Star Odyssey Chapter 5393: True or False in Historical Theory


All four masters saw it.

“Is it him?” Xiang Siyu was surprised.

I see them staring at people coming from time to time.

The God of Death, also known as Chu Heizi, is one of the masters of human Xiangcheng and the storyteller who captured Shi Chu.

In the past, they did not understand human civilization and did not need to understand it, but now they at least know the identities of some important people.

Death is one of them.

He is not only a human being, but also a storyteller and the leader of the anti-current camp. The three laws were also caused by him when he was captured. He is also the one who informs Mi Master.

This person has long been remembered by the master.

“Is he yours?”

Wang Wendao: “Not bad.”

“You may not know what this God of Death means to Lu Yin, so we have to start from the Tianyuan Universe. At that time…”

A brief introduction by Wang Wen.

When the God of Death set foot in the ancient city of time, he had just finished speaking.

Facing the four masters, Death took his time and saluted slowly.

Sheng Shang stared at the God of Death: “Why did you betray Lu Yin?”

The God of Death said calmly: “There is no betrayal, I am not familiar with him. It was Wang Wen who gave me new life, not him.”

The four masters looked at each other and wanted to say something, but for the moment they didn’t know what to say. Because Lu Yin is dead and Master Mi is dead, there is only one ancestor who is a threat to the outside world.

The Lord of Life stared at the God of Death: “You seem to be a disciple of Taichu too.”

The God of Death raised his eyes: “I will not attack Master.”

The Master of Life’s eyes flashed: “Since you have betrayed Lu Yin, why should you care about Taichu?”

The God of Death said: “I said that it was not a betrayal to Lu Yin.”

Xiang Siyu stared at Wang Wen: “Why did you tell us about Lu Yin’s death? Why did you attack him?” They didn’t pay attention to Wang Wen until now. The shock brought by Lu Yin’s death was really too great.

Wang Wen looked solemn: “It’s very simple, he wants to kill me.”

“In the battle in the ancient city of years, seven ancient cities supported us. After we escaped from the river of years, Lu Yin attacked me immediately. If I hadn’t run fast, I would have died.”

“I have not betrayed the Lord, because I do not belong to the Lord.”

“But I have truly betrayed humanity. Do you think, seniors, that Lu Yin will still give me good things to eat?”

“In this universe there is him but not me, and there is me but not him.”

Shi Jian asked: “Just kill, why tell us?”

“Because I don’t want to be chased by the Lord either.” Wang Wen replied. His voice was a little low and helpless, and he looked at Xiang Siyu: “Master of Fate, because of the three laws, you besieged the Master and did a series of things before returning safely. No one can cause trouble for you, but what about me? How can I Do it?”

Xiang Siyu’s eyes moved.

This is true, she has thought about it too.

Wang Wen is definitely not willing to succumb to dominance and will try his best to break through the dominance level. That’s why he joined forces with her to besiege the Lord of Cause and Effect, break the framework of the universe, and do this series of things.

But because of the three laws, she was able to reconcile with the other masters, but it was impossible for Wang Wen.

The moment he took action, he was destined to become the mortal enemy of the six masters.

And he had betrayed Jiuling, used Lu Yin, and was considered a major danger by Lu Yin. This meant that after Lu Yin became one-fifth, there was no place for him in the entire universe, and he had to find a way to save himself. Save.

Wang Wen smiled bitterly and said, “Think about it, the masters are aloof and don’t care about the fighting at the bottom. No matter what happens, they will not let you do anything. But I am different. I have not only become the sworn enemy of the masters, but also become Lu Yin’s Dead enemy.”

“No matter what happens with the Lord and human civilization, I can’t stand on it.”

“In this case, I can only kill Lu Yin and express my sincerity to the seniors again. I also hope that the seniors will give me a chance, whether it is a seal or a serious injury, so that I can live safely in this universe without being hunted down. It’s that simple.”

The four masters listened quietly. Whether you believe what Wang Wen said or not, he is here now. They can kill Wang Wen, they can seal him, they can do whatever they want.

He is the meat on the chopping block.

The murderous intention flashed in Shi Jian’s eyes. It wanted to kill Wang Wen. If not for Wang Wen, it would not have been forced to kill its father.

Wang Wen bowed deeply: “Of course, if the seniors are willing to give the juniors a chance, the juniors should share the worries of the seniors, for example, let the ancestors transform and rebuild together with the seniors.”

The four masters were surprised, “Are you sure you can do it?”

What they want to do most now is to ensure safety during transformation and reconstruction. The only person who can really pose a threat to them is one of their ancestors. The rest, including Wang Wen, are not real threats.

Wang Wen does not have dominance-level combat power.

The former Lu Yin and the current Ancestor are both threats.

The only way to allow them to transform and rebuild with peace of mind is to force the ancestor to come together, otherwise even if the ancestor is seriously injured, it will not work. seal? No, and they are not sure that they can completely kill the ancestor, and Hongshuang is still outside the ancient times.

This is their only headache after the death of Master Mi and Lu Yin.

Wang Wen respectfully said: “No one understands human beings better than human beings, let alone his disciples here.”

