The Whispering Verses Chapter 2751: The Devil Appears


Chapter 2750 The Demon Appears

As he spoke, Mr. Meloni took out a wide-mouth glass bottle, and the leaf-shaped flames in the bottle were burning:

“But I have to admit, this is a good source of fire.”

Miss Denister took the bottle and inspected it:

“So this is the trouble you are encountering. You can’t solve this kind of cursed object, right?”

The great elder Mr. Davis nodded:

“We have tried to use holy water, rituals to expel evil spirits, ice sealing and other methods to deal with them, but they have no effect. As for destroying the tree directly, we are worried that this will cause other consequences. We have detected this There is a very high temperature in the heart of the tree. Forcibly destroying this cursed object may cause it to self-destruct.

So I hope you can help me and try to see if I can dispose of this thing safely and harmlessly. It’s the end of fall, the most vulnerable time of year for forest fires. ”

“Let me try.”

As she spoke, Miss Danister was about to extend her hand, but Shade stopped her:

“If you want to try, I will give it a try.”

“Be careful, direct contact with this tree and this deer will cause burn marks on yourself.”

Mr. Meloni reminded him, but Shade still directly touched the tree trunk with his right hand. Almost as soon as the palm of his hand pressed against it, fine cracks appeared on the back of his right hand, and then crimson light radiated from the cracks.

The palm did not feel much pain, Xia De raised his eyebrows, and “she” whispered in his ear:

[This is a curse derived from some kind of cursed fire. Do not touch these burnt things for a long time. 】

Shade then let go of his hand, and the protective effect spontaneously produced by his body, that is, the traces of “embers of the first fire” slowly disappeared on the back of his hand.

“I probably have some ideas, please move back.”

Xia De said to his companions again, so the two hermits immediately retreated, and the red-haired girl hid behind him and did not go far.

Xia De then took a deep breath:

“Chloe’s Ice Breath.”

The cold air sprayed from the mouth even caused ice crystals to condense in the air, causing the air to quickly atomize. The frost pounced directly on the immobile tree, and the surface of the tree itself and the burnt deer were immediately covered in white frost.

“When we tried to freeze it, only Mr. Davis had the highest level, and the cold could still have some effect, but be careful soon!”

Following Mr. Meloni’s reminder, under the white frost, the orange-red fire on the charred tree trunks suddenly rose, and with a loud “bang”, flames blazing around the big tree soared into the sky. And rise.

Fortunately, the rituals arranged around him were still functioning and did not let the dense sparks fall to other places. The explosive flames still broke through the ritual blockade, but nothing happened after they struck Shade.

“Something’s wrong.”

Mr. Davis reminded, and at the same time sent a signal to the camp to prepare for support:

“The last time I froze this tree, there was no such big movement.”

The shaking ground made the four people look at their feet, but they soon understood that it was not the ground that was shaking at all, but that the tree deeply rooted here was trying to pull out all its roots.

The blackened deer made a dizzying cry. As the flames surrounding them became stronger and stronger, the thick burning roots were finally pulled out of the ground one by one. It seems to be aware of Shade’s danger and wants to pull out its roots to give itself mobility, but this also means that this thing is not a complete plant, but also has the characteristics of an animal.

Mr. Davis, who has twelve rings, has shown his life ring and is about to take action, but Shade stops him:

“Since this thing is afraid of my cold air, it means that my thaumaturgy is effective. Please let me come, Mr. Davis. I am afraid that there will be an explosion soon. Please make sure that the flames do not ignite the forest.”

“No problem.”

So the twelve-ring warlock cast a spell, and all the surrounding trees were activated into tree men and then retreated further away. This formed a large open space with dense holes in the forest.

The burning black giant tree was squirming and trying to pull out all its roots. At this time, it almost fully possessed the ability to move. But pulling up from the ground, in addition to the roots that were also burning, were the four charred hooves of the deer.

Shad told Miss Daniste not to come close, took off his coat and shirt and threw them to her, then walked towards the tree with his upper body naked. He put his hand on his chest and pulled out a ball of golden light and then put it back on his chest to increase his fire resistance.

As he shouted, his body gradually grew larger as he walked, until when he came to the tree, he had swelled into a four-meter-tall little giant.

Even if it pulls out its roots and becomes a tree, its movement speed is quite slow. When Shade approaches, it can only let the flames surrounding its body form a fireball and rush towards Shade, but it is slapped by Shade. Fan them all out.

