I Am Not Really Related English

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As the son of the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, and Uchiha Izuna, Haru suddenly had countless complaints in his heart.

However, it seemed like there wasn’t much of a problem

Because Ninja World’s strongest connections had been born!

The first generation Hokage, who has the title of God Ninja World, is my uncle!

The super boss behind the scenes, Uchiha Madara, is my uncle!

Princess Gangzhi, you have to call me uncle.

Alas, this damn seniority!

As for me, Senju-Uchiha Haru, I could have been a dandy in Konoha, but in the end, I was forced to unify Ninja World. What should I do?

Fortunately, there were golden fingers

Deskripsi Novel I Am Not Really Related

Associated Names
- 我真不是关系户

I Am Not Really Related Table of Contents

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2022-02-28 00:06:04
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