The World That Tao Rules Chapter 8577: This domain has no rules

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Facing the sudden flames of Daoxing Great Domain, Daodui, who was in it, raised his hand to grab it, and the endless water immediately surged, trying to extinguish the flames.

However, when the water rises, the flames rise!

The water that was supposed to put out the fire seemed to have turned into oil at this moment.

Not only did their surge fail to extinguish the flames, but they actually made the flames burn more intensely.

Dao Dui frowned slightly and said to himself: “The fire of the origin, the fire of the soul, the fire of the avenue…”

“Jiang Yun has merged all the flames he has mastered!”

Daudui’s judgment was correct.

Ordinary flames can be easily extinguished by Dao Dui, but the original fire, unless he once again risks being backlashed by the rules of the cauldron and takes action with extraordinary strength, even he cannot extinguish it.

However, this level of flames had no effect on him, so after he tried it once, he did not extinguish it, and only wanted to see how Jiang Yun was going to deal with him.

And with a sweep of his consciousness, he saw the Chujing Detachment who was dragged by Ji Kongfan and the others, as well as the First Peeping Detachment that Liang Mo and the others were entangled with.

The first glimpse of transcendence was not bad, it was powerful. After the flames burned, he immediately rushed outside the Daoxing domain and escaped smoothly.

Those who have entered the realm of transcendence have turned into pyromen, their whole bodies ignited by flames, and they are screaming miserably while desperately trying to escape from the Daoxing realm.

It is a pity that even if only half of the Daoxing Domain is left, it is still extremely huge. The speed at which they are running cannot compare with the speed of the flames.

Dao Dui waved his sleeves, and several streams of water caught up in these people, wanting to give them a lift.

However, as soon as the water flow appeared, the flames exploded again, accelerating the burning speed, and instantly burned several of them to ashes.

Daodui’s face sank slightly!

My own Avenue of Water was clearly overwhelmed by Jiang Yun’s Avenue of Fire.

However, among the monstrous flames, several figures were sent directly out of the Daoxing Domain.

It was Ji Kongfan, Tianzun, Liangmo and others.

Jiang Yun’s voice also rang in their ears: “You should leave here quickly, as far away as possible, and leave me alone!”

Although Ji Kongfan and Tianzun were worried about Jiang Yun’s safety, they knew that if they had to stay, not only would they not be able to give Jiang Yun any help, but they would also become a burden to Jiang Yun.

So, they just hesitated a little, and then quickly fled towards the distance without saying a word.

Liang Mo, Xu Hua and others left in a hurry before Jiang Yun could finish his words.

In the huge Daoxing domain, apart from Jiang Yun, only Daodui remained.

Although Dao Dui saw Ji Kongfan and others leaving, he did not pursue them.

He is very clear about what happened in the cauldron, and knows that with the arrival of the Heavenly Sword Taoist Master, his side has completely gained the upper hand.

No creature within the cauldron can escape.

Therefore, he was more willing to stay and catch or kill Jiang Yun with his own hands.

Dao Dui slowly said: “Jiang Yun, I am very curious about you now!”

“First, how did you recover from your injury so quickly?”

Dao Dui saw with his own eyes that after half of the Daoxing Domain was destroyed, Jiang Yun’s condition immediately became extremely depressed, and he was obviously seriously injured.

After only a few breaths had passed, Jiang Yun was able to release such a powerful flame, which meant that his injuries seemed to have healed.

“Second, how did you do it, able to suppress your avenue against mine!”

Dao Dui majored in cultivating the Great Way of Water. Even if he had to restrain his cultivation, logically speaking, no one in the tripod could suppress his cultivation.

But Jiang Yun did it.

This is not just because the original fire was added to Jiang Yun’s fire.

As for Dao Dui’s doubts, Jiang Yun gave a four-word answer.

“Burn the fire of doubt!”


As Jiang Yun finished speaking, a blue flame suddenly rose up in Dao Dui’s body.

This is emotional fire!

Jiang Yun can ignite the emotions of others and cause others to be burned by the flames transformed from his own emotions.

And doubt is also one of the emotions!

Dao Dui’s expression instantly regained his composure, and another blue whale formed by condensed water emerged from his body, and he opened his mouth and sucked it in.

Seeing the fire of doubt on Dao Dui, it immediately rushed towards the mouth of the blue whale.

Emotional fires cannot be easily extinguished simply by controlling emotions.

But Dao Dui’s strength is too strong, so this emotional fire also has little effect on him.

Without waiting for the fire of doubt in Dao Dui to be completely swallowed by the blue whale, the flames burning in the entire Dao Xing domain suddenly turned into a huge candle from Dao Dui’s eyes.

“Candle Dragon!”

Dao Dui only had time to say these two words. His vision went dark, and the flames, Jiang Yun’s face, and everything around him had completely disappeared.

He was the only one standing alone in the boundless darkness, with the fire of doubt still burning in his body.

Daodui suddenly clapped his hands gently and said: “Brilliant!”

“You are actually able to integrate the candlelight of the Zhulong lineage into your way of fire.”

For the sake of the candlelight of the Zhulong lineage, he used the magical power of closing his eyes for night, and successfully brought Dao Dui into the dark night.

However, Jiang Yun did not show up, but seemed to have disappeared.

Daodui said indifferently: “It seems that you did not use all your strength before!”

“I don’t know where you got the courage to treat me with such contempt.”

“Do you think that this dark night can trap me?”

Behind Dao Dui, the blue whale that Jiang Yun had deliberately kept away from the night reappeared, raising his huge tail and slapping the night fiercely.


The fall of this tail was earth-shattering and the night shook violently, but it failed to cause any damage to the night.

Dao Dui had no expression on his face and continued to urge the blue whale to attack.

And he was extremely strange in his heart. Even if the ancestor of the Zhulong lineage used it himself to close his eyes for the night, he could easily break it.

Why did everything become weird when we arrived at Jiang Yun’s place?

Is Jiang Yun really stronger than himself, or does he have some secret that he doesn’t know about?

Dao Dui did not believe in evil and once again urged the blue whale to continue attacking the black night.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was actually not far from Dao Dui, watching him coldly.

The flames on Daoxing Dayu and his body were still burning.

It’s just that what they burned was not Dayu, but the pill in Jiang Yunhun!

Jiang Yun was indeed seriously injured and has not fully recovered yet.

Daojun’s previous attack was too sudden, and he attacked with the determination to kill Jiang Yun, so he caused great harm to Jiang Yun.

So much so that the medicinal power released by the elixir could not cure Jiang Yun’s injuries in a short period of time.

Then Jiang Yun could only save himself. He could only use flame burning to accelerate the release of the elixir’s power so that his injuries could be healed quickly.

Jiang Yun brought Dao Dui into the night just to buy himself some time.

“Boom boom boom!”

Under the continuous attack of the blue whale, cracks soon appeared in the night, until it suddenly collapsed.

In front of Dao Dui, there is still no figure of Jiang Yun, but there is a complete Daoxing domain!

Half of the previously collapsed area of ​​the Daoxing Great Region has suddenly regrouped!

And Jiang Yun’s voice also sounded: “Okay, now I can fight you with all my strength!”

“There is no way in this domain!”


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