
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