Treading Blood to Sky’s End Chapter 727: Phoenix pattern offensive and defensive battle 5


“Yes, all the Feng family in the city are dead, so the Feng Wen work book must not have been brought out. These guys actually sneaked in while I was attacking the city and wanted to steal the Feng Wen work book. Damn it!” ”

Wei Rong was undoubtedly angry, not at all grateful that the other party had opened a tunnel.

Because his thoughts are similar to Feng Hanchen’s. They both believe that every man has the responsibility for major national affairs. How can a human being be able to hide in the wilderness in the face of an alien invasion?

We are going to die, how will you survive?

Nature should cooperate with us early and contribute its own strength to repel the evil insects.

But these people don’t care if they don’t help, they still get benefits secretly, which is simply shameful!

The staff smiled and said: “General, why don’t you use the trick? I think there are definitely more than one or two people who covet the Fengwen Gongshu, and there must be a lot of them hidden secretly. In this case, it is better to make this matter public and let the people who are hiding in the secret The masters are all taking action. As long as they break into the city, wouldn’t it be nice for us to follow them into the city?”

Wei Rong thought it was interesting when he heard it, but then he thought about it and shook his head: “No, these guys won’t take such risks!”

Wei Rong also knows this kind of people very well. Even if you hold a knife to the neck of their loved one, they will still remain indifferent. Even if they are angry, they will turn around and leave. To save themselves, it is also a warning to you, if you dare Attacking his relatives will make you feel uneasy!

This kind of mutual threat often occurs in Rune Continent. In order to obtain powerful rune weapons, many forces force undisciplined but talented rune masters. These rune masters who cannot be restrained often go to extremes. , I will die together with you.

It was only in the past thousand years that such things became less common. Only now, with the advent of the Rune Palace in Beilong, have such things been eradicated.

When a Rune Master encounters unfair treatment, he can just complain to the Rune Palace, and the Rune Palace will do its best to help.

But this is only a few hundred years. There was no Beilong five hundred years ago. Without Beilong, where would the Rune Palace be?

The emergence of Beilong relies on Rune Palace.

They also borrowed the power of rune masters to overthrow the previous dynasty, and established Beilong with the support of countless rune masters.

Today’s Beilong still treats rune masters very favorably. Unfortunately, most of the real rune masters have lived for hundreds of years, or even the guys from the year before last. They have long been disillusioned with the court and other things, and they only have rare things in their eyes. There is no other Rune Gongshu.

Everything happens for a reason. Things that Feng Hanchen cannot understand, Wei Rong and others feel like they are in the clear mirror.

How can a girl in her early twenties compare to experienced veterans?

The staff thought for a while and said: “It’s not impossible. After all, someone broke into the city first. As long as we try to confirm this and let the hidden masters know, they will definitely not be able to sit still.”

“How to confirm?” Wei Rong also knew this method, but it was difficult to work.

What is happening in the city cannot be seen from the outside. People venture into the city just because of their words. Isn’t this a joke? For these people, they will not take action unless they see you taking the tower. .

But if they could capture the tower, what else would they do? Disgusting yourself?

Wei Rong would rather lead his brothers to kill for a few more hours, even if there were more casualties, than ask these people for help.

“It’s impossible for us to spread the word, but it’s possible if we let the army officers discuss it and let them hear about it!” the staff laughed.

“Oh! Tell me.” Wei Rong became interested. It would be great if he could deceive these guys and help him attack the city!

“I heard a strange thing in the Rest Fortress before! There was a country soldier who was extremely skilled. He used an extremely ordinary bone knife to kill several insects in a row, killing them all with one blow, even flying insects. He killed him easily, and the whole process took just one breath. I couldn’t believe it at the time, but after looking at the body, I was sure that the master who sneaked into the underground tunnel was definitely this person! This matter cannot be concealed, and we can find out with a little investigation. Now the military has begun to talk about it. As long as we secretly push the news and let the news spread faster, the secret masters will definitely not be able to sit still!”

“So **** annoying!”

What Wei Rong scolded was not the plan, but these masters!

With such a strong strength, it is understandable not to serve the country, but if you do not fight for mankind, let us such a weak person fight to the death to defend our homeland. You have no ability, but you are just living in the background and living a leisurely life. How angry are you? Not angry?

Now that there is a good opportunity to trick them, how could Wei Rong miss it!

“Execute immediately!” Wei Rong smiled sadly.

The staff took the order and immediately began to implement the plan.

Soon, the news about Zhang Tianliu’s instant killing of evil insects quickly spread among the army. However, he did not say that he was an expert who came to seize the phoenix pattern work book. Instead, he spread it as an ordinary soldier. Firstly, it was to attract people. Secondly, those who covet the phoenix pattern can boost morale and let the soldiers know that they can actually do better. As long as they work hard and fight bravely, they will one day become super powerful and can kill with one strike. ability.

In order to convince people, the corpses of the evil insects killed by Zhang Tianliu were constantly transported and spread.

This is the proof!

Improved evidence that it cannot be faked!

Looking across the entire North County, no one has been able to do this.

Even if you have a stronger weapon, it is impossible to penetrate the hard insect beetle with one blow.

Sword thrusts can indeed break armor, but it is simple to say. The thrust requires not only strength but also precision.

How to keep the blade and arm in line and stab the target straight, this kind of practice can make people crazy.

The human pulse will beat, the hand will shake slightly, the rhythm of breathing, and the weight of the weapon will affect the deviation during the stabbing process. In addition, there are also relationships with the environment and wind speed, which will affect the accuracy of the stabbing. .

As Zhang Tianliu said, ten thousand times a day can be mastered in ten years.

Actually, he missed one less answer!

Not everyone can master it by practicing like this. Some people can’t do it in a lifetime, but some can master it in a very short time. This is undoubtedly a matter of talent. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com But there is also the issue of time. After getting older, the physical condition is naturally not as good as when you were young, so the control of strength will change. The state of each period is slightly different. This needs to be judged based on experience. And experience comes from daily hard work.

In other words, even if you know it and successfully comprehended it, you still have to practice. If you don’t practice for a day, you will become fluent.

This news made many soldiers feel discouraged, but for the new recruits, it was an encouragement. Many people secretly vowed that as long as they survived this war, they would train hard when they returned!

To outsiders, they only treat it as a way to boost morale.

In the eyes of those who covet the Feng Wen Gong Shu, this guy is a peer!

How can there be such a master in the army, and he is still a small soldier!

Who would believe it?

In order to confirm the rumors, some hidden masters went to see the corpse of the evil insect and found that it was indeed a one-hit kill, as the rumors in the army said, and it was definitely not a lie.

Except for the wound on the head, there are no wounds on the beetle. This is perfect proof. Otherwise, the evil insect in the beetle is willing to be caught by humans and drill a hole in the forehead.

However, judging from the damage caused by the insect beetle, it appears that it was either drilled out or stabbed out with lightning speed!

And this person has already entered the tunnel and sneaked into Fengwen City!


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