#178 Martial God Asura Chapter 5830: Bidding for scraps


“Sir, have you ever known about this formation for benefiting future generations?” At this moment, the beautiful elder looked at Chu Feng.

“It’s the first time we meet today.” Chu Feng shook his head.

“Then how do you know that with such a formation, the formation beads can bloom with resonance?” The beautiful elder was really curious.

“The elder said he didn’t know how to prove it, so I observed it carefully.”

“After observation, it is found that normally, after resonating with the formation beads, the formation beads will bloom with the same light.”

“But it may have been too long, and some people have blessed it with various formations, so the formation beads have changed.”

“My formation is just to repair the formation beads.” Chu Feng said.

“Your observation skills are really amazing.”

“Based on your observation ability, I will definitely be very interested in this next auction item.”

The beautiful elder pretended to be mysterious.

And Chu Feng smiled.

He guessed that it was probably his turn to find the fragments of the bamboo slips that Xianhai Shaoyu had longed for.

Then Chu Feng took away the formation for benefiting the younger generation, turned around and walked towards the VIP room.

But when Xiao Yu’er passed by, he still couldn’t help but ask:

“You girl, why did you run out?”

“That guy is so arrogant, I can’t stand it.” Xiao Yu’er said.

“Stop talking, you can’t stand it, you just can’t stand him bullying your sweetheart, right?”

Xianhai Shaoyu whispered.

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Xiao Yu’er glared at Xianhai Shaoyu.

Chu Feng, on the other hand, touched Xiao Yu’er’s head through his cloak.

“Next time this happens, if I don’t call you, don’t come out.”

Chu Feng is actually still worried about Xiao Yuer.

Although I know that this is the home ground of the Xianhai Fish Clan, I still want to change this habit as soon as possible.

We may encounter similar situations in the future. What if there is no one to protect them at that time?

Chu Feng himself can handle it.

But when the little fish comes out, other things may happen.

And Xiao Yu’er also nodded obediently: “Okay, I understand.”

When Chu Feng and the others just returned to the VIP room, new items were already being pushed up on the auction table.

“It’s finally here.”

Although it is still covered with cloth that can block observation, due to its size, it is close to a bamboo slip.

People from all parties can hardly conceal their excitement.

In fact, some of them had received the news a long time ago, and they came today just for the fragment of the bamboo slip.

“I think some adults have already guessed what this is.”

“Then I won’t tell you anything, this thing is a fragment of the bamboo slip of the God.”

“I believe that I don’t need to introduce the Bamboo Slips of the Gods. It is a peerless treasure that is of supreme help to martial practitioners. It is the greatest treasure among treasures and a truly priceless treasure.”

“But some adults may not know much about the fragments of the bamboo slips of the Conferred God.”

“Although the fragments of the Bamboo Slips of the Conferring Gods are related to the Bamboo Slips of the Conferring Gods, they cannot be confused with each other.”

“So please, sir, please wait a moment and let me give a brief introduction to the fragments of the Bamboo Slips of the Gods.”

“This fragment of bamboo slips conferring gods also comes from ancient times.”

“There are two legends about the origin of the fragments of the bamboo slips conferring gods.”

“There is a legend that when various forces compete for the bamboo slips to enshrine gods, when someone loses, they want to die together.”

“The destructive force was mobilized, causing many bamboo slips to confer gods to be damaged, and only a handful of bamboo slips to confer gods were preserved.”

“So the fragments of the Bamboo Slips of the Gods may be intact Bamboo Slips of the Gods.”

“It is also possible that they are ordinary bamboo slips that have lost their divine power.”

“As for whether the divine power is preserved or lost, we can only tell the truth after removing the special layer of material covering the fragments of the bamboo slips.”

“But there is another way to say it.”

“It is said that in ancient times, there was a cunning spiritual master. In order to make money, he invented fragments of bamboo slips to confer gods.”

“The special substance attached to the Bamboo Slips of the Gods was done intentionally.”

“Among the large number of fragments of bamboo slips, he mixed in a small amount of real bamboo slips.”

“As for the others, they are just ordinary bamboo slips.”

