Technological Supremacy Chapter 355: The masses don’t actually care about science


Luo Jia led Shen Lang to find the rendering engine interest group. Although it was an amateur research, after three years of continuous efforts, the members of the interest group have achieved amazing results.

“Mr. Luo, this is the re-rendered old fan, Galaxy Railway 999. The author is the old manga master Reiji Matsumoto.” The team leader Jiang Dong introduced to Luo Jia.

The manga of Galaxy Railway started serialization in 1977, and was made into an animation in the 1980s. From today’s point of view, the picture is rough, and it is a bit horrible.

However, after the re-rendering by the interest group, the ancient animation from decades ago has regained its vitality.

Optimization of this kind of thing is based on the original painting. The original painting is 60 points, and it can be optimized to 80 points at most. It is impossible to optimize the original painting of 60 points to 100 points. That is not scientific.

Jiang Dong and the others have optimized it to the limit. Except for the figure and eyebrows, it can still be seen that it is the comic style of the 1980s. The rest is not much different from modern animation, especially the rendering of a lot of light. Join in for a fantastic sense of realism.

“The performance of this rendering engine is very good.” Luo Jia was surprised: “I don’t know its versatility, what is the demand for server computing power?”

Jiang Dong explained: “The goal we set up at the beginning was universal rendering, and we have achieved this goal. Whether it is an old game or an old animation, we have corresponding algorithms and strategies.”

“As for the server demand, it is still quite large. We are connected to the company’s server farm in the background. Once the server farm is idle, we will do some rendering work. We have re-optimized hundreds of old fans and An ancient game, but due to copyright issues, the optimized work cannot be released to the public, otherwise it will be an infringement and a lawsuit will be filed.”

Luo Jia nodded again and again. The interest group has created such a powerful rendering engine, but it is still unknown, mainly because of copyright restrictions. The technology has been communicated internally and has never been announced to the public.

People who have never worked in the animation or game industry may never understand how computationally intensive rendering is. Not only do they need to use large servers, even companies with deep pockets, they also rent supercomputers.

Yes, it is a supercomputer like Yinhe No. 1. A large part of its computing resources is used to render animation games. Similarly, this CG rendering technology can also be used in the production of movies and TV series.

In short, playing technology in the film and game industry not only tests the professional ability of engineers, but also competes with computing equipment. In movie theaters, those special effects shots that make the audience’s heart beat faster and scream loudly are behind countless elite engineers , and high-efficiency computer resources with tens of thousands of cores.

So far, Xingchen Technology has not established a supercomputer project, but it has a set of super distributed computing clusters that amaze the world. In Baoshan and Chongming Island alone, there are three large computer rooms, and the cooling equipment is directly connected to the Yangtze River. The river water is extracted to cool down the equipment.

Since the company has decided to follow the technological flow of the entertainment industry, the fourth computer room dedicated to special effects should be put on the agenda. The company’s gradual migration to Chongming Island and Nantong is an overall plan that has been decided long ago. It is better to build the computer room in Nantong.

“From now on, the rendering engine interest group will be converted into an official project team of the company to start the official commercial application of the rendering engine. At the same time, the original interest group members will receive special bonuses from the company as encouragement. “Luo Jia announced in public.

Recently, the situation has completely changed. News about Xingchen Technology occupies the headlines of the hot search list almost every day. Even on the most exaggerated days, half of the top ten most searched news are about Xingchen Technology.

The reason is very simple and true. It is not that the people all over the country suddenly lose interest in celebrity gossip and turn to hard-core technical teams like Xingchen Technology, but because Xingchen Technology has done two very grounded things in succession. Things they like to hear.

And these two things are undoubtedly the establishment of the Department of Life Sciences, and the little guys at Star University are trying to build their own entertainment empire.

The melon-eating people all over the world are crazy about these two things. The huge progress in the field of life science means the possibility of prolonging life and eliminating various diseases. .

Prolonging life is too tempting for people all over the world. To put it bluntly, being the richest man in the world, Luo Jia may not be able to get whoever he wants, but if he masters the secret of longevity Shao, it doesn’t matter how famous the celebrity is, whether he is married or not, it would be strange if he didn’t kneel down and beg him to warm his bed.

In fact, the Chinese people do not have scientific genes in their bones, and they are more willing to believe in ghosts and monsters.

Back then, when **** health products like melatonin swept across the country, who knew that Huawei was desperately developing GSM technology. That was also the day when Huawei was the closest to death since its establishment, and it might collapse at any time.

Later, when Luo Jia and Mr. Ren drank together, Mr. Ren recalled that at the beginning, there was only bitterness. If the IQ tax paid by everyone drinking melatonin was used for research and development, there should be a few more Huawei products in China today. , in the face of the North American trade war, it will not be so passive.

Unfortunately, it is a tradition for ordinary people to drink melatonin.

Don’t you see it’s the 21st century, and scammers are still running rampant all over the country, in the name of health care products, tricking old men and old ladies into buying magnet mattresses, negative oxygen ion tea cups and other ghost things.

In all fairness, Star Technology’s biggest move this year is to enter the semiconductor field. As the jewel in the crown of the technology industry, the semiconductor industry has a high threshold and a huge cost of funds, which is unimaginable.

However, people’s enthusiasm for the development of semiconductors by Soverse Technology is too indifferent. At most, when they get the news, they shout Long live Soverse Technology~ Turning their heads, everyone immediately forgot This thing.

After all, entertainment stars and immortality are so close to life. Most people don’t know the difference between inductance and utility poles, electric coupling and fried coupling. Ordinary people live their lives. Who is free to study science all day long?

Anyway, the situation is so interesting. The new project of Xingchen Technology is closely watched by the whole world, and its every move attracts attention. Do it quietly.

In August of the fourth year after its founding, after large-scale reorganization and mergers, the domestic passive components began to increase in volume. At the same time, the passive component factory of Xingchen Electric, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xingchen Technology, located in Hengyang, Hunan, began to formally mass production Put into production high-performance carbon crystal capacitors.

Subsequently, with Huawei as the leader, Stellar Technology’s partners formulated a new supplier access strategy. All passive components used by suppliers must have Star Tech’s rotating galaxy logo, otherwise they will not be adopted.

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