High Comprehension Low Strength English

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Taking up his father’s title, protecting Goddesses, an unusual path of cultivation.

Xiao Family’s dandy Young Master Xiao Chen, degraded to tr*sh of the clan, with his father missing and thrown out of the family.

His fiancée became his mistress, and Xiao Chen has became his fiancée personal servant, what was most pitiful was that there weren’t any wages and he still had to pay rent!

However…it doesn’t matter, there is spring for unlucky teenagers…

For whom did he become an amazing cultivator for?

Deskripsi Novel High Comprehension Low Strength

Associated Names
HCLS - 极品修真强少

High Comprehension Low Strength Table of Contents

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2.7K Monthly | 402 Weekly | 20 Daily
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Latest retranslation at:
2022-09-05 16:41:06
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