Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation English

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The Great Yan Empire has enjoyed over 1,300 years of prosperity. However, the emperor is on his deathbed, leaving the prince to assume the throne. As the regional immortal sects take control, the central government falls into chaos.

One day, Xu Yuan wakes up to find himself in a deserted mountain temple on a rainy night. He sees a strange stone Buddha missing one arm and a mysterious woman in black near a flickering fire.

Unbeknownst to him, he is the ultimate boss’s third son, a righteous antagonist with a pure and honorable background.

The false antagonist, who relied on cheats and tricks to gain wealth and status, is waiting to be crushed. But the true antagonist is running away from an avalanche of ice blocks.

The false antagonist has an op-cheat, but the true antagonist confronts the harsh realities of life.

“If heaven refuses to grant me a chance, I shall be a villain for eternity.”

“Papa, save me!”

Deskripsi Novel Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation

Associated Names
- 仙子,请听我解释

Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation Table of Contents

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