A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu Chapter 5190: Recovery is impossible


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Chapter 5190 Impossible Recovery

Lu Xiyu thought that his performance was not obvious.

How did daddy figure it out?

Lu Boyan smiled and said, “You rarely do this, so it’s obvious. Xi Yu, why do you blame yourself?”

After a while, Lu Xiyu said: “I didn’t take good care of Xiangyi and Niannian.”

So, it’s because of my “mission” when I was young.

When they were four or five years old, they were the only children in the family, and Lu Xiyu was the eldest brother.

Of course, he is always told by adults to take good care of his younger brothers and sisters.

As a child, he had always done well.

Lu Boyan didn’t expect that he had remembered this sentence for so many years. Until now, he still thinks that he has the responsibility to take good care of his younger brothers and sisters.

Or maybe it’s because he has never experienced anything like this.

This was the first time he saw someone close to him injured and falling down.

But all this has nothing to do with him.

“Xi Yu, Niannian was injured this time not because of your negligence.” Lu Boyan paused, “I can only say that Ellie still has some brains.”

Ellie knew that they were suspicious and wanted to use the medicine on Xiangyi as soon as possible.

She also chose an excellent time – on the plane returning to China.

As long as she succeeds, Xiangyi will have almost no way to call for help at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Fortunately, Nian Nian was alert enough and immediately thought of checking Ellie’s case.

Ellie does not have diabetes at all, and Niannian will immediately realize that the insulin Ellie calls is actually her last weapon – a drug developed by a pharmaceutical company.

Ellie also knew that once Nian Nian reacted, she would have no chance of succeeding.

So, she couldn’t wait for the plane to take off, so she hurriedly attacked Xiangyi.

Fortunately, Nian Nian and Xiang Yi reacted quickly enough.

The potion was only half filled, and Nian Nian was sent to the medical center in time.

However, it is inevitable that Nian Nian will be hurt.

“Dad,” Lu Xiyu looked at his father, “How strong must we be to protect the people we love?”

Lu Boyan knows his son very well.

He has long regarded himself as an adult, and it has been a long time since he showed his childish and confused side in front of him.

As a father, he and Su Jianan never wanted him to bear too much.

They wanted him to be as happy as other children.

“Xi Yu, the people you love are actually very strong. They don’t need your 360-degree protection.” Lu Boyan patted his son’s shoulder lightly, “They love you too, so They won’t let you bear the weight of their lives. Xiyu, often, my mother and I would rather you be happy.”

Lu Xiyu looked back on his life of more than 20 years, “I have always been happy.”

“Then it will be happier.” Lu Boyan said pointedly, “For example, let’s go have a relationship or something.”

Lu Xiyu was silent for a while, “Dad, don’t be like them.”

“Huh? Haven’t I always been like them?” Lu Boyan said bluntly, “After all, I am the one who wants you to fall in love the most!”

Lu Xiyu: “…”

It was already past four in the afternoon when the father and son returned to the hospital.

The door to the rescue room is still closed.

The doctor came out once during the process and just told the family not to worry, but didn’t say much.

Xiangyi and Yinuo stayed with Mu Sijue all the time, not daring to leave even half a step.

Seeing his father and brother coming back, Lu Xiangyi stood up. Lu Boyan sat down next to Mu Sijue and said, “The police station has taken care of it.”

“I heard.” A few hours of waiting obviously made Musijue’s uneasiness worse, and his voice was a little hoarse, “Thank you.”

“How can we say thank you between us?”

Lu Boyan looked at the time and then at the emergency room door, frowning slightly.

Over in City A, it’s almost dawn.

Xu Youning and Xin’an will definitely call and ask if Nian Nian and Xiang Yi have landed.

If you knew that Nian Nian was in the emergency room…

I don’t know what will happen to Xin An, but Xu Youning must not be able to bear such a big stimulation.

At this moment, the door to the rescue room opened.

Mu Sijue and Lu Boyan got up almost instantly, while Lu Xiyu and several others had already rushed over.

The doctor took off his mask and said: “We have tried our best to intervene. What we can determine now is that the patient’s physical health will not be affected, but his emotional cognition may be changed. As for the extent of the change, , it will take your family members to observe for a few days to find out.”

Lu Xiyu grasped the key point, “Which aspect of his emotions will be changed?”

“I don’t know if this is good news or bad news for you -” the doctor said, “It won’t be about family ties, it’s most likely about love. If he doesn’t have anyone he likes now, you don’t have to worry about anything. If there is… that person may need to be mentally prepared.”

At this moment, everyone thinks of peace of mind.

This is definitely not good news for Xin An.

Su Yinuo walked up to the doctor and asked, “Can he recover?”

The doctor shook his head regretfully, “Looking at it, it’s impossible.”

In other words, Nian Nian’s feelings for Xin An will be cleared.

Su Yinuo’s face paled slightly, and he began to feel sorry for his sister.

His voice was very soft and he said: “Uncle Mu, let me tell Xin’an about this.”

