Technological Supremacy Chapter 567: North American shock, next 1 target agriculture


North America, Washington.

Musk stroked the stubble on his chin. Staying up all night is not a problem for him. He loves Red Bull. Relying on this functional drink, Musk often stayed up late when he was young, and he has long been used to turning day and night upside down. life.

However, Musk can stay up late, but he can’t stand boredom. He was called from Los Angeles to the capital overnight by a call from the White House. After that, he waited for a long time, and he didn’t know what the president was studying with his staff. Musk felt that , It should be related to Xingchen Technology again.

Musk glanced at the waiting room. Dr. Mason from the Oak Ridge Laboratory, Dr. Jones from the Ross Laboratory, etc., are all old acquaintances in the scientific research community. The dissatisfaction with Xingchen Technology is becoming more and more serious, and everyone is asked to come up with a plan to fight against Xingchen Technology. Regarding this, colleagues can only look at each other and smile bitterly. Facing Xingchen Technology, which was born like a monster, the major laboratories and even NASA have nothing to do. method.

Because Xingchen Technology has jumped out of the Three Realms and independently become a complete scientific research system. The modern scientific research system was established by the West, and they are the rule makers. China rules.

The most typical example is the Star Journal, this set of top academic journals in the world, forcing many Western scientists and college students to learn obscure and difficult Chinese, otherwise they will not be able to understand it. This is the power of mastering the rules. It is far more important for the world to conduct scientific research in accordance with Chinese rules than how many patents China has obtained for scientific research.

“Everyone, please follow me.”

At this time, the President’s special envoy Mitterrand walked into the waiting room and asked Musk and others to follow him to meet the President. After going to the office, Musk saw that Sean, the chief of staff, was also there, and Sean had a look of doomsday Look, his face is extremely ugly.

“Huaxia may already have controllable nuclear fusion technology.” The President paced back and forth and said straightforwardly.

Musk frowned slightly, “Is the source of the news accurate?”

The President raised his head and glanced at Musk, “The expansion of the East China Sea to the West is a huge project, and many things cannot be hidden. The core technology they use in this project should undoubtedly be controllable fusion. Damn! Those yellow-skinned monkeys took the lead! This is controllable nuclear fusion, controllable fusion! This is crazy!”

The president couldn’t help scolding his mother, his face was terribly black, Musk couldn’t help but sigh with emotion, the Karman vortex street power generation technology has made China the world’s number one energy power, and now they have mastered the controllable fusion technology, which is space The future of energy.

From earth energy to space energy, plus space elevators and synchronous orbit stations, the next step, Star Technology should go to the moon to mine helium-3, right? Because of the cheapness and popularization of controllable fusion, a large amount of helium three is needed as the basis.

Musk used his powerful brain power to imagine the scenes of the future world in his mind. The starship set off from the home port of the earth and sailed to the distant stars. Musk, who was intoxicated in the fantasy, not only did not feel sad, but even excited Trembling all over, he didn’t pay attention to what the President was roaring angrily.

Colleagues from the scientific research community in North America are dignified at the moment, and the President keeps pointing his hands, as if giving some kind of instructions to the major laboratories.

“Musk, you are very good.”

When Musk came back to his senses, the president’s broad and powerful hand was already on Musk’s shoulder, and he said exaggeratedly: “You should all learn from Musk! It won’t take long for Starlink to It is time to launch a final attack on Huaxia, as well as global communications and networks. I think those Huaxia people must be very interested in bypassing the firewall and connecting to our North American Internet. After all, there is no one who does not like freedom.”

The President’s eyes are burning, but Musk is smiling wryly in his heart. The President and the vast majority of people in the West actually have a huge misunderstanding of China, thinking that all Chinese people must yearn for the sweet air of the West.

This is clearly a mistake.

If you seriously investigate Huaxia international students, you will find that although they have gone abroad, they are still using WeChat and QQ, and they are still used to go to Toutiao to read news, go to station B to watch, and go to Douyin to watch short videos.

Western culture doesn’t have any fatal attraction to Chinese people. At most, it’s just curiosity.

So, the President hopes that after Starlink is completed, Chinese people will flock to it, abandon their own network, and turn to become North American customers. Fees, Starlink may not be able to promote it in China.

“There are also Dragon spacecraft, Falcon series rockets, etc., all of which are Musk’s masterpieces! You all have to learn from him. Only a genius like Musk is worthy of our great Anglo-Saxon civilization…”

The president continued to talk eloquently. He obviously set up Musk as a model and called on everyone to learn from Musk.

“President, what did you say just now?”

After leaving, Musk asked Dr. Jones in a low voice. The Ross Laboratory where Jones worked was the first scientific research institution defeated by Xingchen Technology. For several years, he has been concentrating on practicing. Recently, Dr. Jones began to appear more frequently in various The occasion seems to mean that the Lowes Laboratory is about to make a breakthrough.

“Didn’t you listen just now?” Dr. Jones looked at Musk in surprise.

“My mind was distracted. When I heard that Xingchen Technology has controlled nuclear fusion, you understand that if I have controllable fusion, I can let the Dragon spacecraft leave the solar system, and I can carry out my Mars plan.”

