The King of The Worlds English

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This is a world where a king is the most powerful.

Being a king make you can travel through the world and choose the strongest people in the sub-worlds as retinues

As long as countries are established in different dimension spaces, they can integrate their resources, land, civilization, and cultivation system into their own king’s world to expand their territories and accelerate the process of civilization.

Qin Yi soon discovered that these dimensions were familiar to him from his previous life.

in Naruto’s world, the integration of ninja civilization, the whole people are ninja. into bleach world, conquer the world, expand the world map let the world evolve into a shinigami civilization.

Is this just finished? No, everything is just beginning!

Dragon Ball, journey to the west, Marvels, Pirates, all the sub-worlds, is the nourishment of the King’s world civilization!

The King of The Worlds Table of Contents

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2022-10-14 02:11:34
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