The Whispering Verses Chapter 2753: Dezast, the Demon of Fire


Chapter 2752 The Demon of Fire, Dezast

After getting the answer, Shade and Miss Danister didn’t have time to taste Emilia’s scented tea, so they got up and went to investigate the ruins. The elf girl immediately said that she would go too, probably because she wanted to show her positivity in front of Miss Daniste.

The ruins are quite close to the elf’s treehouse, so there is no need to ride the chocobos. When the three of them came together under the gloomy sky to the ruins that Shade was quite familiar with, even Miss Danister had to admit:

“Well, there’s really nothing left here.”

There were a few floor tiles left on the ground, and the only half wall standing was worthless.

The elf girl then reminded:

“In addition to the ground part, there is also an underground part here, which is where the secrets of this Temple of Time are stored. The entrance is in the hole of this tree – those chocobos took me to find out some information about this place. Literature. ”

She pointed to the big tree in the center of the ruins. Of course Shade knew that there was a tree hole here. After all, the end of the space under the tree hole was where he appeared every time.

“Oh, so that’s it!”

So he understood that the small space between the exit of the hidden passage and the upward spiral staircase was indeed just a “storage room”.

“So how to open the tree hole correctly?”

Shad asked again. Every time he used [Night Watch] or [Stand of Yggdrasil] to enhance the “Key of the Door” spell to open the door, but this was obviously not the correct method.

This time the elf girl shook her head. The history of this ruins is too long, and she doesn’t know all the secrets here.

So Shade cast a spell to open the tree hole, and then led the curious two people behind him into the narrow spiral staircase behind the tree hole. Going all the way down the stairs, we came to the bottom end, which Shade rated as “similar to the size of a foyer.”

When Shade first came here, there was nothing here except the torch on the wall. Now he lit the torch again and the three of them checked the walls, floor and ceiling together, but still found no clues:

“The person who originally solved the mystery of the Temple of Time obviously took away everything. However, this place is not without its significance. At least it tells us the ‘treasure room’ of the Temple of Time. What kind of existence is it?”

“So, what is this torch?”

The elf girl asked again, and Miss Daniste waved the torch to fly in front of her. After checking it for a while, she handed it to Shade:

“The material is normal, but feel it for yourself. I think your perception should be much stronger than mine now.”

The shape of the torch is a piece of wood with an oil-soaked oilcloth tied to the top. The material is indeed very ordinary. So Shade followed Miss Danister’s reminder, closed his eyes and let go of his senses to explore more details of this torch. When his mental power touched the cracks inside the wood, he actually felt that those cracks were not naturally formed.

It took at least half a minute before Shade opened his eyes:

“It’s interesting that the cracks inside the wood formed a short Elvish language. But that ancient Elvish language did not belong to the original era, but was popular around the end of the Fourth Era and the beginning of the Fifth Era. So, this The torch did not originally exist here, but was placed here after the treasure was taken away.”

“What Elvish language is it?”

The elf asked again, Shade glanced at her and read these words:

“The fire that ignited the giant tree exists in the forest.”

With a click, the torch in his hand was cut off in the middle. The flame on the torch was extinguished, and the two pieces of wood seemed to be accelerated by time as they fell, scattering into fly ash.

The silver ball of light summoned by Shade illuminated the ground, and the fly ash formed a simple forest map on the ground.

Although the era when the torches were left is already very, very far away now, fortunately, the map is centered on this ruins, and marked with east, west, north, south and scale, so the three of them can also determine the location marked on the map. where.

“So what did the elves at the end of the Fourth Era or the early Fifth Era leave behind here?”

The eighteen-year-old red-haired sorceress asked the elf girl beside her, who immediately shook her head:

“I don’t know.”

Now that they had the map and it was still early, the three of them were going to take a look at the location marked on the map. But before that, Shade summoned the life ring to open the hidden passage at the bottom of the tree hole, and then motioned to the elf and the red-haired girl to follow him in:

“Since you’re here, let’s come in and take a look.”

The statue of the ancient **** cannot be approached and touched by ordinary people, which requires special status such as space spirit runes or “chosen ones”. The two girls stood at the entrance of the hidden passage and listened to Shade’s introduction to the function of this place. The elves had long known about the “space maze”, but this was indeed the first time for Miss Danister to hear Shade introduce this place.

Because they needed to trek a long distance in the forest, the three of them rode the chocobo. At about three o’clock in the afternoon, they followed the direction and distance to the location marked on the map. It was almost due north of Ximu Town, but there was nothing in the vast forest.

“Do you still need to decrypt it? Shade, what can you feel?”

The elf girl is responsible for taking care of the three very lively chocobos. Miss Danister stands next to Shade:

“Judging from your expression, you seem to be aware of something?”

