Stand User in Marvel Universe English

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No, this is Dio!

After crossing, the protagonist is examining his new identity aggressively— Dio Brando, a British and Chinese mixed-race coach ratio!

But wait a minute…

This is the Marvel Universe? How long will it take for Thanos to reach the battlefield?

By the way, I have a cheat!

Star Platinum, The World, Crazy Diamond, Killer Queen, Gold Experience, King Crimson… All for me!

Ding, hello new player, your first Stand has been drawn.

Looking at the ‘Little Tomato’ who was smiling at him, as the only Stand User in the Marvel Universe, Dio was speechless, then lit a cigarette silently, looked up at the ceiling, exhales smoke, it’s just a mystery how life is so harsh!

Stand User in Marvel Universe Table of Contents

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