The Whispering Verses Chapter 2820: Hunter’s warning


Chapter 2819 Hunter’s Warning

The cat looked very excited, running around, and finally jumped onto the armor box where the “Golden Lion Armor” was stored, then lay on it and stared at Shade with its big amber eyes and wagging its tail. .

Shade has already opened the package given by Sister Devlin. There are many things in the rotten and smelly cloth buried deep in the ground, not to mention useless sundries. Several bottles of magic potion have obviously been kept for safekeeping. It deteriorated due to improper use, but the remaining ore still had some value. It looked like a piece of silver ore.

In addition to this, there are three important items. What Shade saw at a glance was the [Demon Hunting Seal] that he was very familiar with. This is the symbol of the witcher, the third one he has, and the second one he gave to Iluna.

“But what do I need so many of these rings for? I don’t intend for others to come into frequent contact with demons.”

But anyway, this is a good collectible. If he meets a suitable partner in future adventures, Shade can consider entrusting him with the third ring.

Of the remaining two, one is a very thick book, but there is no need to worry about whether it can still be read, because this book is a relic, and relics will obviously not be damaged by the environment.

The cover of the book is black, with the title – “The Witcher’s Notes” written in white letters.

The back of the book is also pure black, but it is painted with the same symbol representing the exorcism of demons as the [Demon Hunting Seal], and the bottom is written in dark red like blood:

【Are you ready to take on the fate of a witcher? 】

Xia De raised his eyebrows:

“Isn’t this a prop inherited from a witcher?”

But he said that he did not intend to become a witch or a witcher, so Shade had no intention of opening the book, but re-wrapped it with the piece of rag in awe. , intending to wait until the characteristics of this relic are determined before opening it for inspection.

As for the last remaining item, it was a rough black stone that Shade could feel the demonic power with his eyes closed. The demonic power of the stone was so strong that he even felt that it might be part of a certain demon.

But the fact that it was brought back by Shade through the [Space Maze] means that it has lost its activity.

Xia De didn’t understand why the hunter carried such a thing with him at first, but soon he thought that the power that the hunter allowed the soul of the old woman in the village to pass on to those who came after him was [remaining advice] words], then he understood.

Putting the [Demon Hunting Seal] on your hand, then blinked at the black stone:

“The remaining advice.”

Sure enough, a string of glowing white runes immediately appeared on top of the stone, and it was written in the common language of Kasenrik:

[There is a mithril vein in the Vesta Grove. I came here to forge new weapons, but I discovered unimaginable evil here, and thus discovered the demon of fire-Dizast. Latecomer, the devil is not the key, I have decided to sacrifice myself to seal the devil.

Be careful – the tree has changed into a human being. Be careful of those who give you guidance. This is why I encountered the devil, but I am willing to sacrifice myself. 】

“Mythril veins? Isn’t this a mithril ore?”

Shad looked at the ore he had just played with again, and then considered what it would mean to him if he could really find a mithril vein, but then he thought of the hunter from a hundred years ago who still did not leave his name. , and couldn’t help but feel a little sad about it.

The “she” in my ear smiled and asked:

【Now that the tree has transformed into a human being, who is the human being? 】

“Yes, who is it?”

(Little Mia is running.)

It was raining heavily in the Vista Forest today. As soon as Shade came out of the tree hole, he was immediately drenched by the rain. Obviously, there was no sound of rain inside the tree hole.

This was the heaviest rain in this forest this autumn in his memory. Even the elf girl living in the tree house rarely went out to do anything. When Shade went to deliver breakfast to her, he curiously asked how the chocobos in the forest would live in such heavy rain, and the elf girl gave a very simple answer:

“They have their own nests in this forest. These little guys have been living here since the last era. They know much more about this place than I do.”

After speaking, he looked Xia De up and down again:

“Yesterday’s demon hunt seemed to go well, didn’t it?

You are very different now than when we met yesterday. From now on, when you walk in this woodland, you don’t have to wear the garland of green star flowers I gave you. With your current affinity with nature, the forest will take the initiative to make way for you. If you are willing to learn spells related to nature, you will be more talented than others. ”

This is the improvement that Shade gained from absorbing the curse of the “Great Tree” more than thirty years ago, and the benefits of “natural affinity” are obviously not the only ones.

