Star Odyssey Chapter 5397: Five radiances in the same sky


This decision made Ancestor unwilling and Hongshuang unwilling. But there is no way, if the success of going against the past really changes the future, the result will be even worse than now.

In Mi Zhu’s words, he is sure to transcend the four masters. Now he just wants to let them live for a while longer.

And he also left seals in the bodies of the four masters in retaliation.

Everything has returned to its original state, the Ancient City of Time has returned to its original position, and the clones of the four dominant forces have also returned. The only difference is that the branches of the Shuangqing ancestors are still in the long river of time, and no one knows where they are.

This is the life-saving foundation of the four masters.

Hongshuang still stays in the ancient city of Time.

Wang Wen faced Master Mi and smiled and congratulated: “Congratulations, senior, from this moment on, the universe is under the control of senior. The four masters will inevitably give in before they can compete with senior. Human civilization has reached the top.”

Master Mi said in a low tone: “But they still survived.” After saying that, he looked at the ancestor, “You are not willing to give in, are you?”

The First Ancestor and Master Mi looked at each other, “Where does he have the body?”

“The smoke disappears.” This is Mi Zhu’s answer.

The ancestor is gone, there is nothing left to say.

Revenge? How to report? To be honest, even if he has this strength, he doesn’t know how to take action. If Master Mi killed Lu Yin because of personal grudges, he could take action. However, Master Mi did it for human civilization, Chu Heizi confirmed this. Even though this statement sounds so hypocritical.

Although the great plan was not completely successful, human beings have completely surpassed the Lord.

Regardless of whether he has selfish motives or not, judging from the current results of human civilization, he can’t do anything.

Lu Yin is a human being, and he feels sorry for him, but human civilization cannot decline again because of Lu Yin.

Zhuzi, I’m sorry!

Wang Wen glanced at the departing figure of the ancestor, and his eyes fell on Master Mi again: “Senior not only surpassed the four masters, but also avenged himself. Leave a seal in their bodies to let them feel what their predecessors have been. Congratulations to the seniors.”

Mi Zhu stared at him: “Is it that simple?”

Wang Wen was stunned: “Senior, what do you mean?”

“Don’t pretend to be stupid with me. If others can’t see it, why can’t you? I left the seal in their bodies just to see how they can break it. With their previous understanding ability, they can’t break it if they haven’t reached the level of dominance. , unless they have a new understanding. This is the new era that can help them transcend the realm of dominance. Only in this way can they regain the realm of dominance.” Mi Zhudao.

Wang Wen marveled and bowed deeply: “The seniors are far-sighted. Not only can they feel their understanding of the power of the new era, but they can also control their strength at all times. The juniors admire them.”

The Master of Mi withdraws his gaze. He can do this. Once the four masters break through the seal with the power they have learned in the new era, he will also be able to feel and understand it. But what if you experience it? It is difficult for me to break through in a short time.

I missed the opportunity before, and I don’t know when I will be able to transcend the dominance level next time.

This Lu Yin actually left such a big hole for himself.

Originally, this pit should have been his own. It might appear after he breaks through to the dominance level, delaying his chance to break through. But he delayed himself.

He sighed. He felt guilty about Lu Yin, but since he had already done those things, there was no need to think about it any more. Does this person know that such a trap exists?

On the other side, the four major masters are also discussing: “What to do? With our previous strength, the non-dominated realm cannot break the seal at all, and there will be no progress. But if we break it with new power, we will definitely be defeated. Master Mi noticed that this new understanding of power was equivalent to telling him.”

“What can we do? We have no other way to go, unless you are willing to stay at this level forever.”

“This human being is too cruel, and that Lu Yin is too stupid to be used like this.”

“Don’t think about the past. In short, only by breaking the seal can we return to the realm of dominance. We can only bet that when we return to the realm of dominance, the Mi Lord has not yet transcended, otherwise we will always succumb to him. ”

“Not only that, once you transcend the realm of domination, no one knows whether you will have a deeper understanding of Ni Gu, or even interfere. Whether you can survive by then is a question.”

“We can only hurry up.”

“He watches us, and we can watch him.”

“What do you want?”

“Of course I can’t interfere with him personally, but as long as I’m on the same level as him, using civilization against civilization, it’s enough to spy on his situation. Although this Mi Master is ruthless, he can’t give up on human civilization.”

“Then hurry up.”

My consciousness is getting clearer and clearer, but my memory is getting blurry.

Is it blurry? It doesn’t seem right, it’s a deep sleep.

Am I going to sleep again? You have obviously been asleep for a long time, how long will you continue to sleep?

Think about anything exciting again. Only excitement can make me feel alive.

Master Mi brought Wang Wen back to Xiangcheng. He wanted to take charge of Xiangcheng, which was naturally recognized by human civilization. However, Wang Wen was resisted by many older generation practitioners.

Those practitioners were all from Lu Yin’s era, and they knew very well what Wang Wen had done. The ancestor also came forward. He could give up taking charge of human civilization, but he would never allow Wang Wen to be here.

Mi Zhu complied with the request of the people in Xiangcheng and expelled Wang Wen, willing to let him take away the Wang family.

