Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation English

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Reach the peak of immortal cultivation and become able to run amok without fear!
Use the power of martial arts to rule the world and defeat heroes!

The weather changes at the whim and wave of a palm. He who cultivates both immortal techniques and martial arts, who could possibly defeat him!

Xiao Chen is a shut-in who purchased a ‘Compendium of Cultivation’. Soon after, he crossed over into the Tianwu World, a world ruled by martial arts. He then refined pills, drew talismans, practiced formations, crafted weapons and cultivated the Azure Dragon Martial Soul that had not been seen for thousands of years.

This is a story that tells of an exciting and magnificent legend!

Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation Table of Contents

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2022-07-24 05:18:16
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