“Civilization will definitely be destroyed.” Musk said solemnly to Dr. Jones: “Only by continuously immigrating to Mars and more planets can this kind of disaster be avoided, so the breakthrough of Star Technology shocked me, and at the same time I was full of imagination, so I didn’t listen to the speeches of the president and the chief of staff.”

Dr. Jones sighed. Sometimes Musk is an optimist, and the Dragon spacecraft looks like a block, but Musk insisted on sending this block into space.

But there are some things, Musk is a complete pessimist, he believes that all civilizations will eventually be destroyed, maybe war, maybe the greed of the rulers, maybe disease and bacteria, but no matter what, civilization must eventually will be destroyed.

Only by continuously immigrating to other planets and starting new civilizations one by one can the earth’s civilization continue, because new civilizations are always the most vital, just like teenagers, full of vitality.

“To put it simply, the President approved a special fund of 60 billion U.S. dollars, hoping that we can also get nuclear fusion, and will also launch attacks on China in the fields of agriculture, space, communications, etc.” Dr. Jones concluded .

“And agriculture?” Musk asked curiously.

“Why not.” Dr. Jones asked back: “We are the world’s largest agricultural country, and Star Technology’s East China Sea West Project is obviously planning to attack our agricultural hegemony. You may have heard that Huaxia is a strange The Chinese people have a faith-like love for land and agriculture, and they even spare no effort to cultivate hillsides into terraced fields for farming.”

“In short, the Chinese nation without agriculture has no soul.”


Luo Jia, who returned to Shanghai after the trip to the Bohai Sea, dived into the meditation center, logged into the secret network through the virtual helmet, and saw Lan Yu and Hei Jian who were already waiting there.

“Mr. Navigator!” Hei Jian was slightly taken aback, and said joyfully, “It’s nice to meet you, I thought you wouldn’t be here this time.”

Luo Jia shook his head lightly, “I have some things, so I’m sorry for the delay.”

Now, Luo Jia and the three of them have formed the habit of meeting on the secret network every week, and as time goes by, their friendship with each other has gradually warmed up, and a considerable degree of trust has been established.

Although the universe is vast, there are only three of them who can log into the secret net by chance.

“Mr. Navigator, the date of departure has been officially confirmed.” Hei Jian said solemnly: “In three days, my fleet will secretly set sail to explore Shimmering Star County.”

“It turned out to be an exploration mission.” Luo Jia frowned and said nothing.

Lan Yu said bluntly: “Your commander really intends to put you to death. Shimmer Star County is the former territory of quantum civilization, and the strength of quantum civilization is well known. There are legends that quantum civilization has disappeared. , That’s okay, assuming they still live in Shimmering Star County, and you encounter them unexpectedly, there may be a lot of danger, after all, you are leading an old, weak, sick and disabled fleet.”

Hei Jian smiled wryly and shrugged helplessly.

Last time, with the help of Luo Jia, he escaped from the Forgotten Galaxy. However, because of his status as an illegitimate child, some people still want him to die. This trip to Shimmering Star County is also an extremely dangerous mission.

So, being involved with a big family is not necessarily a good thing. Even though Black Sword has no intentions about the property of the western guard family, some people still refuse to believe it, thinking that one day, he will appear in the list of inheritance distribution Instead of waiting until that day, it is better to eliminate the troubles as soon as possible, otherwise, with the display of Hei Jian’s ability and talent, he is bound to become a difficult opponent in the future.

Hei Jian did not say anything about asking Luo Jia for help. Everyone knows that Luo Jia will definitely help if necessary, and this kind of exploration mission does not have a fixed goal, so there are many After the meeting arrives, check around first.

After explaining that Hei Jian should pay attention to safety, Luo Jia turned to Lan Yu.

“I’m also going to the water-shaped civilization. Although I’m in the same star county, I’m still very much looking forward to seeing their underwater giant city, as well as those magical underwater plants and animals.” Lan Yu Said to Luo Jia: “In addition, Mr. Navigator, I have already prepared what you didn’t expect you to be interested in the technology of our plant family. I feel very honored.”

Luo Jia said: “Don’t underestimate yourself. There are specialties in the art industry. I am an expert in identifying stars and setting navigation marks, but once I leave my professional field, I am just a layman.”

Lan Yu was even more happy when he received the praise. Among the stars, the leader played by Luo Jia belongs to the top profession, and usually comes from a super powerful inheritance family. To get Luo Jia’s recognition and friendship is very good to Lan Yu important.

“Relevant data and materials have been stored on the secret network server, and you can download them at any time.” Lan Yu said regretfully, “It’s a pity that we are in the online world. It would be great if we could meet in reality. I can personally give you the seeds of many plants, and there are also those magical plants with special abilities.”

“Unlike now, you can only take the data and interpret and cultivate it yourself.”

Meet in real life?

Of course Luo Jia wants to, but at the same time he also understands that the road to the stars and seas of earth civilization is still a long way away. After all, there are still several essential core technologies that have not yet made breakthroughs, such as the superluminal leap engine .


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