Peerless Martial God English

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Lin Feng was a diligent and hard-working person. He studied hard, did his best to make his family proud, and not get into trouble, but when he saw a girl being taken advantage of, he had to intervene. Being tricked, he was sentenced to 10 years in jail due to being framed for a crime he had never committed, losing everything. Before his life was over, he would first take those who ruined his life with him.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes. Instead of dying, he woke up in the body of a different world’s Lin Fen, alive. This other Lin Feng had been killed as he was tr*sh at cultivation. This world was one where the strong had no regard for human life, killing freely if they had the strength. Called “tr*sh” and thrown away, he will rise to new heights, going against heaven and earth’s will.

“Do not judge others ignorantly within my presence.

Those who think of harming someone should be ready to be harmed.

Those who are open and respectful shall receive my kindness and respect.

Those who plot against me are seeking their own death.

This is true, for I am death… I am Lin Feng.”

Peerless Martial God Table of Contents

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