Star Odyssey Chapter 5395: Destined Doom


When the resources of a universe are completely exploited, that universe will have no meaning of existence.

Continue to the next one.

There are many such monster-like machines in the universe.

Many of them were destroyed, but more machines crawled out, like spiders wandering around.

On this day, the machines brought out the Mi Master who was practicing, and they mined the resources on the Mi Master’s head. And Master Mi’s anger reached an unprecedented height.

He was just breaking through.

Planning to break through and surpass the dominance level in one fell swoop, he saw that way.

But it was interrupted every time.

Unforgivable, unforgivable.

He angrily dismantled the mechanical monster, then found the Weiluo civilization and wanted to destroy it. But he discovered something shocking.

This Weiluo civilization is actually related to Lu Yin.

They calculated their own doomsday and transferred the fate of destruction to Lu Yin.

Master Mi, I saw this record in Weiluo Civilization. This also let him know why his breakthrough was interrupted. It was not accidental, but inevitable.

Because the fate of the destruction of Weiluo civilization was transferred to Lu Yin, but he gained Lu Yin’s power, which also led to his secret connection with Weiluo civilization.

In other words, he blocked Lu Yin from a wave of doomsday planned by the Weiluo civilization.

This discovery was like cold water poured on his head, extinguishing his anger.

Technological civilization can actually calculate its own doom through algorithms, and find ways to transfer this doom to other living beings.

How is this different from the ideological war in which they formulate huge plans to deal with the three laws?

They regard the universe as a living thing, a living thing with its own laws.

Weiluo, on the other hand, regards the universe as a law itself, or the form of an algorithm, which can be foreseen and calculated.

Civilizations have different understandings of the universe, but the results are the same. They are not wrong.

Because the big plan can succeed based on the three laws.

Er Weiluo’s algorithm also succeeded at the moment of interrupting Mi Master’s breakthrough.

What exactly is the universe?

Is the universe everything? Can the universe be all-encompassing and everything exist?

Mi Zhu stayed in Weiluo Civilization for a long time, and then forcibly suppressed Weiluo Civilization. This battle was not fierce, because Master Mi was not the strongest, he was the master.

Yes, he has broken through to the level of dominance.

Perhaps times are different.

In this era, he used his own strength in conjunction with Lu Yin’s various powers to break through the dominance level without causing much movement. In other words, although the movement was big, it failed to reach Xiangcheng, the master of Yiyi and Weiluo civilization.

This would not have been the case in the previous era.

The upper limit of strength has been broadened.

Using dominance-level combat power to deal with Weiluo civilization, Weiluo civilization has no ability to resist. Only then did they realize how far they were from their master.

Unless we make another breakthrough, we will have technological weapons with dominant destructive power.

In that case, they will be invincible until there are creatures that transcend the master level.

But it’s too late after all.

They were no longer able to resist Mi Master, and were completely suppressed and controlled by Mi Master.

Master Mi has been practicing before he transformed from the four masters and re-cultivated, and he has not stopped until now. Now when he came out, he found that Wang Wen had also been forcibly taken away to re-cultivate.

He went directly to the last ancient city of time to launch a sneak attack on the dominating power clone.

The dominator-level power and Lu Yin’s various powers, as well as the understanding of these four dominator-level power clones, plus Hong Shuang’s obstruction outside at the critical moment and the red umbrella, so the four dominator-level power clones were Controlled.

They didn’t expect to be controlled.

Too careless.

I thought that with the death of Master Mi and the death of Lu Yin, they could sit back and relax, otherwise they would never let Hongshuang get closer to Nigu than they did. This was a big taboo.

However, it is too late to regret.

Having taken control of the last ancient city of time to ensure that no one can reverse the past, Master Mi can take action against the four major masters.

Transformation and reconstruction?

Then go to hell.

It’s all over.

The great plan will be a complete success.

Wang Wen has already left clues as to the location of the transformation and reconstruction of the four masters.

Whether they take Wang Wen with them or not, Wang Wen will be found.

After Master Mi and Lu Yin were both confirmed dead, the morale of the four masters had reached its highest level. That period was the most suitable time for Wang Wen to do something.

Only during that period can something be done.

After a while, Master Mi broke through the void in front of him and saw the starry sky ahead which appeared dark and deep but was actually a hole in the sky.

To completely abandon your own power, turn it into a state visible to the naked eye, and let yourself go from being to nothing. This is transformation and reconstruction.

This process only takes a thousand years.

In a thousand years, the four masters can put all the power they have comprehended into the void and become a physical object.

Thousands of years later, when you are rebuilding your cultivation, as long as you continue to understand it again from that materialized object, you can practice in line with the times.

Thousands of years are just a matter of making oneself go from being to nothing, and from nothing to being, no one knows how long this process will take.

In short, tens of thousands of years have passed, and based on their knowledge and understanding of the Overlord, they have still not been able to return to the Overlord level.

