Made-Up Martial Arts, Have You Really Mastered Them, Disciple? English

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Li Xuan had transmigrated to another world, with no abilities, no perks, and could only temporarily survive in a small mountain village. However, one day, someone mistook him for a reclusive master of martial arts and insisted on becoming his disciple.

As an honest person, Li Xuan didn’t want to deceive anyone and firmly refused. However, the other person offered so much that he had no choice but to make up a set of martial arts techniques to bluff his way through. Surprisingly, the disciple actually succeeded in practicing them!

Staring at his disciple, whose muscles and bones resonated like thunder, and whose qi and blood surged like a raging river, Li Xuan was dumbfounded, “I just made that all up! How come you succeeded in practicing it? What kind of monster are you?”

At this moment, the Golden Finger appeared, “Your disciple’s practice of the techniques you made up is still at beginner level, but you, the master, must have already mastered them to perfection. Your strength is a hundred times greater than those in this world!”

Deskripsi Novel Made-Up Martial Arts, Have You Really Mastered Them, Disciple?

Associated Names
- 瞎编功法,徒儿你真练成了?

Made-Up Martial Arts, Have You Really Mastered Them, Disciple? Table of Contents

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