Star Odyssey Chapter 5398: Garbage Mountain


With the departure of each individual, the truth is known to more and more people. Ku Zu, Wu Tian and the others also leave one by one.

Even Gu Yuan and Chang Shu have extremely complicated attitudes towards Master Mi.

Like their ancestors, they all saw the result of the great plan, which is the glory of mankind. During its heyday of 20,000 years, even the main team was suppressed. This feeling can only be experienced by the former Ninth Base.

They have experienced years of being suppressed and fooled by the Lord, so they understand Mi Lord better.

But Lu Yin is equally important to them.

If it weren’t for Lu Yin, the Fourth Barrier would have perished. Gu Yuan was still confused between true and false, and even Hun Ji was silent.

More and more people are leaving.

The generation that followed Lu Yin slowly disappeared into Xiangcheng.

They have actually lived a good life these years, and Mishu has not treated them badly, but they cannot overcome the psychological barrier.

Master Mi did not force him to stay. The world is full of separation and estrangement, which is too normal.

In the past 20,000 years, humans have given birth to batches of elites. The immortal realm is no longer just those who followed Lu Yin. Of course, those people must be the mainstay. Their departure has temporarily plunged human civilization into a lack of The position of a master.

Mi Zhu’s solution is to release the group of creatures that Lu Yin once captured in the Supreme Mountain and control them for his own use.

Lu Yin imprisoned too many creatures in the Supreme Mountain, including Shengyi, Huizu, Shengzang, Zhongyi, etc. Even masters like Shi Gui and Bi Xuanyue were there. In addition, the ordinary eternal realms include Yuting, Qingshanwang, and the immortal realms of the Zhongta Shrine and Si Shen Palace that were once captured. The entire Bi Xuanyue clan was imprisoned.

The total number of all immortal realms is nearly a hundred.

Among such a large number of cultivators in the Immortal Realm, there are still many extremely powerful, extremely powerful and three-path practitioners.

Suddenly, the lack of human masters was made up.

My consciousness is blurred, but my memory is clear.

Before, my consciousness was clear but my memory was blurry.

Forget it, I don’t know what it is.

There are so many memories, but the missing family love when understanding cause and effect is the most unforgettable. In comparison, even being deprived of power doesn’t seem that painful.

No, it’s not that it’s not painful, but it’s very strange.

Really weird.

What is that strange feeling when every ounce of power is taken away from you?

It should be very clear, but it is impossible to grasp.

Keep thinking.

Time continues to pass, and in the blink of an eye it is thousands of years later.

On this day, a war broke out in Wuyao. The cause and result are unknown. This war has no impact on the outside world.

The originally dominant creatures continue to be suppressed by human civilization, while human civilization, in conjunction with Weiluo civilization’s technology, continues to increase its voice in the universe, continuously shrinks the scope of the universe, and speeds up movement methods. However, the greatest use of Weiluo civilization’s technology has changed from the original The development battle shifts to developing tools adapted to human actions.

Whether it is the way of moving, communicating, storing information, or exploring the universe, etc., Weiluo civilization is completely different from the beginning.

Thousands of years later, Wang Wen made a breakthrough, directly challenged the master of life, and won in one battle, shocking everyone.

From then on, the five yaos became the six yaos.

At this point, the six radiances are in the same sky.

As for Lu Yin, with the growth of generations, this name has become a legend for so many years.

I don’t know how long it has passed, maybe hundreds of thousands of years, maybe millions of years, or maybe, much longer.

A shaking awakened his sleeping consciousness.


Why is there shaking? Who is touching me?

No, who can touch me? Do I have a body? Then why can’t you wake up? How long has it been, remembering the past again and again, feeling deprived of power again and again, I have become numb, no matter what thoughts I have, I eventually fall into a deep sleep.

But why is there any movement now?


A loud noise was shocking to a consciousness accustomed to silence.

Whole awake.

Then a sound was heard.

“Try a little harder.”

“It’s been very hard.”

“Fart, you didn’t even move.”

“Stop arguing, let’s work together, I’ll count to three.”

“One, two, wait.”


Another loud noise was heard, accompanied by a scream, “Ying Feng, you uncle, I tried my best to lift you up, but you didn’t count?”

“Sorry, my mother contacted me.”


After a while, the voice sounded again: “This time I count to three, come on, one.”

“Wait a minute, do you count to three and start pushing, or do you pause after three and push again.”

“Uh, three.”


Another scream.

“What’s going on?”

“You, didn’t you count to three?”

“I’m just answering the question, doesn’t two count?”

“Are there two?”

“I think I heard two.”

“No two.”

“There are two.”


After waiting for a while, he said, “Okay, this time follow my instructions. I will count to three and push together. Remember, it is three, three, three. When counting to three, push together.”


“No problem.”

“My feet hurt.”

“Shut up.”

