The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8578: I only know one knife

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“No way?”

After hearing Jiang Yun’s words, in order to avoid being ignited by Jiang Yun’s emotional fire again, Dao Dui’s expression remained unchanged, but a hint of surprise arose in his heart.

Because, he could clearly feel that there was no longer any Dao in the Daoxing Domain.


There is a great road, but it only belongs to Jiang Yun, not to Dao Dui!

In other words, the power of the great avenue in the Daoxing domain has nothing to do with Daodui.

Situ Jing once vividly explained to Jiang Yun the meaning of being a transcendent strong man in different realms.

The entrance is the first realm of transcendence, which means entry. It means that the monk has just stepped into the door of transcendence, and he and the laws of the great road in the area have become equal existences.

People are in harmony with the Tao, and people are at peace with the Dharma!

First glimpse, the second realm of transcendence. After a monk enters the realm of transcendence for a certain period of time, he first glimpses the path to transcendence.

At this time, the monk can let his own practice of the Great Laws override the Great Laws of a certain area.

People are on the road, and the law is under people!

Entering the hall, transcending the third realm, refers to entering the hall in the realm of transcendence.

At this time, the great law practiced by the monks is no longer overriding in a certain area, but is the king!

Even, there is no distinction between the law of the great road inside the tripod and the law of the great road outside the tripod.

As a Dao Dui in this realm, when he enters the Dao Xing Domain, as long as no one is stronger than him, it stands to reason that his Water Dao will be the king of the Dao Xing Domain.

Even if he has to suppress his cultivation to the First Peeping Realm, as long as his water path appears, the other paths in the cauldron will obey obediently.

Therefore, Jiang Yun was extremely surprised when he was able to use the Avenue of Fire to suppress his Avenue of Water.

Now, Jiang Yun has turned the Daoxing Domain into a state of no Dao, and Dao Dui can no longer detect all the Dao.

In this way, Dao Dui could only use the power in his own body to deal with Jiang Yun.

Although he was not afraid without the power of the Great Dao within the cauldron, Jiang Yun’s approach made him think of one word – will!

Will refers to the spirit, but outside the tripod, will has another meaning.

The supreme, or the master!

Baji, within their territory, their will dominates everything.

Even if there are beings stronger than Baji, or other Qiji go to Yiji’s territory, they cannot compete with the other party’s will.

At this moment, Jiang Yun gave Dao Dui the feeling that he dominated the Dao Xing domain with his will, so he could make this domain without Dao.


In the Daoxing Domain, the blazing flames surged again and turned into Jiang Yun’s figure.

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and made a casual move. The surrounding flames disappeared into his hand, condensed into a flaming sword, and slashed towards Dao Dui.

With a single stroke of the knife, someone as powerful as Dao Dui could feel a hot and sharp edge.

Obviously, Jiang Yun at this moment is much stronger than before.

Jiang Yun had been multi-tasking before, and it was impossible for him to really give Dao Dui a try.

Although the light group from outside the cauldron caused him severe damage, it also helped him remove other obstacles, allowing him to deal with Dao Dui wholeheartedly.

As for the situation inside the tripod, Jiang Yun knows better than Dao Dui.

Therefore, he just wants to quickly deal with Dao Dui so that he can kill other monks outside the tripod.

Facing Jiang Yun’s flaming sword, Dao Dui said coldly: “Even if there is no Dao in this domain, I can still kill you!”


Dao Dui shouted violently, stretched out his hand to make a seal, and saw his body, as if exploding, turned into a jet of black water.

After this water flow appeared, it immediately surged, forming a bottomless dark abyss.

The abyss is filled with black water in all directions. It is like a big mouth that can swallow everything, and it seems to hide endless foreign objects, attracting everything.

The flames burning in the Daoxing Domain formed fire dragons one after another the moment the abyss appeared, rushing directly into it.

Once the fire dragon enters, it will be extinguished immediately and disappear silently.

Jiang Yun even noticed strong suction forces, pulling himself and the flaming knife to the edge of the abyss.

Standing in this position, the suction force became even stronger, and Jiang Yun could hardly hold the flaming knife.

If he didn’t let go, Jiang Yun knew very well that he would sink into the abyss along with the knife.

Just when Dao Dui thought Jiang Yun was definitely going to let go of his hand, Jiang Yun suddenly held the knife and was sucked directly into the abyss.

Looking at this scene, Dao Dui couldn’t help but be slightly startled!

Although he never really regarded Jiang Yun as his opponent, he never thought that Jiang Yun would enter his abyss so easily.

After all, this abyss of mine is just the beginning of my magical power.

“No matter why he went in, since he did, then let me control him!”

Daodui was too lazy to think about why. As he spoke, the dark water around the abyss immediately poured into the abyss!

At this moment, the four jet-black water streams suddenly fell into a still state as soon as they started to move.

This state only lasted for a moment, and a figure had already rushed out of the water.


The moment Dao Dui rushed out, the abyss behind him exploded.

It is inappropriate to say it was an explosion. It should be said to be a smash!

The entire bottomless abyss shattered silently, and then turned into nothingness!

Dao Dui turned around and looked at the place where the abyss disappeared. Suddenly his figure swayed and flew in one direction as fast as lightning.

Dao Dui is not afraid of Jiang Yun, nor is he afraid of strong men, but he is also afraid of the unknown!

From the time he fought with Jiang Yun until now, although he has always had the upper hand, he has not actually caused any substantial harm to Jiang Yun.

On the contrary, he kept encountering unexplainable weird things again and again.

Speaking of this abyss, he didn’t even know how it was broken!

He is transcendent!

My own magic was destroyed by others, and I was completely confused.

This is a joke!

In short, all these weirdness come from Jiang Yun and the Daoxing Domain.

This Daoxing Great Region was really too weird and hid too many secrets that he didn’t know, so he decided to leave the Daoxing Great Region first no matter what.

The speed of Dao Dui is extremely fast.

When he thought about it, he should be able to leave the Daoxing Domain in an instant.

However, when the three breaths passed, Jiang Yun’s voice suddenly sounded clearly in his ears: “This is my Daoxing Domain, you can’t escape!”

It would have been fine if it was just Jiang Yun’s voice, but at the same time as the voice sounded, another flaming knife appeared around him and slashed straight at him.

“Is this all you know how to do?”

Daudui suppressed the anger and doubt in his heart, shouted loudly, and punched the flaming knife.

The flame knife was naturally smashed into pieces and turned into countless sparks.

A few sparks landed on Dao Dui’s fist and were extinguished instantly!

Another flaming knife stretched out from the void, still slashing at Daodui’s fist.


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