Hilarious Pampered Consort: Lord I Will Wait for Your Divorce English

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“When I tell you to do A, you can’t ignore it and do B,” the Prince said.

“Sure,” she replied. She’ll just do C, then! No biggie.

“If I tell you to go east, you can’t ignore me and go west,” the Prince added.

“Yes,” she nodded. If she can’t go west, north or south works fine too.

“You are NOT allowed to have an affair with other men!” the Prince emphasized.

“Naturally,” she said. Why would she have an affair with others when they could just have it with her?

Qu Tan’er has transmigrated into the body of a noble young lady and forced to marry the ice-cold 8th prince. Her only care in this world is finding a way to get back to her original world, and dealing with all the politics and intrigue surrounding the marriage is just a distraction.

Your Highness, let’s not bother ourselves with this marriage, just hand me the divorce document!

Hilarious Pampered Consort: Lord I Will Wait for Your Divorce Table of Contents

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