“Just now I saw those wood grains writing about flames burning giant trees. I originally thought that there would be clues related to the devil at the end of the map. But now it seems that is not the case. The flames are restless. What a pity Devlin The nun is not here.”

As he spoke, red flames ignited in his palms, and he threw the flames in his palms directly towards the forest in front of him. When the flames touched the ground, there was a dull sound, and the fire seemed to ignite the earth. After waiting for a while, the flames gradually gathered toward the center until the entrance to the cave that did not exist just now was revealed.

This is not just a hole in the ground. There are very typical elf-style stone wall decorations on the ground around the hole. Elf runes are carved on the stone wall on the side of the cave entrance, but the huge claw marks have completely destroyed the defensive ritual here.

But fortunately the ancient elven writings inscribed on the steps of the cave are still intact:

[We found a wisp of the sacred flame that existed in ancient times in the forest. This flame was too violent. In order to prevent it from harming the habitat that the Nightsong Elf family finally selected, we sealed this wisp of flame. Here it is.

If anyone comes for this flame, please feel free to take it away. This sealing ritual is only used to prevent the heat of the flame from escaping, and also to deny the approach of evil forces. Otherwise, the ritual has no harmful effects. 】

Leaving the elves outside to take care of them, Shade and Miss Danister went deep into this ancient elf ruins. The cave under the steps is not very deep, but the frequent claw marks on the surrounding walls have destroyed all the rituals just like the entrance of the cave.

At the end of the cave is an overturned gray stone brazier. Although the precious elven antiques have not been damaged, there is nothing in it.

Shad bent down and lifted the brazier up again. When he stretched out his hand, he could still feel the residual warmth of the flame that once existed here.

“It seems you know the flames sealed by the elves.”

The red-haired girl asked, Shade nodded:

“Yes, they sealed a ray of the original fire here.”

After saying that, Shade blinked again and looked at the huge claw marks left on the four walls. Black flames were burning in the claw marks:

“Before we arrived, the devil took away the flame. This is not a modern thing, it was a hundred years ago.”

(Little Mia is running.)

That evening, Dr. Bill Schneider had just finished dinner and was about to take advantage of the evening to sort out recent patient files when he heard from the clinic servant that Detective Shad Hamilton had come to visit.

He met Sha De in the reception room on the second floor, looked at Sha De’s expression, and said with a smile:

“It seems that you are not in big trouble this time.”

“Doctor, your thirteenth demon is probably found.”

Dr. Schneider was not surprised either. He had already guessed that Shade would encounter the devil in the Vista Grove:

“The other party finally appeared? Is it the sealed demon from three hundred years ago, or is there a new evil appearing in that forest?”

“There is a high probability that they are the same one. Look at this, this is a newly discovered clue.”

As Shade spoke, he handed the doctor the smoldering black wood that was sealed by the ice of the holy water, and explained the condition of the charred trees that the hermits found in the forest that were fused with animals.

While listening, the doctor melted the ice and examined the piece of wood. Because he had the power of Sophix, the ancient fire demon and arsonist, he was not afraid of the flames on it.

When Shade finished speaking, he sighed:

“Well, the demons I guessed last time were all wrong about the forest. The characteristics shown by the other party were too confusing. I admit that I was also misled.”

Then Shade watched the doctor’s right hand holding the piece of wood turn into black liquid, and directly absorbed the piece of wood:

“Shad, do you remember Sophix, the arsonist?”

“Of course, that was the first demon we dealt with together besides human pus, and my [Night Watch] was also found in the place where it was sealed. I was deeply impressed.”

Xia De is holding a teacup:

“You wouldn’t say that it’s still the devil this time, right? But Sophix has been sealed by the Witch Emperor in the cave in the mountainside of Mount Sikar since the fifth era. How could he appear in the time travel in the Vesta Woods? ?”

“Don’t think it’s so complicated.”

The doctor hurriedly stopped Shade’s association:

“I just want to say that there are actually many demons related to fire. I have told you a long time ago that the origins of evil spirits and demons are quite complicated. One theory is that they themselves are the embodiment of the evil in the world.

Cannibalism, spreading bad luck, distorting mirror images, desire for proliferation, evil thoughts of human nature, etc. Among them, Sophix, the arsonist, roughly symbolizes the violence of fire, especially after its body is fused with the body of the ancient Balrog.

The demon you encountered this time symbolizes ‘fire’ itself – the demon of fire, Dezast. Elemental life was mentioned in the third grade course of St. Byrons. You can think that the essence of this thing is similar to the appearance of fire elemental life. ”

Xia De has never heard of this name:

“What power does it have? What stories has it left in the past?”



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