The Whispering Verses Chapter 2752: The Stolen Fire and the Temple Ruins


Chapter 2751 The Stolen Fire and Temple Relics

For Shade, the probability of him encountering these ancient evil spirits is about once every two or three months, but for others, evil spirits and demons are rarer than giant dragons.

And thanks to various legends and fairy tales, the concept of evil spirits and demons can almost be equated with the legendary angels. So when Shade said that the occurrence of the burning tree was related to the devil, Mr. Davis and Mr. Meloni subconsciously couldn’t believe it.

But then they realized that it was impossible for anyone to joke about such a thing:

“But how could it be? We have discovered so many similar things in the forest recently. Has the demon entered an active period?”

“His eyes are unmistakable, so what was the demon that appeared in the local area three hundred years ago? As the local ring warlock organization, you will not have retained any information, right?”

Miss Danister knew that Shade had dealt with demons many times, so she asked directly.

Mr. Meloni, the “Secret Keeper” of the Hermits, looked at Mr. Davis with some embarrassment, and the latter nodded:

“We were also witnesses at the time, but when the demon was raging in Ximu Town, the ancestors of the hermit group did not directly fight against it. We lived in seclusion in the forest, but we only heard that the Church of Nature found and completely sealed it.

The name of the devil has not been passed down because of this, but we know what angel-level relic the Nature Church used to seal that thing. ”

“Which relic is it?”

“The angelic relic [Ice Magic Box] is a rectangular box made of ice. Legend has it that the breath of the winter **** resides in it. Opening the box can transform a local area into heavy snow. In winter, this is similar to the noise made by the God Caller a few days ago.”

As he spoke, Mr. Meloni glanced at Shade, who pretended not to notice.

The red-haired sorceress nodded:

“I also know about this relic. In addition to opening the box to ‘release’ Winter, the box itself can also be used to seal some things related to fire. According to legend, even the ancient Balrog can be sealed by that box. But since it is ice.”

She looked at the ice cube with wood in Shade’s hand. Of course the hermits knew what she meant:

“Yes, judging from the effect of that angel-level relic, what happened three hundred years ago may be related to what happened this time. But there was no such thing as a ‘forest fire’ three hundred years ago. Records, if there are similar things, it is impossible not to leave records.”

Shadow doesn’t think this is difficult to understand:

“The information about those ancient evil spirits is itself a source of pollution, and the church is right to be cautious.

However, wouldn’t you know the answer if you ask the Natural Church now? Since the demons from three hundred years ago are believed to be still in a sealed state, let their Holy See check it. This shouldn’t be complicated, right? ”

“No, it’s complicated.”

Miss Danister immediately corrected:

“The opening of [Ice Magic Box] will have very serious consequences, so certain preparations are required to open it. And after using it as a prop to seal the devil, it is even more important to check whether the devil in it is still there. More careful precautions are required to open it.

A rough estimate is that even if the Church of Nature gets the news now, it will take at least half a week to confirm whether there is demonic power among them.

But if only a part of the demon was sealed, then it would probably take longer to confirm whether what was sealed in the relic was the demon’s true form. ”

Both Mr. Davis and Mr. Meloni thought that the sorceress seemed to know too much about the relic, but they did not ask:

“We will arrange for people to report the findings here to the church now. But before that, the five churches in the city had better send more ring warlocks to the forest to monitor the fire. Just rely on our patrols Officials are not strong enough to monitor the entire Vista Grove.

Although those big trees on fire only ignited the woodland near them, they could not let this cursed flame go unchecked. ”

“It seems that the church needs to send more support teams from other places. Judging from the current complex local situation, the church’s manpower is simply not enough.”

Although the unexpected demonic power was not part of Shad and Miss Danister’s plan, it did not prevent Shad from asking the hermits if they knew about the “Temple of Time”.

The Great Elder Mr. Davis knew nothing about this, but Mr. Meloni thought about it:

“I have seen this phrase in the church’s information. It seems to be a special building with secret treasures left by the believers of the God of Time in the long past. But that was a long time ago, The secrets of the Temple of Time should have been discovered long ago.”

This statement is similar to that of Mr. Edmond of Cold Water Port.

“Speaking of which, there are the remains of a Temple of Time in the northeast of Vesta Grove.”

He added, and Shade was a little surprised. After all, there was already a large temple of Tree Father on the top of the hill. It was unlikely that two temples of the same faith would appear in one area. But then he thought about it and remembered that there was not only the Temple of Night in the Randall Valley, but also a relic of moon worship:

“Is there any?”

