Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer English

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“Introduce yourself!”

The smile on Aoba’s face slowly converged, and he became extremely serious, which made his face in the shadow of the backlight even more terrifying.

“My name is Yamanaka Aoba, fourteen years old and live in the Anbu dormitory. I work in the Konohagakure Intelligence Division, I have no sense of existence and live an ordinary quiet life every day…”

Aoba transmigrated to the world of Naruto, became an ordinary Yamanaka clan member. Due to his frail body, the clan arranged for him to become Anbu in the Konohagakure Intelligence Division and conduct mind-reading interrogation work.

When he didn’t know how to pass the level, he awakened the Mind Reading System. Not only could he read memory, but he could also get rewards!

Aoba learned from the memories of those who need to be interrogated that the ninja world was far more dangerous than he imagined, so he decided to grow wretchedly in the Konohagakure Intelligence Division and would never waver before becoming invincible ninja world.

This is a story of an ordinary person who lives in the world of Naruto!

Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Table of Contents

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2024-02-26 07:08:02
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