Treading Blood to Sky’s End Chapter 1435: Confusing operations


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The moment Zhang Hanqing’s hand touched the work armor, the bracelet automatically popped up a virtual screen to show whether the work armor was connected.

Zhang Hanqing was uncontrollably excited, and her fingers trembled when she clicked “Yes”.

After pressing OK, the work armor spread out into pieces of metal and flew to Zhang Hanqing’s body to be spliced ​​together again. After a while, a set of work armor that seemed to be specially made for Zhang Hanqing fit perfectly on her exquisite body.

“I understand, this should be the bug proposed by Wulisanren!” Liu Peichen was also a little excited.

Zhuge Lingyi asked curiously: “Why don’t other monsters drop equipment?”

“I don’t know, but it must be consistent with reality. Maybe it just hasn’t been developed yet. Don’t underestimate this. As far as I know, the world of Kyushu is built on immortal weapon equipment. Due to sudden events, the relationship with the immortals has been canceled. After the plan to cooperate with soldiers, the development of Kyushu World will definitely be delayed. Many details are missing, resulting in monsters not dropping equipment and materials. This armored giant rat should be the masterpiece of Wuli Sanren. His purpose should be to perfect this loophole. As a result, players Failure to do so will result in the team being wiped out and the event unable to proceed…”

While Liu Peichen was explaining, Zhang Hanqing, who was wearing work armor and holding an armor-piercing gun, rushed towards the suburbs like a stream of light. Her first target was not the overlord, the demon king, nor a human, but another battle armor. Giant rat!

“Clever!” Seeing this scene, Liu Peichen and Zhuge Lingyi guessed Zhang Hanqing’s thoughts at the same time.

If she directly wears the armor to fight monsters and gain experience, it is impossible not to be exposed and let others discover the true value of the giant rat in the armor. This will make it more difficult for her to advance to the top ten. After all, she is only one person! No matter how powerful the equipment is, there is a limit. The team’s formation combination is only stronger than machine gun fire, but they are a team and share experience. Zhang Hanqing, who has the equipment, is more efficient at killing monsters than their average.

But if they also get a set of armor, the situation will not be good.

You can do a lot of things with one set of armor, let alone two sets!

If a team gets one set, it can still give it a try.

Because the current team is more or less damaged except for the ten members of Xuanmen. Even if they win with the whole team in armor, they will only have eight or nine people. One or two seats left will definitely belong to Zhang Hanqing. .

It’s not a good situation if both teams have a set of armors!

A team that was having a headache due to the battle armored giant rats, in order to keep their experience and not fall behind, initially sent three people to deal with the armored giant rats, and the remaining seven people continued to kill monsters, but in the end, three of them were killed by the armored giant rats. One and the other escaped to save their lives. If the seven people hadn’t turned around to help the last one, I’m afraid he wouldn’t have survived.

Now eight people work together to deal with the giant rat, causing the ranking to drop slowly.

“Tough luck!” the captain muttered secretly. Under the cover of his teammates, he rushed to the giant rat with his sword in hand. He deflected the armor-piercing gun that was about to be aimed at him with one sword. Then he held the sword in his backhand and struck with a spinning move. The sword light lit up. At this time, others also passed by the giant rat.

“How is that possible?” The captain knew that his attack was completely ineffective without even looking back, because there was only half of the sword left in his hand!

The strength of industrial armor far exceeds the weapons they can make. This kind of thing should not appear in the world of Kyushu, because the current world of Kyushu does not have the same quality materials. If it cannot be made, why would there be industrial armor? The existence of A? This is obviously unreasonable.

The spells are not useless. The three people sent at the beginning were proficient in the spells. As a result, either they couldn’t hit or they couldn’t break the defense.

As for the formations, the previous ones were not enough to kill monsters. Who knew they were so unlucky? There were dozens of teams, but this giant rat picked them!

At this moment, after dodging the attack of a team member, the giant rat also turned around, and the armor-piercing gun was already aimed at the captain’s back.

The captain immediately pulled out a row of afterimages, broke his sword and threw it at the giant rat. At the same time, the man had just jumped behind a wall pillar, and the bullets were already pouring in. In an instant, they penetrated the wall pillar and left several wounds on the captain’s body. A **** hole.