“He sold these fragments of bamboo slips for the Conferment of Gods at a price much lower than the bamboo slips for the Conferment of Gods.”

“Although most people can only get ordinary bamboo slips.”

“But because there are indeed people who have obtained the real Bamboo Slips of the Gods.”

“Therefore, these fragments of bamboo slips conferring gods are still selling very well.”

“Even as the number of fragments of bamboo slips of the God of Conferment decreases, the price becomes higher and higher.”

“Of course, no matter which of the two statements is correct.”

“Nowadays, there are very few fragments of bamboo slips dedicated to the gods, which is a fact.”

“Even now, the fragments wrapped in it may be ordinary bamboo slips, but their value is comparable to that of a divine weapon.”

“Today, we, the Warriors Chamber of Commerce, will bid for a fragment of a bamboo slip that enshrines the gods.”

After saying this, the beautiful elder pulled down the curtain.

People finally saw the true appearance of the fragments of the bamboo slips dedicated to the gods.

It was a bamboo slip, but it was covered with dust. The dust was a special substance that had the ability to isolate the power of the barrier.

“Brother Chu Feng.” Xianhai Shaoyu looked at Chu Feng.

“Let me observe it.” Chu Feng immediately began to observe carefully.

At the same time, people from all sides are also observing.

However, it is a generally accepted fact that the fragments of the bamboo slips are difficult to identify.

This is a big gamble. If you are unlucky, you will be unlucky.

If you are lucky and the bamboo slips of the gods are really taken apart, it will naturally be the blessings accumulated by the ancestors for hundreds of lifetimes, and future generations will be blessed.

So someone asked directly without observing, “What’s the starting price?”

“The starting price is 60 million ingots of Chamber of Commerce Yuanbao.” The beautiful elder said.

“What? Sixty million ingots of Chamber of Commerce Yuanbao?”

“Why don’t you grab it? It’s more expensive than a good quality magic weapon.”

Although they were mentally prepared, the price still surprised many people.

After all, this is a fragment of the God’s God, not a Bamboo Slip of the God.

With such a high price, if there are just ordinary bamboo slips inside, wouldn’t it cost you your life?

“My lords, I believe you all know how rare the fragments of the bamboo slips are today.”

“Although there is no guarantee that there must be a Bamboo Slip of the Gods in it, the fragments of the Bamboo Slips of the Gods are genuine.”

“To be honest, our president received this with 80 million chamber of commerce ingots.”

“The current price~Soverse.com~is already a fire sale.” The beautiful elder said.

“Eighty million, is it true?” Everyone questioned.

“Sixty million, I want it.” At this moment, an old man spoke.

The old man who spoke was the one who Xianhai Shaoyu guessed might be the saint-level elder of the Seven Realms Holy Mansion.

But as soon as he finished speaking, someone bid again: “Sixty-five million.”

This is the young man from before, wearing a world spirit robe.

“Seventy million.” The elder of the Seven Realms Holy Mansion spoke again.

“Seventy-five million.” The young man was not to be outdone.

Sixty million is beyond the acceptance range of many people, and seventy-five million makes most people give up.

But both of them are wealthy.

Competing with each other, the price soon rose to 100 million.

It was the elder from the Seven Realms Holy Mansion who shouted out.

“One hundred and one million.” But the young man bid again.

At this time, the elder of the Seven Realms Holy Mansion also fell silent.

In the VIP room where the old man was, there were many figures standing.

They are indeed all from the Seven Realms Holy Palace.

“Who are they? They dare to rob us.”

Seeing that the other party kept raising the price, the elders of the Seven Realms Holy Palace were very unhappy.

“No problem, the fragments are full of unknowns, and 100 million is beyond its value.”

“Anyway, there is a high probability that it cannot be the real Bamboo Slip of the God. If he wants it, let him take it.”

The elder of the Seven Realms Holy Mansion said.

As soon as he said this, the other elders also shut up.

It turns out that this old man is really one of the thirty-six saint-level elders of the Seven Realms Holy Palace, Jie Fengye.

But at this moment, another voice sounded.

“Two hundred million.”

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately! Author’s message:


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