Treading Blood to Sky’s End Chapter 1338: Remote guidance


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Fear is human nature, even if a monk with spiritual eyes is here, he will run away the moment he sees it.

In the eyes of the monk, when the corpse just opened its mouth, small grimaces appeared in its mouth. They were crowded and trying to get out. There were also claws of humans or animals near the mouth of the corpse. They desperately stretched the mouth of the corpse, tearing it to the base of the ears. After a while, the first wave of little ghosts spread out like tadpoles breaking out of their nests and rushing into the river. With the sound of ghosts crying and howling, they rushed towards Tang Jingcheng. , wanting to squeeze into his body and bite his soul.

Zhang Tianliu also had this kind of treatment back then. If it weren’t for the Pure Spirit Fruit that Linglong gave him, he would have died.

Seeing that Tang Jingcheng could not hold on any longer, at this moment, an invisible giant hammer seemed to fall from the sky. With one hammer, the corpse was smashed into mud, and even the 30 square meters of ground around it was sunk half a meter deep. .

It was Yang Zao who took action.

It’s a pity that even she can’t do anything about it.

Because the members of the special investigation team had seen this scene before, but before they had time to cheer, they saw the current scene. The meat paste was like the liquid robot in the movie, re-united.

It feels like déjà vu!

But everyone knew that this attack was not to destroy the monster, but to rescue Tang Jingcheng.

At the moment Yang Zao took action, four members of the special investigation team rushed over and pulled Tang Jingcheng, who was still shaking, to a safe area.

During this process, their bodies were suddenly hot and cold for some unknown reason, and they seemed to be bitten by thousands of insects and ants, accompanied by tearing pain. Two team members who could not bear it fell to the ground on the spot and did not know whether they were alive or dead. The two gritted their teeth and persisted for more than ten steps before falling down.

Zhang Tianliu’s teasing sounded at an inappropriate time: “Hey, gourd boy save grandpa!”

Yang Zao said angrily: “You are still talking nonsense, how can we solve it?”

“Didn’t I say it before?” Zhang Tianliu said depressedly.

“You said it?” Yang Zao was stunned, and then quickly thought of the weaknesses that Zhang Tianliu mentioned when he talked about the Void Mud Beast!

“Salt!” Yang Zao asked with a frown.

“Well, I know you don’t need it yet.” Zhang Tianliu said angrily.

“But…I didn’t bring it with me!” How did Yang Zao know that she was facing a nightmare corpse.

It’s not that Zhang Tianliu didn’t say anything, but that he said too much. Even though it was recorded by Yang Han, Yang Zao didn’t have the ability to have a photographic memory and ignored many details. As a result, he didn’t immediately think of who this person was. Nightmare corpse!

Also, this nightmare corpse is too intact. It is different from the walking corpse described by Zhang Tianliu. It looked like an ordinary person before. If it hadn’t suddenly bit passers-by, they would have mistakenly thought it was a stranger because its ability was similar to that of a stranger. Tang Jingcheng looks so much like him.

“Can fire attack work?” As Yang Zao spoke, he fired a gun finger, but it was different from her previous gun fingers. It was not even the one she had used in Boundless Sea!

This gun shot actually fired a small black ball. When it hit the corpse, the black ball was like a black hole, forming a vortex-like twist, but it could not swallow the corpse like a real black hole. Instead, the body of the corpse was twisted into a ball of flesh!

When the gravity dissipated, the meat ball began to expand as soon as it hit the ground, grew arms and legs, and returned to its original shape in the blink of an eye.

“Okay, it’s not in vain to be studied, the centripetal force has been developed.” Zhang Tianliu praised.

“You haven’t answered me yet.” Yang Zao’s face turned even paler after finishing the shot.

“Look at what kind of fire it is. Ordinary fire can only destroy corpses. The ghosts will still be alive to find their bodies. I need something like the real fire of Samadhi that can burn the soul. I know you don’t have it. You can just burn it. But all living things must be brought into the workshop, including living things, not just people, but also corpses…”

While Zhang Tianliu was talking, Yang Zao had already taken action.

Among the equipment they brought was a flamethrower, but the people who used it were ordinary team members and could not get close to the corpse.

Yang Zao immediately asked him to take off the musket and carry it on his back. After calming down, he rushed towards the corpse with the musket equipment as light as a swallow. When the musket was opened, the flames immediately burst into flames.