Where did this bunch of idiots come from? What are they doing? What to move? Where are you? Huh? What’s crawling on you? Wait, I feel it.

What about the eyes?

What about the nose?

Taste, smell the taste.

It stinks.


The surroundings were shaking, as if being lifted up, and then the group of people kept shouting, one two, one two, one two…

I don’t know where to carry it.

When I opened my eyes, it was pitch black all around, but this kind of black was visible black, and I could really see it.

Who is crawling on me? This is a sapling? It should be a sapling.

“Small sapling?” he shouted tentatively.

A cool feeling immediately rubbed my chin.

“It is indeed you, and you are still alive, but it seems like a long time has passed. How could it be so long?”

“Is this the cauldron?”

“Where did those idiots outside come from? We are no longer in Tianshang Sect?”

“How long has it been?”

No one could answer him. The little sapling couldn’t speak. He just felt very happy. He could finally move. It has always been with him in the cauldron, and he has never moved it, but now he finally moved it. So happy.

There was a boom.

My body shook and my head hit the inner wall, which hurt.

This body is really ordinary.

It was very lively outside. The things these idiots moved seemed to have attracted someone’s attention, and then there were all kinds of discussions.

“This tripod is definitely an ancient relic. When we first saw it, we felt it had a vicissitude of life.”

“Come on, you see your great-grandfather still has the spirit of vicissitudes of life.”

“What did you say?”

“What, did I say something wrong? Who shouted in class, Master, you are invincible, hahahaha.”


There was laughter all around.

At this time, a soft voice came: “Students, be quiet and let me take a look.”

The surroundings became quiet, and then there was the sound of knocking.

The saplings don’t like it, it’s too noisy.

“Little Tutor, this tripod is new, right? Look, there’s no rust at all on it.”

“Yes, others forged the tripod and got some rust. This is too fake.”

“Perhaps that’s why it was thrown into the deepest part of this garbage heap.”

“But this cauldron should not be simple. We can’t move it. How can a fake cauldron be so heavy?”

Huh? Garbage dump? The deepest part? Inside the cauldron, those eyes were raised, but they were still in the garbage heap? What happened to Tianshang Sect? He looked above. Speaking of which, why is the tripod covered?

Outside the cauldron, a soft voice was unsure: “Can’t even you guys move it? I can’t tell, so let’s remove the things covering it first. See if there’s anything inside.”

“We couldn’t dismantle it. Tried.”

“Little Tutor, please use your strength.”

The soft voice said helplessly: “How many times have I told you, don’t call me little tutor, my name is Xiaoxiao, but I am very old.”

There was a burst of laughter all around.

The cauldron was shaking, and the people above were trying to dismantle things.

Inside the cauldron, those eyes watched silently. He had just pushed it, but he couldn’t push it.

After a while, a soft voice sounded: “Get out of the way.”

The surrounding students immediately stepped aside and saw a petite and cute woman standing in front of the cauldron. She looked at the cauldron very hard and seriously. She suddenly raised her hand and struck it with a palm. At the same time, a palm print appeared in the void. It hit the tripod hard.

With a bang, the thing blocking the tripod was shattered.

A dim light shines into the cauldron.

There, there was a person huddled up. He didn’t feel comfortable when the light shone in. He covered his eyes with his hands. After a while, he took them away. What he saw were curious heads surrounding him.

“Why is there someone?”

“Hey, brother, what’s going on with you?”

“He still has a branch wrapped around his waist. He can’t be a savage.”

“Use your brain. In what age are you still a savage? Unless a new cosmic civilization is discovered, this is the hinterland. Under the coverage of the network, no cosmic civilization can escape.”

“I know, just saying.”

“Why are you here?” This soft voice came from a woman who was looking curiously at the cauldron. She looked older than the others, but her size was limited. Her eyes were the same as those of other students, full of clear stupidity. , and a touch of liveliness, which is completely opposite to the sound.

Touched the sapling, “I don’t know.”

The woman blinked: “I don’t know?”

The other students looked at each other, “You can’t be a fool.”

“Or were you robbed?”

“Let it go first.”

The woman woke up in shock: “Yes, let it out first, you, you come out first. Wait, put on clothes.”

The people in the cauldron lowered their heads and were speechless. The clothes on their bodies had long been tattered and rotten. They were just watching the fun.

A piece of clothing was thrown into the cauldron, he quickly put it on, and then climbed out.

While crawling very hard, I accidentally fell down and hit the ground head first, bleeding.

The little sapling raised its branch and wiped the blood stains on his head, feeling very distressed.

“How could an ordinary person be buried in the deepest part of the garbage mountain?”

“We finally got there, thinking we would find something good.”

“Forget it, saving someone’s life is not bad.”

“Am I right? Can the branches move?”

“Let me see.”

The woman stopped the student from coming forward and stared at the person in front of her: “What is your name?”


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