Raid That Scum English

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A Female Lead with a Scumbag Personality: Rong Si

Often walking by the river, she eventually got her shoes wet.

To save her life, she bound herself to a scumbag system.

She embarked on the path of outdoing scumbags in their own game.

Targets include the male lead, male supporting characters, villains, cannon fodder, and any other scumbag entities.

About the Female Lead:

Rong Si is a seductive femme fatale who can play the innocent white lotus and manipulate like a green tea b*tch. Her heart is as hard as iron and she finds excitement in flirting and running away.

“got her shoes wet” means that if you live in a bad environment for a long time, you will inevitably develop bad habits; or if you do dangerous work for a long time, you will inevitably get into trouble.

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