Technological Supremacy Chapter 506: Fusion experiment and superconducting induction technology!


Luo Jia’s words drew everyone’s nods. Controllable fusion requires magnetic confinement.

“As we all know, after repeated arguments, we finally chose the double-helix stellarator. This brand-new design is undoubtedly an epoch-making masterpiece…”

Luo Jia boasted brazenly. In fact, the argument is not important. The important thing is that Luo Jia got the fusion device blueprint and technology of energy civilization from Black Sword.

“In addition to design, another difficulty in magnetic confinement lies in superconducting materials.” Luo Jia said calmly: “The German stellarator used expensive Nb-Ti, which is niobium-titanium alloy, and the French international The thermonuclear fusion experimental reactor ITER uses more expensive Nb3Sn, which is a niobium-tritin compound superconductor.”

“In addition, I must say that the design weight of ITER has reached a crazy 23,000 tons, which is equivalent to three Eiffel Towers. It is really expensive and spectacular. It is as spectacular as ITER, and there is The laser inertial confinement fusion device in North America, code-named NIF, was the first to achieve energy freedom by relying on the Karman vortex street power generation technology. North America has been in a hurry for the past few years and invested heavily in the field of controllable fusion, so their laser inertial confinement technology , progress is also very fast.”

“This is an increasingly fierce competition. Whether we or the West have invested heavily in the field of fusion, the next step is to see who wins.”

“Now let’s go back to the aspect of superconducting materials. Seniors should know that the Institute of Materials Science of our Star Technology is the strongest on earth. Among them, Dr. Ji Ming is in charge of carbon fiber and tri-titanium alloy, and Dr. Cao Yuan The responsible graphene and nanotubes have already made achievements, which can be regarded as the first in the field of materials science.”

“But you may not know that there is a Dr. Chao Anbang in our Institute of Materials Science. He joined the company earlier than Cao Yuan, but he has been unknown, sticking to an important position in the field of materials science, superconductors.”

Hearing this, everyone’s eyes lit up immediately, wondering if Xingchen Technology had made a breakthrough in the research of superconductivity.

Superconductor is a good thing. When the external magnetic field changes, currents will be induced, and these currents will not become smaller because superconductors have no resistance. According to Lenz’s law, the magnetic field generated by the current will prevent the magnetic field from changing. So the net effect is that the magnetic flux possessed by a superconductor never changes.

In any case, superconductor is a very powerful thing with a wide range of applications. It is not only needed for controllable fusion, but also for all electricity-related technologies, such as maglev cars and maglev trains in science fiction movies. Without superconducting technology, there is no way To realize, superconductivity is the pre-technology of advanced magnetic levitation.

In addition, Chao Anbang is not unknown, he is the youngest Ph.D. People don’t know.

After a pause, Luo Jia continued: “I don’t think superconducting materials that need to reach absolute zero to achieve zero resistance will have any future. After all, the condition of absolute zero is too harsh. There is no meaning in it, and our goal has always been clear, that is to find a perfect material, no matter at any temperature, it has stable zero resistance, or close to zero resistance.”

“It’s just that the requirements are too high, and the difficulty of research and development becomes very great. Chao Anbang led the team to pursue hard, but never found a way to realize a universal superconductor. It also made a huge sacrifice. However, there is no unparalleled road. Just when our superconducting project was at a standstill, Cao Yuan’s team completed the graphene preparation process, and we can mass-produce graphene.”

“The teams of Chao Anbang and Cao Yuan were in the same building. The researchers on both sides kept their heads down all day long and they were very familiar with each other. So Chao Anbang went to Cao Yuan and got a lot of graphene back. With the mentality of being a dead horse as a living horse doctor, try to use graphene for experiments. After all, we can mass-produce graphene.

“Now things become more interesting. Because of Cao Yuan’s success, Chao Anbang jumped out of the circle of traditional superconducting research. He didn’t use niobium alloys or copper oxides, but whimsical. The graphene in the laboratory next door is used for superconductivity experiments.”

