Treading Blood to Sky’s End Chapter 1430: Technology of immunity to divine separation


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The Kyushu world picture displayed on the virtual screen, at this moment, battles are still being staged in the live broadcast picture.

Now is the stage of spiritual separation. Affected by the overlap of space and time confusion in the critical period, it is impossible for consciousness to exist, and it will be absorbed to another space.

But those who enter the Kyushu world spiritually are not affected!

“It shouldn’t be!”

If the Kyushu world could avoid Shenli, it should have been discovered last time.

You can’t block him even if you block the message.

The difference is that there was no Kyushu World last time, only the independent spiritual world of the school district of Xiuzhen Academy. Jiang Tangying’s task is to integrate and build the Kyushu World based on the spiritual world of the school district.

Although it is said to be the world of Kyushu, it is also an independent area. There is currently no interoperability, only joint management.

To create a complete Kyushu world, the preliminary work requires at least scanning the entire Kyushu landscape several times and making slight modifications to create a map. This workload is huge. Jiang Tangying currently has a group of subordinates busy with this matter.

“A, search all information on the spiritual world of the last school district.”

After Zhang Tianliu gave his instructions, the system immediately started operating. Every second, one to three small virtual screens appeared in front of Zhang Tianliu to display the information he needed.

The data is too huge, and if it needs to be displayed at once, it may not be enough to cover the entire mountain with a virtual screen.

However, Zhang Tianliu’s eyesight is terrible, and he can replace a large area with just one glance.

He doesn’t need to read quickly, he just needs to find the key words or the parts he doesn’t understand!

Zhang Tianliu and Lu Ze learned from each other. Lu Ze learned about Kyushu and the Boundless Sea from him. He learned about the Star Alliance from Lu Ze and was already familiar with the Immortal Weapon program. He could think about things he couldn’t understand at first glance. It takes a moment to figure it out, and I haven’t encountered any Covenant code that I don’t understand at all so far.

Until the end of Shenli more than ten minutes later, Zhang Tianliu had not finished searching.

Lu Ze woke up from a daze and suddenly saw small virtual screens all over his eyes. He couldn’t help being shocked and asked: “What are you doing?”

“God left just now.”

“Ah! No wonder, is the impact serious?”

“I don’t have time to care about this. Please check this information for me and compare it with the current Kyushu world code. I think there is a problem. It should have been modified. During the period of the separation of gods, the people in Kyushu world were not affected. ”

Lu Ze also became cautious after hearing this.

He has also studied Boundary, and he knows something about the situation of divine separation. At present, he has no way to crack it. There are people who are immune to it through the spiritual world. This is more exciting to him than a brand new invention.

Both of them are diligent veterans and worked very quickly, but it still took a full three hours.

During these three hours, there was a bit of commotion in Kyushu due to Shenli.

In the command room of the ancient capital, Li Shanxian and Hong Fu were the first to react. They immediately issued a notice to inspect all cities to prevent the zombies from harming people.

Although the metal talisman for soul protection that Zhang Tianliu is currently researching has been completed, unfortunately, due to equipment problems, mass production is not yet possible. It can only be provided to important people, and ordinary residents can only resign themselves to their fate.

After receiving the news, each city also started work as soon as possible, and many monks from other worlds were dispatched.

“Found it.”

It was not Zhang Tianliu who found the problem first, but Lu Ze.

Zhang Tianliu glanced at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze pulled both hands, and a small virtual screen quickly grew in size. He pointed at a large piece of code inside and said: “There is something wrong with this place. It looks like it is just a translation code. In fact, it should be generated after connecting to some kind of instrument. , this code is to convert the function program of the independent device to use, see if it is right. ”

Hiding it with a translation code was not a clever method, but it happened to restrain Zhang Tianliu.

But it was only a matter of time. Even without Lu Ze’s help, Zhang Tianliu would naturally investigate one by one if he still couldn’t find any problems after repeated observations.

The program of Jiuzhou World has many translation codes. The purpose of these translation codes is to solve the problem of language barrier. Only with the translation codes can Jiuzhou technicians add or modify the codes of Jiuzhou World through computer programming.

The current translation is not absolute, and there are still many details that need to be overcome one by one. However, Luze has already come up with a better one and will just sell it to Lan Zhenyan later.

“This translation code is very special. It is not provided by Immortal Soldiers. It is similar to mine, but definitely not. It should be a translation code written by myself using Star Alliance technology. You can try to hack it.”

No need for Lu Ze to remind him, Zhang Tianliu had already tried, but the answer he received was that access was denied.

“It’s really shocking that it can actually block your system!” Lu Ze said in surprise.

“It’s not surprising. Unless I use a self-made Trojan, my system intrusion method is no different from a hacker intrusion. It is just automated and fast in calculation, equivalent to the work efficiency of hundreds to tens of thousands of top hackers.”

Zhang Tianliu rarely told Lu Ze about his system, so Lu Ze didn’t understand this.

Now that I understand it, I am not surprised. No matter how powerful the system is, there are times when it is difficult for a clever woman to make a plan without rice.

In Lu Ze’s view, Jiuzhou’s network equipment cannot be said to be primitive, but rather backward.

Under such conditions, Zhang Tianliu’s system cannot be fully used and can only invade other people’s systems through conversion, like a hacker invasion.

It would be another matter if he could plant a Trojan horse himself. That would be a powerful existence that could even play with the most advanced system of the Star Alliance.

Of course, the reason for such wanton behavior is not his personal ability, but the server.

If the server was built by Dongsuyi, it would naturally be able to invade the Star Alliance system.

All systems popular in the Star Alliance today use rune codes. Rune codes are different from runes. Runes that can communicate between heaven and earth are not used in servers.

The rune codes that can be used in the server cannot communicate with the world and play an effective role. To say that the two are incompatible with each other is not completely different. At least they have the same meaning. It is like Chinese characters. You use them to write ancient poems. I For writing papers, as long as you know the meaning of the runes, you can understand it more or less by looking at Shuyuan

Most people can’t write poetry, but they can read it.

Many people can write papers, but cannot read all papers.

I have survived nine years of compulsory education. Isn’t it just words? Who doesn’t understand? But what do they mean when put together? Sometimes it’s really confusing.

“Do you want to continue the investigation?” Lu Ze asked.

“I must check… No, I won’t check.”

Zhang Tianliu suddenly changed his tune, leaving Lu Ze stunned.

“Why don’t you check such an important thing?”

“Is it important to check? I don’t know the other party’s purpose at present, but the effect is good. If this technology can be extended, everyone will have their own rights in the face of the longer and longer God’s departure period. I don’t care until he uses this technology to harm the country and the people.”

Lu Ze nodded and smiled: “It was the same with Mr. Suyi back then. He wouldn’t ask anyone to get a lot of the technologies he was interested in or even wanted to get, but would just quietly pay attention to the development of a certain technology. , will secretly sigh when encountering obsolete technology. ”

Zhang Tianliu lit a cigarette and smiled and said: “Without the desire for the unknown and knowledge, there is no progress. I don’t like to think too badly of people now. The starting point for this matter is good, just wait for good news. ”

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