The Whispering Verses Chapter 2821: The weak insect


Chapter 2820 The Weak Insect

Among the Kant family and the “Delinol Zionists” who have direct connections with Madame Chatala and George Kant, the former will definitely be arrested directly by the church’s Inquisition. From then on, the Kant family will be different from the previous period. The Brontë family will also become history.

The latter should only be secretly investigated by the church, but not destroyed by the church in one blow.

The difference is that the Kant family directly made a deal with the devil. The three-hundred-year-old antiques with demonic power are evidence. Shade even suspected that Director Kant himself knew the existence of the devil.

The latter did not have an overt deal with the devil. Although Lady Shatala was a member of the latter, it consciously kept the latter at a distance from itself.

Now that I think about it, this is also the devil’s reserved method to prevent himself from destroying the situation he has worked so hard to manage once he is exposed.

In short, less than eight hours after the demon was wiped out, Sir Wayne certainly does not know what happened to Lady Shaitala, so he still stayed here and did not leave.

When Shade came to the door with the business card from yesterday’s afternoon tea party, the knight was still thinking about the “big business” in Shade’s hands, so he happily brought Shade and his “appraiser” companions with him. Let’s go see the antiques in his hands:

“No one has much cash these days, but when it comes to antiques and precious metals, I definitely have no shortage of them here.”

He has a private residence with a yard locally. The antiques are placed in the basement of the residence, which is protected by an all-steel safety door.

Compared to the storage room, the space behind the safety door is more appropriately called an “exhibition room”.

A dazzling array of oil paintings, antiques and works of art filled every shelf. After receiving permission, Shade and Miss Denister put on gloves to inspect the antiques, and were very sure that these antiques were The batch from three hundred years ago.

It’s just that Shade originally thought that the tree hole would be placed together with these antiques, but in the end he didn’t see anything that looked like a tree hole. So he winked at the specially dressed mature red-haired girl, who suddenly said:

“Sir Wayne, do you see anything wrong with this painting?”

The man who was happily talking about non-existent business with Shade immediately turned his head, and then met those rose-red eyes.

Although he has a time curse on him, he is just an ordinary person. The eight-ring sorceress’s hypnosis controlled him instantly.

Xia De put down the silver pendant he was playing with just now, but before asking about the business, he asked curiously:

“Sir, do you know that there is a curse on you?”

Sir Wayne nodded with a dull look on his face:


“What is the curse?”

“The more wealth I have, the worse my luck is in other aspects. So I basically don’t keep property for myself, and any money I earn will be spent or transferred to others as soon as possible.”

“You see, this is the price of greed, but if he can remain completely poor, maybe this curse can actually change his life.”

The red-haired girl sighed, and this “time curse” is also the slightest of all the curses that Shade has been exposed to so far. After all, Sir Wayne is just an ordinary person, and what he did through time was just to transfer some property:

“Where do these antiques of yours come from?”

After satisfying curiosity, it’s time to ask about business. Under the effect of hypnosis, Sir Wayne showed no resistance at all:

“When I came to Vista City for business reasons more than ten years ago, I accidentally discovered a strange trap door in the local area. The door was in the Hoy Manor, which was still in ruins. I passed through the trap door. The door discovered that the other end of the trap door was connected to the night of the fire three hundred years ago.

I have been moving wealth from there over the years, and the wealth of the Hoy family was greatly underestimated. ”

The red-haired girl asked in confusion:

“The door was still in the ruins of Hoy Manor? Why didn’t you remove the door?”

“I’m worried that the door will fail after it is removed. I don’t know why it can be connected to three hundred years ago. I can’t risk killing the hen that lays golden eggs.”

Xia De also asked:

“Then why didn’t you find a way to buy the old site of Hoy Manor? Or prevent Director Conde from buying it?”

The hypnotized Jazz then replied:

“I don’t dare to buy it, and I don’t dare to stop it. Every time I have this idea, I fall into a terrible dream at night, dreaming that once I interfere in matters related to that manor, I will be killed by Howie The whole family is haunted by evil spirits.”

So when he accidentally discovered that door more than ten years ago, was able to use that door, and a series of things that happened after that, it should be the devil’s method.

“So among the antiques you got, apart from the one you kept, are there any others?”

“Yes, I once met a rumored supernatural being, the Ring Warlock. He instructed me to place a part of the antiques I obtained every time in a cursed small village in the Vista Woodland. , the curse can be contained to a certain extent.

