Star Odyssey Chapter 5413: Seven surnames


In the era of transparent cultivation, there are good and bad aspects.

It can also breed – class.

Back to Si Nanxing, they dispersed one by one.

The alley not too far from Sinan Courtyard used to be deserted, but now it is extremely lively, and the liveliness seems to have become the center of Sinan Star.

Hu Qiu came back and was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

When people in the alley saw him, they immediately rushed over. Countless voices echoed in his ears, making him confused. He didn’t come back to his senses until the old man pulled him back to the shop.

The old man glared at Hu Qiu angrily: “You kid, you dare to come back, let’s see how much trouble you have caused.”

Hu Qiu was confused: “I didn’t cause any trouble.”

“You said you didn’t cause any trouble. Look, look, those idiots outside are targeting you.”

Having said this, Hu Qiu blinked first, and then realized, “Because I defeated the world team on behalf of the Sinan Academy and became the number one in the world?”


“This is not to cause trouble.”

“This.” The old man wanted to say something, but looking at Hu Qiu’s look, he couldn’t say it. There were some things Hu Qiu didn’t know.

Hu Qiu saw the old man gritting his teeth and grinned: “Master Cai, don’t worry, these people are not looking for trouble, they just admire me, come and take a look.”

The old man glared at Hu Qiu angrily: “You better stop it.”

Hu Qiu nodded seriously: “Don’t worry, I will definitely win glory for Sinan Academy.”

Fighting for a fart glory, this Sinan Courtyard has nothing to do with us. The old man wanted to complain, but he still held back. Looking at Hu Qiu’s proud look, he wanted to beat him up.

You shouldn’t stay with this group of people.

After a few days of rest, the outside world is arranging the procedures for the next competition, determining the opponents, location, and inquiring about information everywhere.

Sinan Courtyard is very quiet.

The substitute for the ancestral realm of the world team also came. When no one was around, he finally couldn’t help but compete with Niu vigorously, and then he was about to cry without tears.

Why is this Niu Dali so powerful?

He is actually the weakest, **** it.

Niu Dali was excited, he actually won the ancestral realm. He won.

Lu Yin saw that he was so happy, so he continued to teach, give him a little blow, and calm down.

When Qimeng came to the training room, she saw that Niu Dali was in a state of hesitation and doubting his life.

“What happened to him?”

Lu Yin said: “I’ve seen the highest world, it’s nothing. What do you think? Try falling into a dream with me.”

Qimeng nodded, stood in front of Lu Yin and directly performed Dream Entering.

Lu Yin felt his whole body tremble. This was too overbearing.

Everyone wants to sleep peacefully, but this dream cocoon combat skill does the opposite. It weaves a dream by itself, like a cocoon, and hits the opponent hard, which is equivalent to forcing you to sleep.

Qimeng looks at Lu Yin, okay? Not sleeping? How could it not work?

Lu Yin thought for a while: “If it were a sharper opponent, your dream cocoon wouldn’t be able to trap it. I thought it wasn’t that big of a move before.”

Qimeng nodded: “This combat skill is only the first half, and the realm master didn’t give me the second half.”

“It’s not that I don’t give it, it should be that he doesn’t have it either. In this case, I will change it for you.”

A dream? ? Can this be changed? This is a dream combat skill.

Lu Yin spent a cup of tea correcting it for Qimeng, “Take it and practice again.”

Looking at the modified Meng Cocoon combat skills, Qimeng also doubted her life. It’s really changed, and it’s very simple. Since it’s easy to dodge a forced trap, then forcefully lock the opponent and connect them with dreams to make the opponent unable to escape.

It seems simple, but not everyone can change combat skills.

It is extremely difficult to change it without affecting the power of the combat skill. The premise is that the characteristics of the combat skill must be understood. If not, the world lord Bian Zhi will change it, and he will not be able to fall into the power of dreams.

But this kind of thing is so simple in Lu Yin’s hands, as simple as drinking water.

This Mr. Zhuzhu seems to know everything.

Hu Qiu came and continued to practice the magnetic map Lu Yin drew for him.

In this way, several days passed. On this day, Yu Shan arrived and opened the light curtain. Inside the light curtain was Bian Zhi.

Bian Zhi brought information about the upcoming Hidden God Festival competition.

Si Nanyuan has never come to this step, so Yu Shan is also very curious, looking at the light screen one by one, looking forward to what will happen next.

However, inside the light curtain, Bian Zhi’s face didn’t look good, it could even be said to be very dark.

Everyone’s hearts sank and they had a bad premonition.

“The current ranking of Sinan Academy is one thousand and fifty-eight.”

“Remember this ranking, this will be your final ranking for this Hidden God Festival.” Bian Zhi said this, making everyone’s hearts sink to the bottom.

Yu Shan was uneasy: “Our next opponent will be very strong?”

Bian Zhi pondered for a moment and looked solemn: “This Hidden God Festival is more difficult than I thought. I thought that the All-Ancestral Realm lineup could break into the top 100, but I thought too much.”

“Your next opponent is the Iron King Kaikai Team.”

Yu Shan’s eyes widened: “What? Iron King Realm?”

Yu Xiaoxiao and the others turned pale.

Lu Yin frowned: “Iron King Realm?”

Bian Zhi looked at Lu Yin and said calmly: “Iron King is a strong man. He has been on the World Ranking of the Times and fought on the Liuyao battlefield like his master. He is very strong and created his own Iron King. Shiki is known as an unshakable defense, and in the last Hidden God Festival competition, the Iron King Kaikai team’s ranking was eighty-two.”

