Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao Chapter 618: Collection


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Li Sui, dressed in human skin, sits on the moss-covered steps of the principal of the Bai family with his knees together.

She looked at the lard candy in the hands of the child in front of her, her eyes full of curiosity. “Is this delicious?”

This little boy who looks like seven or eight years old wearing a tiger-headed hat and tiger-headed shoes doesn’t know who’s baby in the village. He can’t take his eyes off Li Sui’s delicate face.

After waiting for a while, he seemed to regain his strength, nodded vigorously, took Li Sui’s hand and rushed to his house.

He dragged Li Sui into his own kitchen, followed his mother’s example, picked out a large piece of solidified lard from the oil jar with chopsticks, and threw it into the sugar jar.

Wait for a large piece of lard to roll in it, roll a thick layer of brown sugar, and a piece of lard sugar is ready.

Then the child with the braided pigtail carefully held this piece of lard candy and brought it to Li Sui.

“Is it delicious?” Li Sui opened her mouth and swallowed it in one bite. She tasted it carefully and said, “Well…it’s okay, it tastes like pig, I like pork. “

“But I prefer the kind of fleshy bones with blood, preferably wrapped in white cartilage. Those kind of teeth are delicious to chew on. My second mother and I both like to eat them.”

At this moment, Li Sui suddenly pricked up his ears and listened. “My father called me, it’s time for me to go back. You treat me to sugar, and I’ll treat you to **** meat and bones next time.”

After saying that, the tentacles under Li Sui’s skirt swayed quickly, pushing her towards the Bai family compound.

“Dad, did you just call me?” he asked Tarzan, who was sorting out the turmeric paper.

“Yeah! Let’s go, we’re going to get busy.” Tai Shan Shi stretched out his hand and tugged the eight swords on his back at the same time.

“Where are you going?” Li Sui said as he took off the human skin and head, and put it into the salt bowl beside him.

“That guy named Li Huowang is a big trouble, you need to find him and kill him.”

Tarzan Stone opened his mouth after speaking, and as the dense tentacles retreated into his body, his neck was swollen and thick.

When he walked out of the room, Tai Shanshi saw Bai Lingmiao in front of him. He said to the blindfolded girl: “When you are free, take your people to guard Niuxin Village, so as not to be dragged away from the mountain.” /

“Yes.” Bai Lingmiao nodded heavily.

Tarzan Shi hugged her heavily, turned and walked slowly towards the entrance of the village.

As soon as Taishanshi left, a pair of white shoes appeared at the door. “My Lady.”

“Ah… well, you can go to Shangjing right away, and you will protect that place.”

There is one person on the side of Taishan Stone, the abbot of Zhengde Temple plus two monks and three people, and the Buddha Jade Furnace plus your three subordinates, a total of seven people, that time the encirclement and suppression of Yu Zhenfu happened to be four people.

When all the people who were ready came to the front, the Buddha Jade Furnace said: “If you find this so-called Li Huowang, don’t rush to do it first, and find out the details. Rescue soldiers.”

Tai Shan Shi obviously agrees with the extra cautious words of the Buddha Jade Furnace.

“Don’t talk so much nonsense, let’s find someone first, don’t you have any news about the spy of Tiansi?” Tai Shanshi asked directly.

Si Tianjian Zhengde Temple, and myself, so many people went to surround and suppress each other alone.

Yu Zhenfu felt that no matter where the so-called Li Huowang came from, as long as he was found, the other party would definitely die.

For Yu Zhenfu’s arrogant tone, the Buddha Jade Furnace gave him a dissatisfied look, and said impatiently, “You go to Li County, seventy miles away, where the spies said they couldn’t teach the believers to gather, so go first. Take a look at the leader and see if you can find the whereabouts of Li Huowang.”

It is not too late, everyone rode on the horses of Niuxin Village and rushed towards the county seat.

The galloping horse, the Buddha Jade Furnace rode to the left side of the Taishan Stone.

“Ermei! Is your Taixu sword easy to use?” the Buddha jade stove under the horse asked towards Taishan Stone.

“What? Do you want to take it back?” Taishan Shishi, who was pulling the reins, also turned his head and said, what did he have to say about this man.

“That’s not true. Since you like Taixu Sword so much, if it really goes against that Li Huowang, you can’t be embarrassed to hide behind it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Hehe, it doesn’t make any sense, you can do it if you dare, return the sword to you, I can’t let you hide behind and watch from afar.” The corner of Fo Yulu’s mouth dropped slightly.

The Taishan stone shook the reins heavily, and the horses were immediately close to the horses of the Buddha Jade Stove. “Buddha Jade Furnace, don’t worry about what he wants to do, but don’t forget, you are now a noble person who clings to the imperial power. If he dares to give you yin under such a big event, think about the consequences of doing so.”

Taishan Stone’s words one

Provide you with the fastest update of “Dao Wei Xian” with the pen of the great **** foxtail!

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Out, the Buddha Jade Furnace was as happy as eating a fly, which is actually a shame instead of pride.

Feeling that something was wrong in the atmosphere, the abbot of Zhengde Temple rode a horse and interrupted the two of them.

“Every benefactor, I also hope to focus on the overall situation. I really met Li Huowang, and the poor monk is willing to be the first to go.”

Hearing the advice of the abbot of Zhengde Temple, the Buddha Jade Furnace pulled the reins and left in front of Taishan Stone. “Dare to ask the master’s name? He is also a Buddhist disciple, always called the abbot and abbot, which is a bit of a gift.”

“Poor monk’s name is Zen.”

“I have seen Master Zendu, and the name is Jade.”

Tai Shanshi folded his legs, came to Liu Zongyuan wearing a mask, looked at him and asked, “How is the character of this abbot?”

“Hey, Brother Er, you can just do it. He knows what to do and won’t embarrass you in such a big event.”

Hearing him say he felt a little bit more vigilant in his heart, and traveled with peace of mind.

Seventy miles sounds like a lot, but I rode on a horse and drove on. After a while, Tai Shanshi and others arrived at the gate of the county town.

As Taishan Stone pulled the reins, his horse stood tall and stopped in front of a large pile of iron pots and pottery urns.

Li Sui’s white tentacle flew out with an afterimage, and blew away all the things in front of the horse’s head.

Iron pot, boiling water, and stones flying in the air.

When he saw these cold pebbles, Tarzan immediately grabbed the hilt of his sword.

Apart from the teachings of Daqi, no one is stupid enough to boil a stone soup.

“Be careful, I’m afraid there are scams here, I’ll explore the way first!”

Buddha Jade Furnace looked at the dead county town in front of him, his body shook violently, and several finger-sized golden Buddhas jumped and jumped through the pot forest and towards the county town.

A stick of incense quickly passed. Just when Taishan Stone was about to do it himself, the Buddha Jade Furnace took out a string of red Buddha beads and wrapped it around the tiger’s mouth with both hands. Strange Buddhist scriptures that I don’t understand.

“Prince Vipassi saw that his life was dead, the most intelligent person, there were forty thousand people, he followed Vipassi, became a monk, and practiced the holy life. Go to the Buddha’s place…”

Provide you with the fastest update of “Dao Wei Xian” with the pen of the great **** foxtail!

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