I tried it, and sure enough the upper limit of wealth I can hold has increased. I don’t care if there’s something wrong with this, and I don’t want to delve too much into why. ”

You don’t need to think about it to know that the so-called “ring warlock” is also a method of the devil. As for suppressing the “time curse”, it once again illustrates the connection between the fire devil and the “remnants of the World Tree”.

Only that evil thing can suppress the time curse of the tree father.

Afterwards, Shade asked Sir Wayne some more questions, and judging from his answers, although he traveled through time and constantly transported wealth from the past, he did know nothing about demons.

As expected, the entire “Delin’ol Zionist” organization has no actual connection with the devil. However, Shade confirmed one of his conjectures, that is, Director Kant had indeed been in contact with this group of people.

According to Sir Wayne, the police chief was “as greedy as a devil”. He even believed that his desire for wealth was not one percent as good as Chief Kant’s, and frankly admitted that the chief was not only with them, but In fact, he also had contact with many other royal opponents in Kasenlik:

“He doesn’t care about loyalty or honor. As long as you give him money, he is willing to do anything.”

The huge web of wealth, power and conspiracy formed by the demon’s split body was completely revealed. From being defeated by the “Ranger Hunter” three hundred years ago to being finally defeated in the late autumn of 1854, The Doctor Devours, even if the final outcome is a complete defeat, to a certain extent, at least its plan among mortals was completely successful.

This should also be the most deeply involved in human affairs among all the demons that the outsiders have encountered so far.

Sir Wayne finally gave a precise summary:

“The situation in the Old Continent is now so tense, and Director Kant and we all played a big role in it. The Delinol Zionists do not have the power to overthrow the rule of the Anjou royal family for the time being, but that only If the Old Lion is mired in a war with the Northern Kingdom, we and our partners may have a chance to revive the annexed territory of Delinall.”

“Were you igniting the flames of war?”

“Of course not, we just provided fuel. Aren’t the flames of war ignited by the ambition and greed of the powerful and conspirators in Willendale City? Peace is just an illusion of the times, and the flames will still be there after all. Inflamed by war, war and conflict are the true normal state of civilization.”

In this whole thing, Sir Wayne is the only one who travels through time and creates paradoxes, so it is not surprising that the Paradox Worm is in his soul.

But the problem is that the time paradox he caused is too small compared to the “Dead Apostles”, who allowed himself, a person who should have died, to live for so many more years, but Sir Wayne They just brought some dead objects that no one had obtained from three hundred years ago to the present.

Shad even felt that he did not cause the time paradox to some extent.

In short, the “paradox insect” attached to Sir Wayne’s soul was extremely weak. After the two took Sir Wayne to the forest outside the city, although the elf girl emerged from the forest as usual with an umbrella, She has no intention of taking action:

“Just do it yourself, the bugs this time are too weak.”

After Shade used the “Staff of Yggdrasil” to force it out of Sir Wayne’s soul, he watched the insect in the “first stage” that was less than half the size of a man flee quickly towards When I got to the forest, I thought of the nun’s saying, “From now on, the first fire can also deal with the paradox insect.”

He then decided to try the spell that Sister Devlin taught him in death, so he asked Miss Danister and the elf girl to be careful, and he raised his right hand to his side, letting the flame be in the palm of his hand. gather.

The large ball of flames rotated rapidly in the hand, violently and silently, and spinning faster and faster. The periphery of the flame showed a normal orange color, while the inside even turned white due to the high temperature. The rotating flame tails continued to throw sparks towards the surrounding forest in the rain, and the increase in temperature even caused heat to rise where Shade was.

This was also the first time that Shade used this kind of spell. He even thought that the spell was going to get out of control. The volume of the flame that rotates faster and faster remains at the size of two human heads and no longer expands, but the temperature still rises rapidly during the rotation.

Before Shade lost control of the flame, he promptly threw it towards the forest where the insect flew:

“Spell – Chaos Residues!”

The flames touched the branches and trunks, melting them directly like magma touching ice, creating a large hole. And in the third second after he threw the large rotating fireball, dazzling white light erupted in the forest, followed by a loud bang, and the shock wave generated by the explosion swept across, causing Shade and the two girls to even He took two steps back.

The expanding flames engulfed the entire forest area ahead. The heat wave even stopped the rain nearby, and large swaths of steam mist rose up, and then were directly dispersed by the shock wave.

It took a few seconds for the mushroom cloud to rise in front, and the ground shook violently with the rumbling sound.


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