Delicate Flower English

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In her previous life, Yu Tang’s family was ruined and she lost her loved ones. So in this life, she only wants to focus on helping her elder cousin rebuild their family business.

Pei Yan (with a cold and scornful look): she does nothing of use; only steals and flirts. Constantly appearing in front of me no matter where I go. Does she covet the position of the Pei family’s patriarchal wife so much?

Yu Tang (silently crying): No, this is a complete misunderstanding! When your family’s fleet of ships sail out to sea, I only wanted to join in and earn a little….

It turns out that what happened in my previous life wasn’t because the fates were tormenting me, but rather, a result of evil calculations and schemes. A tranquil and peaceful life; that’s real happiness. After my rebirth, I will love who I want to love, and safeguard my loved ones’ simple and peaceful happiness.

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