Technological Supremacy Chapter 417: The legendary 24th pair of chromosomes!


In the early morning of the next day, the weather was not good and it was raining cats and dogs. According to the agreement, Luo Jia went to the home of Professor Cui Yingtai in the suburbs with the brothers of the Wen family.

Shen Lang and the others have already completed the task of acquiring the ** Group, so they went shopping on vacation. The young people are full of energy and don’t care about the weather at all. As for the follow-up contract, it will be transferred to the company’s legal department.

“Huh? Why didn’t you see Di Wuchang? Didn’t he go to Professor Cui’s house with us?” Wen Chengling asked puzzled. It seemed that he didn’t see Di Wuchang yesterday. He seemed to have disappeared on the spot as soon as he arrived in Korea. like.

Luo Jia smiled and said disapprovingly: “Don’t worry about him, let’s go by ourselves.”

So they boarded a white business car and came to the secluded and open rich area outside the city. It is said that chaebol families such as Samsung and Lotte have their own homes here. Will come to live and enjoy the pastoral scenery.

He came to the door with an umbrella and rang the doorbell. A gray-haired man appeared in front of them shortly after. The porch leads to the courtyard.

Cui Yingtai is not too old, forty-seven years old, but he seems to be in his sixties. What surprised Luo Jia even more is that, as a professor at Seoul National University, he actually lives in the suburbs. wealthy suburb.

This villa is divided into two courtyards, the front and the back, and occupies a large area. Although it has been in disrepair for a long time, it is not difficult to see the former glory from the layout and furnishings of the garden. Unfortunately, things are different now. Cui Yingtai has no wife and children. Living here alone is so deserted.

There is no complicated etiquette. Cui Yingtai didn’t even bother to pour a cup of tea for the guests, so he said straight to the point: “You really kept your word and brought your boss. Now that Luo Jia has arrived, let’s talk about the conditions.” .”

The Wen family brothers looked stunned. Cui Yingtai, worthy of being a madman, called Luo Jia by his name, which was so rude. Xu Chunbiao stood behind Luo Jia and frowned slightly, as if he didn’t like this person.

But Luo Jia didn’t care, he smiled and said: “It’s the best, after all, everyone’s time is limited. By the way, Professor Cui’s Chinese is much better than I imagined.”

Cui Yingtai’s face suddenly became gloomy, and he cursed in a low voice: “A group of uneducated bastards, the Korean people have been using Chinese characters for thousands of years, until 1970, 80% of the characters in South Korea are still written in Chinese. Chinese characters are written.”

“However, those short-sighted politicians discarded Chinese characters and forced Hangeul. Now Korean young people go to history museums to see the history of their ancestors, and they still need to hire a translator, because they don’t understand Chinese characters at all!  … “

Luo Jia raised his forehead, Professor Cui Yingtai is an old cynic, but he is right in saying that Korea and Vietnam forcibly removing Chinese characters is indeed an extremely stupid decision in the long run.

To put it simply, the characters used in South Korea and Vietnam are all pinyin. I remember that one year, the Lotte Duty Free Shop made a big joke. Due to the increase in Chinese tourists, they wanted to use Chinese to tell tourists the opening time and closing time. , So I wrote such a paragraph in the poster.

Business traitor: ten o’clock in the morning.

Closing shop dead rape: 8:00 p.m. sharp.

So you see, Chinese people have never used pinyin, so they don’t understand the stupidity and funnyness of this language. In pinyin, stupidity is exactly the same as fish lips, and funnyness is exactly the same as colleges and high efficiency. stupidly can not tell.

In contrast, Neon people are much smarter. They retain a lot of Chinese characters. If you have the opportunity to go to Neon, you will find that for Chinese people, doing buses and subways in Neon is a very important thing. It is very convenient, because it is all Chinese characters, and most of them can be understood.

Luo Jia said lightly: “In history, you learned Chinese characters because of the strength of Huaxia, and abandoned Chinese characters because you took the rich North America as your new attachment, and looked down on our poor and rustic Huaxia. .”

Speaking of which, the brothers of the Wen family looked at each other and smiled. If you have milk, you are a mother. What should I say? This is a way of survival for a small country. The opposite is the worst. After all, human beings always follow others, and poor relatives are always looked down upon.

Paused for a while, Luo Jia continued: “It doesn’t matter anymore. We didn’t object when you attached yourself to Huaxia and learned characters and culture. Now that you have climbed a high branch and have a stronger background, you want to leave , we won’t keep you, the only requirement is that you can walk, but you don’t want to walk around.”

After listening to Luo Jia’s words, the Wen family brothers looked thoughtful. Although the life after joining Xingchen Technology is busy, they are also happy, because there are a group of like-minded idealists as colleagues, and there is a humorous language , A leader with a deep and tricky thinking perspective, who sees the essence through phenomena, this is probably Luo Jia’s characteristic.

Luo Jia shrugged and said: “Of course, even if you want to, North America will not agree.”

“I think back then, China, Japan, and South Korea planned to establish a free trade zone, strengthen economic cooperation, and rely on East Asian forces to compete with the European Union and North America. The Diaoyu Islands began a vigorous campaign to protect the Diaoyu Islands, so Huaxia and Nihong people turned against each other, and the trade agreement was terminated.”

“Looking at the current situation, it is really difficult to say what the real motives of those Hong Kong patriots are, after all, the timing is too delicate.”

“Personally, I’ve always been a little bit inclined towards conspiracy theories, but I don’t think so. I just feel sorry for my compatriots. They are being used as gunmen in their bones, but they don’t know it.”

“The countries that can be the boss in this world are all ruthless and insidious characters. So far, no matter whether it is our China or you South Korea, there are still a large number of people who believe that North America is the embodiment of justice and freedom. From this point of view, it is right for you to abandon Chinese characters, since you have joined the new owner, you must draw a clear line with the old owner, and accept a certificate or something.”


Luo Jia’s old problem of liking to play freely has committed again, and the Wen family brothers are eager to find out Cui Yingtai’s real purpose, so they have to take the opportunity to interrupt Luo Jia’s eloquent talk and ask about Cui Yingtai’s conditions.

“Follow me.”

Cui Yingtai got up again and led Luo Jia and the others into the backyard, a place similar to a chemical laboratory.

Various utensils and instruments are scattered In the center is a huge silver liquid nitrogen tank, and a photo is pasted on the tank. In the photo, Choi Young-tae is with a woman, wearing a baseball cap little boy in two arms.

“There are my wife and son in the jar. I want to use the resources and technology of Star Technology to prepare for their resurrection. All advanced technologies of Star Technology must be open to me unconditionally and provide me with a laboratory. No less than $500 million in research funding…”

Cui Yingtai finally stated his conditions. His eyes were shining with the light of fanaticism at the moment, and the conditions he offered made Luo Jia not believe his ears. So far only three people know, Luo Jia, An Ran, and Li Moran.

The Wen brothers and Xu Chunbiao looked at Cui Yingtai with caring eyes. If they had known about such outrageous conditions, they would never have made this trip to Korea. It was tricked.

“Don’t look at me like this!” Cui Yingtai suddenly said angrily: “I am the best geneticist in the world, and I am worth the price! Only I can solve your chromosome troubles, because I discovered In humans, the secret of the 24th pair of chromosomes being knocked out!”

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