Treading Blood to Sky’s End Chapter 1199: You trick me


It was already too late for Yin Runan to escape. A large piece of thick black hair emerged from the ground. Even though Yin Runan had super powers, her feet were still entangled.

The next moment, Yin Runan was pulled into the ground.

Tang Jingcheng’s expression changed, and when he turned around, a layer of black hair blocked his way like a wall, followed by the left and right sides, and finally even his retreat was blocked by black hair.

At this moment, a call for help came from outside: “Team Tang, we are here to rescue you.”

“Save Yin Runan first, he was pulled into the ground.”

“Don’t worry, we have someone to rescue him.”

Then the black hair started to burn, and a group of special police officers in fireproof suits rushed in with muskets.

“Give me the musket.” Tang Jingcheng grabbed the musket from a special police officer’s mobile phone and ran towards the long-haired weirdo with the gas tank in hand.

But at this moment, the strange man sank and dived into the ground.

Tang Jingcheng still refused to give up, and stretched his gun into the hole to spray flames.

The rising and overflowing flames burned his body, and his arms were already blackened. He still endured the pain and burned out the gas tank before stopping.

“Lao Tang…” The SWAT captain looked at Tang Jingcheng and felt uncomfortable.

“It’s my fault! I brought everyone here without investigating clearly.” Tang Jingcheng blamed himself.

“If you are all wrong, we will not be right! I know you don’t feel comfortable, so how can we feel comfortable! But if we don’t step forward, the lives of the soldiers will be worthless. This time we save The two hundred men were worth it. The real responsibility lies with me. It was my improper command. If I had deployed muskets from the beginning, I wouldn’t have sacrificed more than twenty good special police officers!”

No one expected that the several missions had always been smooth sailing, and they thought that this time it would be nothing more than that. How could they have expected that such a large number of casualties would be caused.

It was careless after all!

It is better that the two strangers are not damaged, otherwise the loss will be immeasurable.

The weirdo has not been caught. I don’t know where he will appear next time, and I don’t know how many people he will kill!

Back in Mingshi, everyone was silent.

When Xiang Qi heard the news, he immediately ignored the progress of the rune research and rushed over to comfort everyone.

Yang Zao came back after an hour, and his face became a little gloomy after learning about this.

It can also be said to be disappointing!

With Tang Jingcheng’s ability, this kind of thing will almost never happen. There is only one possibility for it to happen, the old tactic!

“From now on, the stranger must test out the opponent’s abilities first, and the special police can arrange tactics later.” Yang Zao’s cold voice ignited the look in everyone’s eyes.

“Captain Yang is right. I will be the first to go up. If I don’t call for support, no one will be able to go up.” Tang Jingcheng expressed his stance first.

Yin Runan has been sent to the doctor, but even now she can’t refute Tang Jingcheng.

“The current research is too safe, I plan to change the method.” Yang Zao said, suddenly took out his mobile phone and gave Zhang Tianliu a call.

“What?” Zhang Tianliu asked reluctantly.

“There are two people around me, you must have seen them. I need ways to develop their abilities, and the money will be returned to you.”

These words made everyone stunned for a moment. Who are you calling? Also capable of development, is there anyone more professional than them?

Xiang Qi seemed to recognize who it was, and everyone quickly shut up.

“Okay, for the one with self-healing ability, you arrange a few strong punchers, preferably top ones, to spar with him, from one-on-one to one-on-two, then to one-on-three and so on. Only when he has mastered the skills under his hands can he have room to improve his physique. On the other hand, his ability is to be one step ahead. In fact, it is the world in one second, so he can detect everyone’s moves in advance. His ability development line is very wide. He can alert his teammates by cleaning up, and he can also make sneak attacks as an assassin. Only by increasing his speed can he have the opportunity to perform a one-second kill at a longer distance.”

“Is that all?” Yang Zao obviously felt at a loss.

Especially Tang Jingcheng. They have previously studied that Tang Jingcheng has extremely strong recovery ability. This ability must be extremely terrifying if he can hold modern weapons. Why practice martial arts?

“Martial arts training can enhance his physique. Only with a strong physique can his regeneration ability be improved, his strength and agility will be stronger in all aspects, and he will soon be far superior to ordinary people. But what use are you equipping him with all the messy equipment? ? That can deal with ordinary people, can it deal with…”

Yang Zao disconnected the phone directly.

“I will deal with whatever happens during this period, and you go practice.”

“Practice? What to practice?”

“As usual, starting from Sanda, Team Leader Xiang will find a few masters to spar with him. If one of them can’t beat him, he will join them together. You can use weapons.”


“I’m fine.”

Tang Jingcheng expressed his opinion, Xiang Qi had no choice but to say: “Okay, I will arrange it immediately.”

Yang Zao was about to go out when the phone rang suddenly. She answered it without looking.

“No need to talk about money, I will give it to you if it works.”

“I still can’t trust Captain Yang. I just suddenly remembered something and forgot to tell you. If the corpse you took has not been burned, you can find the murderer based on the tattoos on it.”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Yang Zao scolded angrily and hurried to the morgue.

Fortunately the body is still there.

“Captain Yang, what are you doing?”

“Nothing, let’s check.” Yang Zao said and said to the phone: “How to track it?”

“You have to pay more!”


“Don’t think of me as someone who is blind to money. The losses in my store are not small, so…”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

“Captain Yang is so cheerful. In addition to the previous guidance, I will give you a discount of 200,000. If you can still visit the store, let me appreciate Captain Yang’s heroic appearance again, free of charge.”

“I will remit the money to you later. Can you talk now?”

“No, I told you I’m not a money-minded person, but I don’t mean to be aggressive. I just want to see you.”

What does it mean?

It is impossible to say that Yang Zao is not confused!

What on earth does Zhang Tianliu want to do?

“As long as you come, I can return 500 million. I actually don’t care about money and have no interest in money. I am very interested in you…”

“Don’t mess around. Find Shuyuan” Yang Zao said in a deep voice.

Zhang Tianliu was so happy that he put his feet up on the counter, lit a cigarette and asked softly: “What do you want from me?”

Yang Zao was almost nauseated and said impatiently: “Will you tell me or not?”

“Say, of course, look at the tattoos on the back of the corpse. Is there a spiral pattern? Yes, that’s it. If the corpse has been frozen, you only need a sharp iron tool like a nail or needle to drive into the center of the spiral. Two inches deep, then pull out the needle to see if it is black. If it is black, it can be used as a compass to find the murderer. If it is not black, you need to open the knife as if it is not frozen, cut from the side, and take out a black blood droplet two inches below the skin. , remember, cannot be destroyed.”

After hearing the last sentence, Yang Zao frowned.

She pulled out the needle that had just been inserted into the body, frowned and said, “You tricked me!”

Zhang Tianliu on the other end of the phone pretended to be surprised and said: “It’s not my fault. It’s because you didn’t listen to the end. It has nothing to do with me!”

High-speed text typing to travel to the end of the world chapter list


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