Ultimate Wizard Chapter 564: Rich and wealthy


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That night, Lin Tiancheng stayed in Wang Mengxin’s room.

If it weren’t for Wang Mengxin’s inconvenience, Lin Tiancheng would be a little helpless and would probably break through the last step.

However, even so, Lin Tiancheng also charged several more batteries on Wang Mengxin’s body, and the total battery capacity had reached 17.

The scale is not infinite. Lin Tiancheng charged Wang Mengxin with 10 charges. This result made Lin Tiancheng very satisfied.

The next day, Lin Tiancheng had to go to Tianshi Mansion, and he still needed to make some preparations.

At three o’clock in the morning, Lin Tiancheng found a reason and left the room.

He took a taxi on the street and headed straight to the outskirts of Fengcheng.

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The night is as dark as ink.

Even if Lin Tiancheng is a master of dark power, he still cannot see his fingers.

Standing on a deserted country road, Lin Tiancheng looked up at the sky, “Xiao Qing.”

A powerful long cry came from the night sky, and in a short time, Lin Tiancheng felt a strong wind blowing against his face.

Haidongqing landed firmly on Lin Tiancheng’s shoulder.

Lin Tiancheng let Hai Dongqing fall to the ground and said to Hai Dongqing: “If today’s matter succeeds, you will stay with me. If not, you will go home.”

After saying that, Lin Tiancheng gritted his teeth, touched Hai Dongqing’s body with his palm, and turned on the 360 ​​anti-virus.

“It was detected that there is a lot of garbage in the body. It requires 20 electricity to kill it. Do you want to check it or not…”

The result is no surprise. 360 Antivirus can not only treat Haidongqing’s injuries, but also remove the garbage from Haidongqing’s body.

Without hesitation, Lin Tiancheng spent 10 electricity to help Hai Dongqing clean up half of the garbage.

When the time came to test the results, Lin Tiancheng was also a little nervous.

In order to ensure his own safety, Lin Tiancheng chose the inspection location next to a small reservoir.

As Lin Tiancheng gave the order, Haidongqing fluttered his wings.

In an instant, a strong wind swept up. Lin Tiancheng was caught off guard and was pushed back a step by the strong airflow.

There’s something going on!

Lin Tiancheng stretched out his hands and grabbed Hai Dongqing’s legs. Under Hai Dongqing’s strong pulling force, his body rose smoothly into the air.

“Slow down, slow down, don’t fly too high.” Lin Tiancheng warned nervously.

Haidongqing’s strength increased dramatically. Although he had more than enough strength, his flight was not very smooth at first, which scared Lin Tiancheng into a cold sweat.

After a short period of adaptation, Haidongqing had adapted to his physical strength and began to fly high.

Lin Tiancheng’s eyes were dark, and when he heard the whistling wind in his ears, he felt nervous and excited at the same time.

However, Lin Tiancheng felt that it would be too much for him to hang Hai Dongqing’s legs with his hands for a long time.

After a brief suspension, Lin Tiancheng began to try to ride on Shanghai Dongqing’s back.

Lin Tiancheng is indeed a master of dark energy. After failing more than ten times and getting bruised and bruised, he finally mastered the trick.

Lin Tiancheng firmly grasped Hai Dongqing’s feathers with both hands, like an ape, and carefully squatted on Hai Dongqing’s back.

“Try to be as low as possible, even lower, and don’t touch the ground…” Lin Tiancheng repeatedly told Hai Dongqing.

An hour later, it was getting brighter.

A Haidongqing with a feather spread of more than three meters is soaring high in the sky. Lin Tiancheng stands on Haidongqing’s back, standing with his hands behind his back, his clothes fluttering, looming in the hazy sky, like a fairy .

At this time, Hai Dongqing suddenly let out a long roar and did a perfect cartwheel in the air.


Lin Tiancheng exclaimed, and his heart instantly sank to the bottom.

More than a hundred meters in the air, there is no water below. Don’t be just a master of dark energy. Even a first-generation grandmaster will be devastated if he falls.