This is a strong team that has truly reached the top 100.

No wonder Bian Zhi has such an expression.

Even if Sinan Yuan relies on him, the Iron King Realm Team relies directly on a strong man like Iron King.

Being on the world rankings already shows his strength.

This Iron King is on the same level as the old man from the border area.

Yu Shan was puzzled: “The Iron King Realm is obviously far away from us, how could we encounter them?”

Bian Zhi shook his head: “It’s not too far away, and in the nearest realm, I think it’s pretty good to encounter the Iron King’s realm team, because this time is different from previous years, many realm teams have disappeared. They were replaced by a team that no one could understand.”

Yu Shan’s expression changed: “Mysterious strong team?”

Bian Zhi nodded: “Some teams can see clearly behind them, while some teams cannot.”

“Why is this happening this time?” Yu Xiaoxiao was puzzled. In fact, they had been curious since they knew they were going to lead the team into the top 100. It seemed that this Hidden God Festival was different from previous years.

Bian Zhi was silent for a moment, not sure whether he should say anything.

Lu Yin said: “You are also the team leader, so you should at least tell your family some things.”

Bian Zhi raised his eyes and glanced at everyone: “Master reminded me that Liuyao’s battlefield has changed, and the changes on the battlefield represent Liuyao’s attitude. Perhaps Liuyao has awakened.”

Yu Shan and the others were shocked.

Liuyao, are you awake?

“In previous years, only the team that won the Hidden God Festival competition could awaken one of the Six Yao to meet, but everyone knew that what they met during the meeting was only the power clone left by the Six Yao. The real Liu Yao was always practicing or “Sleep.”

“And this time, it is possible to see the real Liuyao.”

“If Liuyao really wakes up, it will be an earth-shattering event.”

Bian knew: “Not only that, something may happen this year. Although I just heard a little bit of news, it is not impossible.” He paused and looked solemn: “Someone wants to snipe the seven surnames.”

Yu Shan’s eyes narrowed, “Really or not?”

This news shocked him even more than Liuyao’s awakening.

Liuyao is supreme, no matter sleeping or waking up, it has an impact on the other party even if it is an inch away. However, it cannot affect the lower level because the distance is too far. On the contrary, the seven major surnames are different.

Once something goes wrong with these seven surnames, it will affect the entire human civilization.

Lu Yin has heard of the seven major surnames for a long time, but has not learned about them in detail, and there is no record of them on the Internet.

It seems that these seven surnames are something that practitioners should know by default and cannot discuss.

When he heard this, he just asked: “What are these seven surnames?”

Bian Zhi was surprised, he didn’t expect that Lu Yin didn’t even know this.

Yu Shan spoke in a low tone, with caution and fear, as well as indescribable reverence: “The seven surnames are the mysterious families that have always stood firm in our human civilization throughout the ages, since the Six Glory.”

“The seven surnames are Lu, Qing, Mu, Gu, Chu, Xia, and Ku.”

“Also known as the Seven Clan Hidden Clan.”

“People with these seven major surnames are independent, independent, and have extremely high status. No one dares to mess with them. They themselves never marry with other surnames. It is said that they want to maintain the purity and history of their clan.”

“Because of their specialness, they are also called the Hermit Sect, which means they are second only to the Tianshang Sect.”

Bian Zhi interface: “Although it is inferior to Tianshang Sect, Tianshang Sect does not have any command and jurisdiction over the seven major surnames. Even Liuyao is cautious when facing people with these seven major surnames.”

“In our human civilization, the seven surnames are absolutely special people. As long as they appear, they will definitely attract attention.” Yu Xiaoxiao said.

“Sometimes the higher the status, the more people will dislike it. Throughout the ages, many people have found trouble with the seven surnames. For example, Hanjian, who once ranked among the top ten in the world, is frozen in four realms, almost invincible, and provokes the seven surnames. The ancient surname, one of the great surnames, has never been heard from again. Because he is a famous figure in the world, the Tianshang Sect even went to look for it, but nothing was found.”

“The great demon who dominated the world fifty thousand years ago also disappeared from the Qing clan.”

“I heard that the God of Assassination, who mastered the intelligence of all realms, also died at the hands of the Seven Surnames.”

“In short, there are too many legends about the Seven Surnames. There is a saying in the universe that the Seven Surnames and Tianshang Sect are like the other side of Liu Yao. If Liu Yao does not fall, they will not fall either…”

Lu Yin listened quietly, the seven surnames have not intermarryed with foreigners for countless years and maintained a pure history? He smiled, it was such a familiar last name, he guessed it right, it must be them.

Mi Zhu did not erase the traces of his existence, nor did he attack his relatives and friends. He actually did all these things.

Yu Shan looked at Lu Yin: “I haven’t told you yet. In all the Yin Shen Festival competitions, the champions are almost always one of the seven surnames, with few exceptions.”

Lu Yin was not surprised. If it was really them, it would be normal for them to win the championship. It was something that had been inherited from his own era and was the oldest inheritance in the current era.

After introducing the seven surnames, Bian Zhi returned to the topic: “The stage of the universe belongs to them. We originally wanted to walk on the edge of the stage, even if it was just a formality, but we didn’t expect to encounter the Iron King Realm. , forget it, just do your best in this one.”

He didn’t blame anything. After all, the world team lost to Sinan Academy, and Sinan Academy was really strong.

Facing the Iron King Realm, it would be useless even if he formed the All-Ancestral Realm lineup as he had previously thought, because the Iron King Realm has always had an All-Ancestral Realm lineup. Under the guidance of Iron King, he is much better than them.


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