Luo Jia seemed to be telling a story, talking about interesting things that happened in the company, and everyone’s hearts were raised at this moment.

“With nothing to do, make a bunch of graphene to do superconductivity experiments? It really is the whimsical style of Xingchen Technology.”

“People are more popular than people. In most laboratories, it is not easy to find a few grams of graphene, but Star Technology’s graphene is as much as tons.”

Thinking inwardly, everyone pricked up their ears and listened carefully, eager to know the results of Chao Anbang’s experiment.

Luo Jia said with a smile: “The experiment didn’t go well at first, but we couldn’t help it. Cao Yuan, a good friend of Chao Anbang, assisted enthusiastically. Also constantly update their product line, graphene, tubular graphene, nano-tubular graphene, double-layer graphene…”

“Chao Anbang was overwhelmed, so he simply took all these graphene products back for experiments. He accidentally discovered a strange phenomenon. When the corner of double-layer graphene is close to one point one degree, the energy band structure changes Close to a zero-dispersion energy band, so that when the energy band is half-filled, it will pass through a metal insulator and finally transform into a Mott insulator.”

“We first observed similar transformations in copper oxides, so copper oxides have always been the most popular research direction for high-temperature superconductivity. There are at least hundreds of laboratories in China and even the world, using copper oxides Launch superconductivity research.”

“Now, we have obtained similar results by changing the rotation angle of bilayer graphene. The most important significance is not that we use graphene as a superconductor, but provides an unprecedented research direction, using cold atoms system, simulating the superconducting phase obtained by doping the Mott insulating phase.”

When Luo Jia faces many experts and scholars, the content of his speech will inevitably enter into a professional depth. This is different from his weekly column. There are many senior scientists here, Luo Jia does not need to speak easy to understand, but only needs to be professional and rigorous.

If Luo Jia’s speech is translated into human words, it means that when a material cannot become a superconductor, try to stack the materials and then twist them. The non-aligned stacked materials may show the appearance of a superconductor. magical properties.

Luo Jia began to speak faster and said: “We currently call this technology superconducting induction technology. Simply put, the superconducting state of graphene is induced by chemical splicing with other elements. “

Use atomic-level chemical splicing to induce a superconducting state! ?

Everyone at the scene was shocked again. This was really an unforgettable night. In just a few hours, Luo Jia led a group of academicians and experts to appreciate the magical charm of extraterrestrial advanced science.

Isn’t there no naturally occurring superconducting material on the earth?

Then use chemical splicing to induce superconducting properties!

To be honest, if Luo Jia hadn’t spent seven years constantly studying the inheritance of the Golden Dome, how could he have believed in this magical thing that obviously violates the laws of physics and is infinitely close to metaphysics.

“In order to speed up the space program, more black technologies must be thrown out.” Looking at everyone’s reactions, Luo Jia thought to himself, “It seems that the earth science community has not yet reached the level where it can accept advanced extraterrestrial science. , but for the sake of the stars and the I can only ask you to get in the car quickly.”


Perhaps it was because the theory of superconducting induction was too amazing. Almost immediately, everyone raised their hands, hoping to ask Luo Jia a question.

The thought of explaining a lot of problems gave Luo Jia a headache.

Just at this time, a piercing beep sounded, which was a signal from Dr. Xie Tian from the fusion reactor, counting down the last fifteen minutes.

When everyone was listening to Luo Jia’s explanation, the time had quietly arrived in the early morning, and the first controllable fusion test in the history of Xingchen Technology was about to officially start!

“The experiment is about to start, if there is any problem, let’s talk about it after the experiment is over.”

After Luo Jia finished speaking, he raised his legs and walked towards the monitoring room. Although the leaders of the two houses felt itchy and uncomfortable, they couldn’t say anything more, so they had to follow behind Luo Jia with a belly full of confusion.

In March of the seventh year of Star Technology’s founding, the controllable fusion experiment is about to begin.


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