House Dad’s Literary Life Chapter 837: Mr. Li, who was frequently demolished (1/3)


“Students, have you completed the homework assigned by the teacher yesterday?” Li Ruolan did not stand on the podium all the time, but walked in the aisle between the seats, blending in with the children. , Visit the latest chapter: ШШШ.79xs.СоМ.

“Yes!” The children’s responses were still somewhat scattered, but there were several activists who not only answered crisply, but also raised their little hands ‘excitedly’, as if worried that the teacher would not see to her.

For example, Xixi.

There are also children who just nodded, but did not speak, such as Lan Xin…

Li Ruolan didn’t care, she smiled and randomly picked a child beside her: “Wang Leilei, can you show your homework to the teacher and classmates?”

The little boy with a flat head stayed for two seconds, as if he was ‘confused’ why the teacher was looking for him. He was a little nervous. Hua’, muttered: “I did, Mr. Li, I did my homework.”

Li Ruolan was a little frightened by his reaction. When she used to teach senior children, those children didn’t feel wronged because of her own words… and she didn’t say anything serious!

“Ahem, the teacher just wants to see how your homework is doing, not to criticize you, darling, don’t be afraid!” Li Ruolan took it, put her hand on his shoulder, and comforted him gently. .

Li Ruolan has ‘communicated’ with some teachers who have taken the first grade. The advice others give her is to praise and encourage her. The first grade children do not understand many things. If they can often get praise from teachers, they will learn There will be more energy!

So, no matter how well Wang Leilei’s homework is done, Li Ruolan still tries her best to pick the good parts and praise them: “You can see that when Wang Leilei wrote these pinyin, he was very serious in transcribing, and he wrote very well. Neat!”

“My dad wrote this.” Wang Leilei said honestly, his voice getting smaller and smaller, “My dad said I didn’t write well.”

Li Ruolan choked, she didn’t know whether to cry or laugh at the moment.

“Ahem, Wang Leilei told the teacher that these letters were written by his father and did not hide it, which shows that he is very honest. The teacher suggested that everyone applaud Wang Leilei’s honesty and learn from him, okay? ?” Li Ruolan still found a way.

Xixi applauded with her classmates. She applauded while looking at the teacher thoughtfully.

After a round of applause, Li Ruolan smiled and handed the card back to Wang Leilei, and said softly: “It doesn’t matter that Dad wrote these now, but the teacher wants you to learn to write it yourself, just use yesterday’s teacher to teach you. The posture of sitting and holding the pen. Do your best to finish the next homework by yourself, without the help of your father, okay?”

Wang Leilei was finally less nervous, and he nodded vigorously.

After a few classmates, finally, in the eyes of Xixi’s expectation, Li Ruolan walked to Xixi’s side: “Student Yang Xi, can you share your homework with the teacher and classmates?”

Actually, not only is Xixi looking forward to showing her homework, but Li Ruolan is also curious about how well the little girl who is said to be very smart in her class is doing her homework?

Xixi handed over the piece of paper she had been holding in her hand for a long time. When the teacher was looking through it, she couldn’t wait to say to Li Ruolan: “Teacher, I did all of this! My Baba let me I’ve ‘made’ the paper myself, I’ve ‘made’ it badly, and then I’ve ‘made’ it well, and then these are written by me, and these are drawn by me!”

Li Ruolan could see that the gestures of those pinyin letters were relatively immature, and they were not neatly written and crooked. Obviously, they were written by Xixi who had not undergone long-term writing practice.

However, she prefers some small ‘flowers’ on this piece of paper. They are all drawn with pencils. Although the strokes are not round enough and the patterns look jerky, the ‘flowers’ fill the white paper except for the pinyin letters. The blank, cleverly laid out, looks a lot more ‘refined’.

“As expected of a star’s child, he is very artistic! To do an ordinary homework, you must complete it perfectly.” Li Ruolan sighed secretly in her heart.

Xixi also pointed to the edge of the paper and stated enthusiastically: “…I said, I didn’t do it well enough, so I cut this for me, here… these are what I made, other I did everything!”

The original pieces of paper that Xixi made were still not square enough. After eating, Yang Yi helped Xixi cut it with scissors, and trimmed the twelve pieces of paper to the same size, just like playing cards…

“But you did everything else yourself?” Li Ruolan asked in surprise.

Seeing that what she said was answered, Xixi nodded happily and said more enthusiastically: “Yes! Teacher Li, I gave me a ruler, and then I didn’t do it well at first, and I tore the paper to pieces. It doesn’t look good, and then I, I remember Baba…”

Fortunately…Li Ruolan is more patient, after listening to Xixi’s story about how she found a way to cut the paper.

“Very ‘great’!” Li Ruolan smiled and clapped her hands, raised her head, and said to the other students, “Mr. Yang Xi’s homework is almost done by herself, and the teacher thinks that everyone should learn from Xixi. Learn from her hard work and serious attitude when dealing with homework.”

“Student Yang Xi, the teacher asked you, after doing these homework, do you feel that your understanding of these pinyin is more thorough, and your memory of them is more profound?” Li Ruolan stayed with Xixi for a long time. a few minutes.

Xixi first hesitated for a few seconds when she heard this question with a complex combination of words, and then nodded after ‘getting it’ understood.

“That’s right, that’s true!” Li Ruolan stood beside Xixi, nodded with satisfaction, and smiled, “There are many children who may not understand, because when you were in kindergarten, you probably didn’t have homework… …”

However, this time it’s Xixi’s turn to dismantle.

The little girl looked at the teacher in confusion and said, “Yes, teacher, we have homework in our kindergarten!”

Li Ruolan nodded and said, “Well, the teacher said that there are some children, because some children may rarely do homework, and can’t understand why the teacher assigns homework to you every day.”

Do you assign homework every day?

Many children in the class stared in surprise… Xixi was also a little surprised: Do you have homework every day? Wouldn’t it be impossible to play for a while every day?

Even Xixi is a little tangled. She doesn’t like doing homework every day!

How boring!

Li Ruolan continued: “Because after you go to primary school, you will be exposed to a lot of new knowledge in the future. Teachers of different subjects will teach you a lot of courses. After listening to so much knowledge in class, you may know the next day. Forget. So you need to do your homework to consolidate what you have learned in the day, so that the learning will be more effective!”

Including Xixi, many children raised their brows sadly.

They really don’t like homework!


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