Werewolf Killing: Please Start Your Performance English

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This is a real Werewolf Killing novel.

A challenge of logic and deduction, a feast of lies and disguises.

High-quality games, textbook-worthy speeches.

Awakening from a nap, Gu Feng finds himself in a world solely dedicated to Werewolf Killing.

Here, only the gods of logic can survive.

The struggle between light and darkness, the showdown between justice and evil.

The battle of humans and werewolves is about to begin.

Intricate situations, bizarre strategies, a variety of roles.

Charges, hooks, and feints… Werewolves will stop at nothing.

Unraveling the threads, can the good guys pierce through the fog and see through everything?

Close your eyes, it’s nighttime!

Day breaks.

Next, please start your performance.

(Non-Werewolf Killing players, be cautious. Several completed Werewolf Killing novels with guaranteed quality.)

Deskripsi Novel Werewolf Killing: Please Start Your Performance

Associated Names
- 狼人杀:请开始你的表演

Werewolf Killing: Please Start Your Performance Table of Contents

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