While Lin Tiancheng was free falling, Hai Dongqing also folded his wings and dived down at an unparalleled speed.

When Lin Tiancheng was still twenty or thirty meters away from the ground, Hai Dongqing had already come under Lin Tiancheng’s body, spread his wings, and steadily caught Lin Tiancheng, his huge body drew a graceful curve in the air. Arc, soaring into the sky again.


Lin Tiancheng, accompanied by Luo Shaoqing, Ling Yuanshan, Shen Wanshan, Ouyang Pengcheng and other big guys, came up to Longhu Mountain in a mighty manner.

Behind the vehicle of Lin Tiancheng and others, there was also a long convoy of vehicles, including interview vehicles from Jiang’an Provincial Daily, Jiang’an Provincial Commercial Daily, Fengcheng Evening News, Fengcheng TV Station and other media.

The scenic area management committee has also been on standby for a long time. In order to welcome Lin Tiancheng, the giant Buddha, some scenic spots in the scenic area have been closed.

Li Tianshi also changed into a new set of clothes today.

His face was glowing red, and his face seemed to be covered with a layer of holy Buddha light, making him look like a master.

He is in a good mood today. Bai Fengchu has made it clear that he will donate 11 billion yuan to charity. Lin Tiancheng’s visit to Longhu Mountain today has only two consequences, one is to increase the money, and the other is to be punished.

He evaluated Lin Tiancheng’s various strengths and felt that it was very likely that Lin Tiancheng would come to give money today.

“Tianshi, Master Lin has arrived at Longhu Mountain and has brought a lot of media here. Are you going to stop the media people?” A disciple came in to report.

Hearing that Lin Tiancheng brought media people for an interview, Li Tianshi knew that Lin Tiancheng was here to send money, and he would probably be generous.

It’s understandable that if you send me so much money, you can gain a reputation.

Li Tianshi waved his hand magnanimously and said: “No, martial arts practitioners are human beings, and Taoist practitioners are also human beings. Although our Tianshi Mansion has no precedent of being interviewed, it is time to change this rule. Just let the media staff be as streamlined as possible.”

He followed the order and left, thinking that Young Master Lin was really rich and powerful, and he actually made Li Tianshi break the rules.

The motorcade stopped at the gate of Tianshi Mansion.

As soon as Lin Tiancheng got out of the car, media people gathered around him and took various close-ups of Lin Tiancheng.

“This is the helmsman of the famous Tiancheng Group in Jiang’an Province, Mr. Lin Tiancheng. We have received news that Mr. Lin will come to Tianshi Mansion today to donate a huge sum of money and do his best for the development and inheritance of Tianshi Mansion. A piece of your own strength.”

“Mr. Lin, I heard that you will donate a huge sum of money today. Do you have any connection with Tianshi Mansion?”

Lin Tiancheng said: “There is no special origin. It’s just that the heavenly masters of the Tianshi Mansion have taken it as their own duty to subdue demons and demons and uphold justice. I have long admired these reclusive sects, who have breeze on their sleeves and righteous men. I am willing to donate some money to improve the living conditions of the heavenly masters.”

“Mr. Lin, can you reveal the approximate amount of the huge sum of money? I can’t wait.”

Lin Tiancheng smiled and said, “You’ll find out later.”

After speaking, Lin Tiancheng raised his head and looked at the passageway into the Tianshi Mansion. It looked very dilapidated, even a little depressed.

His face immediately became serious and he said to Wang Mengxin beside him: “Sister Xin, write it down and spend 200 million to build this road.”

Everyone’s expression changed when they heard this.

It was just a passage, less than ten meters wide and less than a hundred meters long. Lin Tiancheng opened his mouth and took out two hundred million.

Even building a high-speed rail does not cost so much money!

Even Wang Mengxin looked at Lin Tiancheng with wide eyes, wondering if Lin Tiancheng had made a mistake, “Two hundred million?”

“Two hundred million, I was right.” Lin Tiancheng looked very moved, as if the simple corridor of Tianshi Mansion hurt his heart.



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