Mu Sijue sighed softly, “Okay.”

The doctor saw that Musijue was a real family member and motioned to him: “Sir, come with me. I have some detailed information that I need to explain to you.”

Lu Xiyu said: “Uncle Mu, I will go with you.”

Lu Boyan and Lu Xiangyi stayed, waiting for Mu Nian to come out of the rescue room, and also accompanied Su Yinuo.

Lu Xiangyi tentatively called Su Yinuo, “Yinuo?”

“I’m fine.” Su Yinuo frowned slightly, “I’m just thinking about how Xin’an will face all this.”

If Nian Nian forgets his feelings for Xin An, then in the end, only Xin An will bear everything.

The problem is, peace of mind is too small.

She may not know how to face such a thing.

Lu Xiangyi thought for a while and said, “If Nian Nian is fine, I will go back. As promised, I will accompany you and make you feel at ease.”

Peace of mind and a compatible relationship are the best.

She was probably only willing to tell Lu Xiangyi those secret thoughts.

Xiangyi goes back to stay with her, she may feel better.

Su Yinuo nodded.

At this moment, Niannian was pushed out.

He was still receiving infusion, but he was already awake. Apart from his pale face, there was no other abnormality.

His vision was still a little blurry, but he could see the worried expressions on the faces of the people around him, so he smiled at them and said, “I feel like I took a long nap.”

“It’s not that long.” Su Yinuo pretended to be relaxed, “It’s just an afternoon.”

When Mu Nian saw that his father was not around, he asked, “Will I die?”

“What are you talking about?” Lu Boyan’s warm and dry big hand gently touched Niannian’s forehead, “The doctor said that your health has not been affected. You will be discharged after a few days of observation. ”

“But I think you seem worried?” Mu Nian asked again, “And, where is my father?”

“We are worried because you may forget some people.” Lu Xiangyi’s voice was soft and gentle, “But the doctor also said that this result may not occur. We will observe it for a few more days.”

Mu Nian moved and said the names of everyone in the family, “Who did I forget?”

He did not miss the peace of mind.

But people who know him well can tell that when he mentions peace of mind, there is no wave in his tone, just as calm as when he mentions others.

He was not like this before. He used to be very happy when mentioning peace of mind.

Although he has not forgotten his peace of mind, some of his feelings are fading away.

Mu Nian’s eyes went back and forth between them, “What’s wrong with you? Did I really miss someone?”

“No, you remember everyone. So the result the doctor said may not appear.” Su Yinuo knew that Nian Nian needed to rest, and he did not want to forcefully restore Nian Nian’s feelings for Xin’an at this time, “Uncle Mu The doctor asked us to leave. We will accompany you back to the ward.”

Mu Nian’s eyes moved.

There was something else he wanted to ask, it seemed to be something very important, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly forgot them.

Finally, he nodded.

Not long after the group returned to the ward, Mu Sijue and Lu Xiyu also came back.

Lu Xiyu confirmed again from the doctor that apart from changes in emotional cognition, Mu Nian would not have any other problems, and he looked much more relaxed.

Mu Sijue also looked like he was surviving a disaster.

If something happens to Nian Nian, neither he nor Xu Youning know how to deal with it.

He was obviously relieved when he came back and saw that Nian Nian was awake.

“Let’s go out and let Uncle Mu and Niannian be alone for a while.”

Lu Xiangyi turned around three times step by step, and finally closed the door to the ward.

Her cell phone suddenly rang at this moment.

Peace of mind.

Lu Xiyu held Xiangyi’s hand and said, “First tell Xin An that Niannian is injured and you can’t go back for the time being. Don’t say anything else.”

Lu Xiangyi looked at his brother at a loss, “Are you going to keep hiding this from Xin An?”

“Of course not.” Lu Xiyu said, “I just need to find a more suitable time for Yinuo to tell her.”

Lu Xiangyi nodded and answered the phone.

Xin’an’s voice was hurried, “Sister Xiangyi, I saw the news that an accident occurred on a flight from country M to city A, and someone was injured… It seems to be the flight you and Niannian were on?”

“Well, Niannian was a little injured. We are still in the hospital and have not gone back.” Lu Xiangyi said slowly, “It happened to be at night when it happened, so we didn’t tell our family.”

Xin’an no longer cares about time, “How is Niannian now? Is he seriously injured? Where are you, sister Xiangyi? Are you injured?”

“Nian Nian’s injury is minor. The doctor said it’s not serious. I’m fine at all. You don’t have to worry.” In order to cope with it, Lu Xiangyi had to lie, “Don’t worry, Nian Nian hasn’t woken up yet. Call him when he wakes up.”

“Okay, you guys are fine.” There was a rustling movement on Luo Xin’an’s side, “I’ll go to Uncle Mu’s house and tell Aunt Youning, otherwise she will be frightened when she sees the news.”

At this moment, Lu Xiangyi felt extremely distressed and said, “Be careful on the road and wait for news from us.”


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