Quick Transmigration: Male God, Shine Bright! English

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After Chu Zheng was inexplicably determined to be dead, the only problem she had was how to spend the money.

Since the binding of her bastard system, there has not been a day when her waist is not sour, her legs are not hurting, or when the special ones are not breathing. She lives every day in the fear of having to spend money.

System: Xiaojie Jie, don’t just enable the invincible mode!

System: Let’s set a small goal first; spend a hundred million!

Chu Zheng: Being a good person and spending money? What kind of nonsense is this? Don’t stop me! I’m going to conquer the world!

A certain male lord: (quickly renamed) My name is the world.

TN: Xiaojie Jie = Young Miss, Big Sis

Quick Transmigration: Male God, Shine Bright! Table of Contents

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