“Forgot to say, turn off the fire protection system first!”

Zhang Tianliu’s reminder was a step too late!

The gunfire didn’t last long, it only scorched the skin of the corpse, and the shower head sprayed down!

Yang Zao still persisted, and the other team members also realized the situation. Immediately, a team leader pointed at a water pipe: “Shoot it off!”

More than a dozen people immediately picked up machine guns and fired wildly at the water pipes. After a while, the water pipes burst, and the shower head above the corpse immediately changed from small to non-existent.

The nightmare corpse let out a horrifying scream, and stabbed Yang Zao with fleshy thorns on its body.

Yang Zaoru was walking in space. Although his body was light and airy, he was not moving very slowly. While avoiding the flesh thorns, he was also instructing the team members to take the unconscious person out and check whether there were any animal carcasses left behind. Not even a mosquito could Leave.

Fortunately, this is a dust-free workshop. There are really no other animals except people. Moreover, it is the severe winter season. Even if the insects die in it, the corpses will be dried until only a layer of skin is left.

But when everyone was relieving the unconscious companion, his body felt strange, cold, tingling, and accompanied by dizziness.

“They were bitten by ghosts. The weather is nice tomorrow. It doesn’t matter if you break the window. A window can’t stop the ghosts. Let the sun shine in as much as possible and trap the ghosts in the corner of the workshop. People try their best to Stand in a sunny place.” Zhang Tianliu reminded.

Yang Zao didn’t give any instructions. She turned on the speakerphone early, letting Zhang Tianliu’s voice echo in the workshop.

With his reminder, everyone smashed the windows and dragged people around. After a while, the ghostly crying and howling that echoed in the workshop gradually became quieter.

Two minutes later, everyone finally took the unconscious companion out of the workshop.

“It will waste a lot of time if you burn it like this. Let them find some gasoline, combustion aids, etc.”

When the team members heard this, some people immediately ran to the parked vehicles outside, while others found some paper shells and threw them over. Although they failed to hit the corpse, Yang Zao grabbed it and threw it on the corpse.

The gasoline came soon, in an ordinary medium-sized plastic barrel, only half filled.

When the bucket-carrying team member was still hesitating whether to go directly to pour water or give it to Captain Yang first, someone took the bucket from his hand. He turned around in confusion and was surprised: “Captain Tang, you’re awake! ”

“Well, it feels better after some sunshine.” As Tang Jingcheng spoke, he found the right opportunity and rushed into the workshop with a bucket.

Swish swish.

In an instant, more than a dozen charred flesh thorns were shot at Tang Jingcheng.

Tang Jingcheng bent down and dodged a few thorns, then glided in a lunge and dodged a few more times. When the next wave of flesh thorn attacks came, Tang Jingcheng was already hiding behind an assembly line.

The Nightmare Corpse lost its target and concentrated its attack on Yang Zao again.

As soon as his target changed, Tang Jingcheng rushed out with the bucket, bursting out at an unprecedented speed, and jumped directly into the raging fire with two strides. Half a bucket of gasoline was directly hit on the corpse’s head, and even he himself was splashed. Quite a few, and because he stepped on the gasoline splashed on the ground, he stumbled and rolled out.

Everything happened in an instant. The two firemen passed by each other, and the fire caused by the gasoline forced Yang Zao to not dare to get close. However, she still did not leave. She went around to the direction with less flames and stayed still in the same place. The nightmare corpse pulled the gun.

And Tang Jingcheng, whose whole body was burning with flames, rolled down to the corner like a fireball. Without a moment’s hesitation, he turned over and broke out of the window.

Seeing this, a team member immediately greeted: “Quick, you guys go out and help Lao Tang put out the fire!”

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the corpse finally let out a last shrill scream, and the squirming blackened flesh turned into ashes unwillingly.

Although the corpse was dead, the ghostly cries and howls in the workshop did not stop. Instead, it became even more shrill. It sounded like hundreds or even thousands of ghosts roaring, which frightened the members of the special investigation team standing outside.

It doesn’t matter if you block your ears, it’s like an explosion in your head, a buzzing sound.

At this time, Zhang Tianliu’s voice came out again: “It’s almost two-thirty now. You still have three hours to find the monks who can destroy the ghosts. I recommend Professor Miao Yuchun from the Cultivation Academy. His thunder method is the nemesis of these guys. .”

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click “Collect” below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1338 Remote Guidance), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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