In addition to bringing breakfast, Shade also did not forget to take out the burning branch that the doctor gave him last night. Because this branch is made of the World Tree, it cannot be turned into a toy, but even if it gets wet on a rainy day, it will not affect the sparks on it.

“Look at this, can you tell what this is?”

“The branches of the world tree.”

The elf girl just glanced at it and said:

“The [Ocarina of Time] in the flowerpot on the window sill behind me and the key in your neck are made of the same material. The special thing is that the branches of the world tree currently existing in the material world Everything is ‘stale’, after all, the tree father has been gone for many years, but this branch is still fresh.”

She waved the branch and placed it beside the table:

“Keep this with me and take it away when you need it.”

Xia De nodded and had no objection to this.

When she rushed to the Accordion Hotel in the city despite the rain, Flora did not paint the fifth oil painting as she had said early this morning. It seemed that she had stayed up late last night talking to Miss Danister.

But at least the red-haired girl didn’t look so angry anymore, and looked the same as usual when she greeted Shade. However, everyone had a tacit understanding and stopped talking about Ms. Helena Carter. Shade decided to talk to her about the astrologer Mr. Euclid in a few days.

When little Mia emerged from the chest of Shade’s coat, Shade only mentioned to them the items in the package that Sister Devlin found in the deserted village.

As for the relic book “The Witcher’s Notes”, neither the witch nor the well-informed librarian had ever heard of it, but they both thought that Shade had better not open the book.

So if you want to know what this is, Shade probably has to ask a doctor.

As for the advice he read from the black stone, Flora and Miss Daniste both frowned after hearing it, but they only understood that the evil thing had the ability to transform into a human being.

“Even if a hunter knows that he has been intentionally led to the devil, he is still willing to die. This kind of person can be regarded as a so-called hero.”

Although the other party was a man, the witch still admired her for a moment before saying:

“But since hunters a hundred years ago were able to track down such well-hidden evil objects because of the mithril vein, can we also find each other through the mine a hundred years later?”

Then she answered her own question:

“As the witch of the earth, Vanessa’s best skill is detecting mineral veins. Let her investigate when she comes.”

As for last night’s operation, it can be called a complete victory. Not only did Shade and others successfully defeat the demons, but even the assisting team sent by the church also successfully fought against those flaming giants in the woods. The trees fought hard and, after the demons disappeared, took out most of them by early this morning.

People in the city may only have heard that a few buildings in the city were on fire, but in fact last night’s operation was considered the most successful “devil hunting” operation that the church has participated in in the past century. Although the church itself did not have direct contact with the demon, and they did not even know that the demon split itself into four parts, at least the demon was really eliminated.

The evidence lies in the fact that at dawn today, the temperature of the [Ice Magic Box] where the demon split body is sealed by the Church of Nature suddenly dropped. Then the Vatican received news from the Vista Grove, and after taking the risk to open the box, the black flame inside had indeed been extinguished.

After Miss Bell got up early this morning, when she obtained information about the church on the black market, she actually heard that the church wanted to invite her and the “God Caller” to the local church to receive awards, but they were flatly rejected by the young witch apprentice.

It’s just that although the devil was killed, the matter was far from over. For example, Shade has yet to see the tree hole used to transfer the Hoy family’s treasure three hundred years ago.

But thanks to yesterday’s afternoon tea party, it was determined that Sir Wayne, who worked for the “Delin’all Zionists”, has a time curse on him, so the tree hole is most likely in his hands.

So while there was still some time on this rainy Thursday before the witches arrived locally, Shade and Miss Danister went out to reclaim the fifth tree hole.

According to the performance of the two demons fighting Shade last night, George Kant and Madam Shatara are real and act of their own volition most of the time, but in fact most of the decisions are influenced by Demonic influence.

This is a standard manifestation of a “demon possessed”, and is another manifestation of a “devil follower” that often appears in evil spirits and demon incidents, different from the “demon” who has accepted the power of the devil.

The bodies of the two were not destroyed during the battle in the forest, but were handed over to the local church by the witch afterwards. After the church determined whether there was any remaining demonic power in them, it was already trying to find out what they had done under the control of the demon, and that information was also shared with the witch by the church.

PS: The picture in this chapter is “Demon Hunting”.


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