“Yes, please don’t be surprised if anything appears in this woodland. However, according to records, nothing remains of the Temple of Time, only some architectural remains remain. The Nightsong Elves moved in the Fifth Age He was responsible for maintaining it before leaving, and after moving away, he left a seal similar to a mysterious lock so that others could not disturb it.

You can go take a look, but I don’t think you’ll gain much. ”

The old gentleman asked for the map that Shade bought from them again, and marked the location of the ruins of the Temple of Time on the map. However, they only knew its location from ancient books, but they didn’t know how to break the elves’ seal and enter it.

Anyway, there was nothing much to do today, so the two of them stayed in the camp for lunch. After lunch, they talked with the hermits about the dragon beast that they still didn’t know the specific time of, and then they said goodbye to them, claiming to go looking for them. The architectural remains of the ancient Temple of Time.

“I’ve been here.”

After passing through the tree hole and returning to the outside of Xiaomige Village, Shade pointed to the circle circled by Mr. Meloni on the map and said:

“Flora has also been here, and the elves in the forest live in this area. If this is the case, the woodland that cannot be left was originally the work of the elves. So those chocobos were really Left behind by accident?”

“I’m not sure what you’re thinking, but it looks like we don’t have to break the Nightsong Elf’s seal.”

The red-haired girl said with a smile, Shade nodded:

“Then let’s go ask about the situation. I haven’t explored that area carefully, so is this the reason why Emilia chose to live nearby?”

He did not choose to activate the thaumaturgy “Forest Path”, but took out the chocobo feather pendant he got from the gift box this week and shook it a few times.

Then he and Miss Danister walked in the direction where the elves lived, and soon met the blue-feathered chocobo that was running quickly.

“I’ll trouble you this time.”

Shad touched its head and gave it a large handful of Little Mia’s cat food, and then said to Miss Danister:

“This kind of mature chocobo can carry two people running with no problem. If you don’t mind, would you like to sit in the back or in the front?”

The red-haired girl looked at him with a sideways smile:

“Is this an invitation? Shade, you are really not a gentleman. A girl in a skirt can neither ride a horse nor ride a chocobo, so I have to sit sideways in front of you.”

So after the blue chocobo happily finished the cat food, Miss Daniste actually sat sideways in front of Shade, letting Shade’s arms pass through her side.

“Sit tight.”

“Yes, yes, let’s go.”

Ride a chocobo while opening the “Forest Trail”, making traveling in the forest more convenient and faster. At 1:30 in the afternoon, the two of them successfully arrived at the elf girl’s tree house. Shade didn’t see the blond elf at first and thought she was out at home, but soon he discovered that the elf was in the topmost room of the tree house. Take a nap.

Dong dong dong~

Shad knocked on the glass, and then the pair of emerald green eyes opened and looked towards the window. After seeing the faces of Shad and Miss Danister, the elf got off the bed as if bouncing. .

“Although today is Friday, not the weekend, and although it is now 1:30 in the afternoon, I want to emphasize that I am not being lazy, I just went to bed too late last night. I went to bed too late last night and was not watching Extracurricular The book is to prepare the magic potion for Shade and wait for the dark clouds in the sky to disperse.”

When the door was opened and the two of them were welcomed in, the elf girl kept whispering. Of course, it was mainly for Miss Daniste, but the red-haired girl didn’t care about it.

“We have something to ask you for help. Are there ancient ruins in this inaccessible forest area?”

Shad asked, and the elf who was about to pour them tea nodded immediately:


The last time Shade and Flora came together, she was not so nervous.

“So do you know about the Temple of Time? Is this forest area the remains of the Temple of Time?”

The elf who was looking for scented tea immediately looked at him with a confused expression:

“Don’t you know?”

“Know what?”

“There is a tree in the center of the ruins of the temple. Isn’t the location where you appear every time the ruins of the Temple of Time you mentioned?”

Shad was just thinking at this time that the hermits were right, there was indeed nothing left there.

In fact, from the first time Shade appeared in the Vista Woodland, he had thought about what the ruins of the ruins with only broken walls and a tree were originally, but he did not think about it. It is associated with the temple of the “Tree Father”.

After all, a normal person would not imagine the special space entrance of the Ancient God of Space in the temple of the Ancient God of Time.



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