Shad directly stretched out his hands to hug the trunk of the burning tree. Bright red cracks appeared on the backs of both hands, and then the cracks spread to his whole body until his naked upper body was covered with burns. traces.

Having swallowed the fire of the Phoenix, coupled with the resistance provided by [Inner Fire] and the power of the first fire, even though the flames of the burning trees had fallen on his body, Shade still did not feel much burning pain. .

“Get up!”

In giant form, the muscles of his arms bulged, and then with a “ha” sound, he helped the tree completely break away from the ground.

This scene was quite powerful, and Shade, who was hugging the burning tree, also directly dropped the tree to the ground with a loud roar. The tree, which was already immobile, temporarily lost all ability to move, and even the burning flames became weaker.

Immediately afterwards, Shade in giant form exhaled cold air at the roots of the tree.

Because this form has been enhanced by spellcasting, the chill is even more terrifying than before. In an instant, the flames at the roots of the tree were almost completely extinguished, and even the bottom third of the tree was covered with hoarfrost.

Quack quack~

In the strongest flames at the top of the tree, several flaming crows flew out of the fire. This kind of burning flame itself is not an ordinary flame because it has elements. However, even if those fire crows directly hit Sha De Chiguo’s back, they only left some black marks and were completely unable to stop him from continuing to cast spells and spit out chills. .

He maintained this state, holding the bottom of the big tree in the raging fire and continuing to cast spells, not letting go until the white frost completely covered the entire tree. So after the **** frost extinguished the flames, the persistent chill continued to suppress the few sparks on the blackened trees and deer, and after all the sparks were extinguished, the cold continued to affect the high temperature inside the trees.

With the sound of ????, the frozen charred trees finally broke apart inch by inch, and at the same time, the struggling deer finally stopped being active.

This continued for a full five minutes before the trees and deer scattered a pile of black ashes on the ground, and only a small piece of smoldering black wood remained in Shade’s hand.

No matter how much cold air is sprayed on this piece of wood, the nearly transparent flames are no longer affected. This is the cursed core of the tree and the hottest part of the tree that the hermits feel.

If the tree is destroyed by other forces instead of cold, then the piece of wood will probably explode directly, and then ignite the entire forest.

“That’s it.”

Shad’s body also returned to normal size, and the red-haired girl and two hermits holding his clothes hurried over:

“Is this wood the core?”


Shad held up the piece of wood with his right hand and let it fly, while Miss Danister helped him put his shirt back on.

Xia De frowned and continued to look at this dark thing. He hadn’t felt it when he faced the big burning tree just now, but when he directly touched the core of the tree, he clearly felt a very familiar feeling. The power of:

“See the devil!”

As his eyes blinked, the originally almost transparent and colorless flame immediately turned into black.

“It was one thing after another. Bronte’s matter had just ended, and the devil appeared again.”

After putting on his clothes, Shade thought to himself that he did not hide this information:

“The curse comes from the devil.”

Both hermits were startled:

“What devil?”

“Ancient evil spirits and demons.”

He said softly, rummaged through his pocket and found a bottle of holy water. He drew the holy water out and wrapped it around the smoldering piece of wood. Black smoke immediately emerged:

“Chloe’s Ice Breath.”

The cold air was exhaled again, and then the holy water wrapped in the wood was frozen. The holy water ice kept being melted by the piece of wood, but as Shade used more and more holy water, in the end, although the wood was still burning, the ice still completely enveloped it.

Xia De grabbed the piece of ice again and determined that it would be okay to seal it in a short period of time:

“My eyes are unmistakable. This is a monster created by the power of the devil. And the question now is, where did this devil escape? Who is this devil?”

As a land of Vesta where anything can appear, evil spirits and demons have certainly appeared in history. When Shade and Miss Daniste visited the Bennet family cemetery together, they noticed a slight demonic power from the bones of the Bennet family ancestors. Miss Daniste talked about the local demons at that time. .

That was three hundred years ago, but according to reliable records, the demon that appeared in the local area that year had been sealed by the “Ranger Hunter”, a thirteen-ring warlock of the Church of Nature at that time, using an angel-level relic. It is still contained in the Holy See of the Church of Nature.

For this reason, the first thing that should be determined is whether the demonic power that appears this time is the remnant of the demon from three hundred years ago, or it is the ancient evil spirit that has reappeared in the local area after three hundred years.


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