At the same moment, the broken sword also hit the giant rat’s armor-piercing gun, causing the gun body to tilt and the subsequent bullets to miss. However, the seriously injured captain immediately rolled and hid in the building behind the wall.

“It’s so lifelike! Even the pain is exactly the same.” The captain covered the gunshot wound on his chest and abdomen, but couldn’t stop the bleeding.

He opened the mall and remembered that there was a healing potion inside. One bottle cost 100 contributions.

The sound of fighting outside did not affect his operation, and he quickly bought the healing potion. However, when he was about to take it, fierce gunfire suddenly rang out. It was not a gun, but like two machine guns shooting at each other.

The captain was stunned, tilted his head and looked out with half of his face, and couldn’t help but be even more surprised.

“Two giant rats fighting together? No…”

At first reaction, the captain thought it was two giant rats fighting each other, but when he saw the figure of the latecomer clearly, the obvious concave and convex body revealed the identity of the woman inside!

And this woman is very strong!

The same equipment, but completely different fighting styles. The armored giant rat is very fast, but no matter how fast it is, you can still see its moving direction. As for the woman, you can’t see clearly. It seems to be teleporting, very fast in a small area. She flashed and dodged all the giant rat’s bullets, while most of her bullets hit the giant rat, leaving small holes.

After this situation lasted for only six seconds, the armored giant rat obviously slowed down due to injuries. He was shot in the head by the woman and fell to the ground immediately.

“Dead?” The captain drank the potion in one gulp and walked out holding on to the wall.

The rest of the teammates also looked at the armored woman who appeared in the sky with bewildered expressions.

Someone was about to say thank you, but found that the woman rushed to the giant rat’s corpse, grabbed the armor-piercing gun in its hand, fired one shot at a time, and fired wildly at the giant rat’s corpse, until the giant rat’s corpse was wrapped. The rat’s armor was beaten into a sieve, but she didn’t seem to be relieved yet. She raised her foot and kicked hard until the armor was reduced to pieces of metal.

This scene stunned everyone, including thousands of spectators in the venue and in front of the big screen.

The big screen live broadcast just now has been showing how this team fought against the giant rat.

Zhang Hanqing’s appearance was unexpected. Like the seriously injured captain, everyone thought it was another giant rat. However, based on the figure, it was obvious that it was a woman. But what was this woman doing?

Corpse abuse?

Is this necessary?

People who didn’t react were confused, but those who reacted were different.

“She…where did the equipment on her come from?”

“Yes! It looks the same as the armored giant rat. Could it be…”

“Could it be that…”

“Holy shit! Can it still be like this?”

“No, impossible!”

“We’re all wearing it, why is it impossible!”

“That’s right, she is not abusing corpses at all, but destroying the armor can not give others any advantage.”

“Ah, can’t this… be sold?”

As soon as this statement came out, many people were confused!

Obviously, Zhang Hanqing did not have this awareness for the time being. After destroying the second set of armor at Shuyuan, she immediately jumped onto the high building to look for the third armored giant rat.

Soon she discovered the trace and immediately jumped off the roof and ran wildly on the ground.

Because the energy reserve of the industrial armor is not large, it does not have the power to fly for a long time. The same is true for the virtual one. If it is used to fly, the energy of the industrial armor will be exhausted in less than ten minutes.

However, the high-speed movement it provides is very fast. It can sprint at full speed between 250 and 300 kilometers. This is already the third generation. First-time users of the first-generation work armor can only run 50 kilometers. After getting used to it, you can It can reach hundreds of kilometers, and can reach 150 kilometers after becoming proficient.

Zhang Hanqing has never worn it before, nor has she studied in the Hunter Guild, but she is a monk after all and has great control over her body. On the way here, her compatibility with the work armor increased from 30% to 80%. After the battle with the giant rat, it is now 95%.

This kind of fit is physical fit. The work armor does not have the function of neural linking. It was originally used to do rough work, especially in places with dangerous terrain. For this purpose, Lan Zhenyan purchased a lot. Later, after he developed the Xuming Armor, his people still used the Wushan Armor. Firstly, they couldn’t waste it, and secondly, it had better performance, so why not use it.

There are many flaws in the Void Ming Armor.

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