But Wang Wen did not take him away, but let the Wang family continue to stay in Xiangcheng.

The seemingly uncaring decision made Wang Chenchen’s heart sink. Wang Wen thought he could be in charge of Xiangcheng, so he kept the Wang family. Now, because the ancestor led a group of people to come out to make him fail, he had to be expelled. But he actually left the Wang family behind. What does that mean? Is there any way he can return?

The next time, Master Mi announced that mankind will completely crush the Master and take control of the universe.

This decision became the first step for Lord Mi to return to human civilization and take charge of civilization.

The second step is to publicize Lu Yin’s achievements. Just as he promised Lu Yin, his achievements will not be buried. The universe has built statues of Lu Yin everywhere and ordered the search for Lu Yin. If he does not see his body, he will not give up.

As for those cultivators who had followed Lu Yin, they gave personal guidance without any pretense.

He is the Lord of Mi. He was the Lord of the First Barrier, founded the Ninth Barrier, and united mankind. Now leading mankind to the peak, he is still so kind, just like the Mi Master in the minds of Chang Chu and Hun Ji.

Master Mi, nothing has changed.

It’s just that the style and methods have changed.

On the Zonghou Mountain in the sky, Master Mi sat at the stone table, and Long Xi made tea for him.

“Thank you.”

Long Xi looked at Master Mi and hesitated to speak.

Mi Zhu took a sip and looked at Long Xi: “Don’t worry, I will try my best to find Lu Yin.”

Long Xi saluted him deeply: “Thank you, senior.”

Master Mi nodded and sighed: “Lu Yin is the most talented person in human history. If I had not reached the master level, I would not be as good as him in combat power. His achievements and glory will not be covered up by history. And he Everything he owns will last forever to commemorate what he did for our human civilization.”

“Like here.”

“From now on, this place will remain as it is. You can stay here or leave as you wish. No one will interfere.”

Long Xi looked at Master Mi and saluted again: “Senior, may I ask, is he really dead?”

Master Mi held the tea cup and was silent for a moment: “It’s more bad than good.”

Long Xi closed her eyes and shed tears.

Master Mi left and said before leaving: “If you have any questions about cultivation, you can come to me at any time. Not only you, the Lu family, but also those who have followed Lu Yin can come to me. I will Help you as much as possible.”

“Human civilization cannot be developed by just one or two people.”

After that, leave.

Time passed, and after a thousand years, Shengshang broke through the **** realm, or to be precise, returned to the **** realm. And when it reaches the level of domination, Mi Zhu steps out. Is this Shengshang’s understanding of cause and effect in the new era? It’s really scary.

He went to find Shengshang, and a big battle broke out. The outside world didn’t know what the outcome was, but they only knew that Shengshang had been in seclusion since then.

Followed by Shi Jian, and then Acacia Rain, the ruler of life.

The four major masters returned to the master realm, but the Mi masters were found one by one, and all four major masters were kept in seclusion.

This retreat lasted for thousands of years. After walking out, Mi Master came again. This time he did not fight, but discussed rebuilding the framework of the universe.

Not only is it the framework of the universe, it also proposes to infinitely reduce the distance between square inches. Replace space with movement speed, allowing the distance between the universe to continue to shrink.

To do this kind of thing, teleportation is the fastest, but the Lu family’s teleportation cannot be distributed throughout the universe.

So with the help of Weiluo civilization’s technology, we combined technology with the cosmic framework to reduce the distance and move towards more distant directions that were not covered by the six dominant cosmic frameworks.

This action is called – light shining on the universe.

The four major masters and the Mi Master are called – Wuyao Tongtian.

Although it is said to be Wuyao, human civilization, the former master, and countless creatures in the universe all know that Mi Master is unique and he is the strongest.

Since Lu Yin disappeared, humans have suppressed the former master for nearly 20,000 years.

Twenty thousand years is not a short period of time.

This period of history has become the most glorious chapter in the history of human civilization.

The Overlord is suppressed.

The rise of mankind.

Whether it is robbing the universe of resources or something else, human civilization has steadily suppressed all other races in the universe, including the former dominant race.

The glory of the dominant clan has completely disappeared.

And the creatures in the seventy-two realms of inner and outer heaven that escaped the collapse of the mother tree also got to know humans again.

Humanity has completely turned over.

The universe is constantly changing. No one knows what the significance of Mi’s reconstruction of the framework of the universe is. No one knows that under this light, there is a dark page within the glorious chapter of mankind.

The truth of Lu Yin’s disappearance could not be concealed after all.

First, Jingmen Shangyu learned the truth from Wang Chenchen. They had a very good relationship over the years, perhaps because they had similar temperaments and talked about everything. When Jingmen Shangyu learned the truth, Qinglian Shangyu and the others also gradually understood.

Ancestor Lu Yuan also gradually learned part of the truth from fate.

He fought with the God of Death, and then directly questioned Mi Master.

Mi Zhu did not deny it. He would not take the initiative to attack Lu Yin, but since the outside world already knew about it, he did not bother to deceive him.

Ancestor Lu Yuan, Mr. Mu and the others could not help but take action against Master Mi. No matter how big the gap was, they did not hesitate.

As a result, they left Xiangcheng, disheartened.


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