Crazy Farm English

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Lingdao increases the vitality, vigorously strengthens the beans, benefits the brain and opens the brain, and the beautiful melon makes you look good!

The flat peaches will mature in two hundred years? Use energy to ripen it. Try it first.

The environment of Mars has been successfully transformed? Then, the first batch of dragon fruit will be planted.

What dragon fruit? Of course it is the kind of magical fruit tree that can be turned into a dragon!

The growth is good. It is five kilometers high and 800 meters in diameter, so that the mutated Sword and Beetle Army can be renovated to live. A small town with a dog’s tail grass will solve the housing problem of the earth as soon as possible.

…Since I got it “Crazy Farm”, Wang Leshan’s life has undergone earth-shaking changes. Planting immortal grass, raising the beast! This is a crazy story!

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- 疯狂农场主

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