The Royal’s Little Lady English

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The Old Madam said that this was Ah Heng’s flesh and blood in the belly, so she couldn’t be careless.

The Madam said to wait till Ah Heng comes back and hear what he says.

The Emperor said: Ah Heng is going to be a father, accept this reward.

Ah Heng was Xiao Heng, but who was Xiao Heng? Xiao Heng was the cold and handsome man who did not have a trace of warmth in his eyes.

Gu Sui’er glanced at Xiao Heng cautiously. She touched her stomach and bowed her head without saying anything.

Xiao Heng’s eyes fell on her stomach. After a long time, he finally said: Let me touch it.

The Royal’s Little Lady Table of Contents

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