I Only Want to Farm English

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The future is miserable, the super-cold and unreliable system of the Immortal Buddha is bound, the tasks one more difficult than another, the deception of a luxurious family, otherworldly adventures, the crisis of adventure, and so on-no problem,

Qin Yu: because I have the divine skill of drama on my body.

Jiao Jiao: The problem is that your path of cultivation should not be farming.

Qin Yu: That’s just overkill, and what’s wrong with farming.

Jiao Jiao: Have you ever heard of anyone who became immortal through farming?

Qin Yu: No?

Jiao Jiao: Yes, is Earth God and Earth Goddess

Qin Yu: ……

Deskripsi Novel I Only Want to Farm

Associated Names
- 快穿之我只想种田

I Only Want to Farm Table of Contents

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