The God of Death raised his head: “I will definitely obey Wang Wen’s orders.”

The four masters looked at each other without much hesitation: “Okay, Wang Wen, we will give you another chance to seal you, and you must let the Taichu transform and rebuild with us.”

“Don’t worry, we will naturally lift your seal after we break through. If we can truly transcend the level of domination, you will definitely become the dominator.”

“This is the promise given to you by our four masters.”

Wang Wen was overjoyed: “Thank you, seniors.”

“By the way, what happened to Taichu?” the four masters asked.

Wang Wen was helpless: “That Land Master has a deep mind and has done many things beyond my expectations. Whether it is the beginning or the coming of the era of disorder, I cannot do it.”

No one can deny this, they have all seen what Lu Yin did.

The Master of Life looked at Lu Yin’s body: “Then there is no need to keep this body.”

Wang Wen said hurriedly: “Senior, please keep your hands. Lu Yin is too important to mankind. Whether he is alive or dead, keeping this body will be useful in the future.”

“What’s the use?” Shengshang asked, staring at Wang Wen.

Wang Wendao: “What if someone pretends to be Lu Yin and appears one day to boost the morale of human civilization, wouldn’t this corpse be of use?”

Shi Jian was surprised: “Is there such a thing?”

Wang Wen smiled: “They are all small tricks, but they are very useful.”

Sheng Shang nodded: “Indeed, some methods, although clumsy, are very useful. Okay, keep this body and store it here. Anyway, we must have one sitting in the ancient city of the ages, and no one can take it away.”

Xiang Siyu said: “If someone takes you away, Wang Wen, it will be your problem.”

Because there are only six people who know that Lu Yin’s body is here, the four masters will not do anything, only Wang Wen and the God of Death.

Wang Wen saluted: “There will definitely be no accidents.”

Soon, Wang Wen left with the God of Death.

In the ancient city of Time, the eyes of the four masters once again fell on Lu Yin.

“I didn’t expect this person to be really dead. I haven’t even reacted yet.”

“It’s not a matter of strength, but that this person was too cunning and scheming, but also extremely talented. When he died, it always felt so unreal.”

“But this is his body, yes.”

“What do you think of Wang Wen?”

“Just seal it directly. Even if he can lift the seal, it won’t be a while. Besides, even if he lifts the seal, he can’t threaten us. We are fully prepared for transformation and reconstruction. As long as we don’t have master-level combat power, we can’t threaten us.”

“I hope he can make that Taichu agree to transform and rebuild with us, otherwise it will be troublesome.”

“Master Mi is dead, Lu Yin is dead, this universe will still be ours in the future.”

“No one can change it.”

On the other side, Wang Wen and the God of Death were only inches apart.

“You have chosen the right path for this. Before, I was afraid that you would be unkind to women.” Wang Wen looked at the God of Death and said.

The God of Death was indifferent: “Lu Yin and I are not familiar with each other, so how can we be so kind as a woman?”

“Successful kings and defeated bandits. Throughout the history of civilization, there are too many examples that show that the result is the most important. Too many people have died, and some people should not have died, but their deaths can help the general trend. This is right. ”

The God of Death looked at him: “Why are you telling me this?”

Wang Wen looked at him: “If he asked you to attack Taichu, would you do it?”

The God of Death looked at Wang Wen silently, he was referring to Master Mi.

The reason why the God of Death attacked Lu Yin was because Master Mi was on the right path.

Wang Wen smiled: “You have already told me the answer, okay, you don’t need to worry about Taichu, I will do it.”

The God of Death reminded: “Nothing can happen to Master.”

“What do you think of us? Enemies? We just chose different paths. Although Lu Yin died because of us, his achievements will not be erased. They will be recorded in human history, and so will his statue. Will exist forever, unless everyone in our generation who knew him is dead, and his relatives and friends will be fine.” Wang Wendao.

The God of Death did not speak and silently returned to Xiangcheng.

Wang Wen also went to Xiangcheng with the God of Death, and bluntly asked the ancestor to transform and rebuild together with the four masters.

“Lu Yin’s ability to descend into the era of disorder is indeed very powerful, but there are many things that cannot be fully taken into account even in grand plans, such as transformation and reconstruction.”

“If these four masters want to transform and rebuild with peace of mind, they must eliminate the threat from your side. There is no way.”

The ancestor looked at Wang Wen: “I only ask you one question.”

Wang Wen looked at him: “Excuse me.”

The ancestor said in a low tone: “Is it appropriate to treat Zhuzi then?”

Wang Wen is funny: “Since ancient times, right and wrong have been judged by history. Now we are not qualified to say whether it is right or wrong, because since we have done it, we must think it is right. But only history can tell the outcome of right and wrong. us.”

Wang Wen is gone.

The ancestor did not stop him, and this man will not regret anything he has done.

Even though the God of Death admitted that he had taken action against Lu Yin, and even though Wang Wen brought the news of Lu Yin’s death, the First Ancestor still did not give up looking for Lu Yin.

Continuously call upon the universe with consciousness.

The people in Xiangcheng never gave up.


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