But the new era must bring new understandings.

All the four masters have realized the power of self-cultivation.

This realization allows them to determine that they can transcend their past selves in the future and move forward step by step.

Is this the power of the chaotic era?

Sheng Shang slowly opened his eyes, what is the meaning of cause and effect? Is there a cause and an effect? Is it a process of existence? None, but something that I once clearly understood but gave up on – connection.

Cause and effect, connects life and death, cause and effect, connects right and wrong, cause and effect, connects the past and the future.

Causation connects everything.

This is the true power of cause and effect.

I realized it before but didn’t care, but in the new era I know it’s right.

This is how times are changing.

It is a bit regretful. If I had understood it thoroughly earlier, no, even if I understood it, I would not be able to transcend the times.

And the connection is just the beginning. The next step is, wait, what is that?


The huge roar and shock awakened the four masters, and also awakened the ancestors and Wang Wen who had been prepared.

The Lord Mi appears.

Seeing Mi Master appearing outside the starry sky and trying to break in, the four masters were stunned.

“Impossible, Master Mi? Aren’t you dead?”

Beyond the starry sky, Master Mi has been waiting for this moment for too long. He has been suppressed since the first time he faced the master in the Nine Bases era. Although he can fight with any master, both sides will be injured, but so what, the six masters unite , there is no hope for mankind.

He struggled again and again, tried again and again, but failed again and again.

Now, we have finally reached this point.

The disbelieving voice of Shengshang revealed deep fear.

They are getting closer and closer to death.

Shi Jian looked at the Mi Master in shock as he looked out at the starry sky. He was fooled. The Mi Master was not dead, but they had clearly confirmed that the other party was dead. Why is this happening?

“Wang Wen, you are plotting against us.” The Lord of Life growled.

In the starry sky, the four masters, the ancestor, and Wang Wen were all separated. Even though it was not easy for them to find each other, they were able to talk to each other.

“Seniors, don’t say that. I am just the executor. The one who plots against you is the senior Mi Lord in front of you.”

The ancestor didn’t speak and listened quietly. Master Mi fulfilled him, but sacrificed Lu Yin.

He treats everyone as a child, no matter the Three Realms, Six Paths or Pillars, they should not be sacrificed like this.

Xiang Siyu said in a low tone: “What’s going on? Master Mi, you must be dead, absolutely right, but why are you like this? And you actually have the power of a master level.”

“We won’t miss your breakthrough.”

Beyond the starry sky, Master Mi took a deep breath: “In the new era, although this power is comparable to that of domination, it is not at the level of domination. Of course, if you are not afraid of taking the wrong path, it can also be called the realm of domination.”

“The real final step of the great plan is for me to die in exchange for your trust, and finally to transcend the master and take charge of the universe.”

“Although the process was complicated, God blessed my human race and gave birth to Lu Yin. He carried out the plan that was bound to fail and gave me the power to successfully reach my current level in such a short period of time. ”

“I can only say that the new era cannot be controlled by you. Times have changed, and the creatures that rule the new era will also change.”

“This era belongs to me, human beings.”

Sheng Shang was shocked: “Did you kill Lu Yin?”

Shi Jian, Xiangsi Yu, and the master of life were all shocked.

They did not expect that Lu Yin was actually killed by Master Mi and was deprived of his power.

No wonder, they didn’t understand at first that with Wang Wen’s strength, he shouldn’t be able to kill Lu Yin. However, Wang Wen found the traitor of Death, and this made them believe it.

Of course, in order to transform and rebuild, they will instinctively believe this.

The desire to break through the dominance-level power in the new era has made them lost, but this loss is also given by Mi Zhu, or the great plan.

Xiang Siyu exclaimed: “They say we are ruthless, humans, but you are even more ruthless. That Lu Yin has shouldered so much for human civilization, stepped up step by step, and has outstanding talents. You all kill such people, you are ruthless enough.” ”

The master of life lamented: “We did not lose unjustly.”

Sheng Shang stared out at the starry sky: “Can you tell us whether this was planned from the beginning or a coincidence?”

Master Mi did not speak, and Wang Wen responded: “Of course it’s a coincidence. We can’t control Lu Yin’s existence. He also went through countless lives and deaths before he got to this point, but he was almost over.”

Xiang Siyu’s tone was cold: “But a lot of his life and death are under your control. Without you, he would have died long ago.”

Wang Wen smiled and said: “That’s why we chose Senior Mi Zhu instead of him. After all, no one can help him in his future. No one knows what heights he can reach, but Mi Senior Master is different, no, he is standing here.”

“But there is one thing I didn’t expect. Senior Mi Lord, why do you still only have Dominator-level combat power?”

Mi Zhu looked deeply into the starry sky and had no intention of saying anything about Weiluo Civilization: “Everything is over. Today, the great plan comes to an end.”

After saying that, he raised his hand, and in his palm, destructive power continued to gather, which was far more terrifying than before.


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